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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. http://mashable.com/2017/07/20/barb-stranger-things-comic-con-movies-netflix/ This is amazing. Poor Barb!
  2. Write up of the Westworld pop up at SDCC. I want to go to there. https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/21/16007196/westworld-the-experience-review-sdcc-2017
  3. I think that is my line. SHUT UP PAUL! Really, it can't be said enough. Paul hates battle back. It's so unfair. I mean, not last year when it helped him but this year totally unfair. Just like returning veterans. Don't I wish. Overall, a fairly entertaining show. Way more interesting than most bonus episodes.
  4. Honestly, throwing liquids in another person's face during an argument crosses a line to me. It is no longer horseplay, regardless of whether or not you are laughing when you do it. Technically speaking, it may rise to the level of battery and/or assault (depending on state law). While Mark may have kept a light demeanor, he clearly was too angry to let it go. Instead, he escalated the situation. Again, it was a game of pool. Who cares if Josh is being a baby about losing, doesn't understand the rules, is incorrect about whether he scratched, or is just an immature idiot. A proportionate response may have been to continue to insist he was wrong and badmouth him to the house, or to refuse to play with him again. Instead, he physically attacked him. I cannot imagine living with someone as thin skinned as Josh. He would drive me absolutely bonkers. However, I don't think that excuses Mark's behavior in any way.
  5. Evicting Dom may backfire on Paul. She clearly had Cody's ear and blamed Paul for her eviction. Even if Cody wasn't going to go after Paul, he may take what she said at face value and decide he is too much of a threat to work with.
  6. Neither Josh nor Mark came out looking very good. It was a game of pool, guys. Channel Elsa. There was absolutely no reason for it to escalate that way. I am not shocked Jessica won, and I see how it could have happened. She was on the block the last two weeks, and I suspect people would have voted for her just to see it used. Throw in the tears and it doesn't seem that unlikely. She is still a mean girl, IMO, but she has gotten easier to watch now that she is trying to have some semblance of a social game. It really felt like we didn't get much tonight. It would have been nice to at least get details regarding the upcoming competition.
  7. I agree. From my perspective, I think it is better to leave it to the HGs to decide whether or not keeping Christmas in this game and the impact she has as someone who is physically unable to play is worth it. On one hand, you have one less person going against you if you are on the block. On the other, she may hold the spot of someone who might play for you if you were on the block or if you are the HOH. There have been HGs in the past who were bad at competitions or planned to throw competitions. I think you approach Christmas the same way, given her injury. She is not preventing anyone who is on the block from playing, and it is truly a disadvantage for her (as she is unable to play for HOH or the Veto in a good number of competitions), that I don't think is fully offset by the fact that she loses some of her designation as a threat. I definitely didn't block you and unblock you, so let's blame Paul. :)
  8. Oh hey, another episode and another SHUT UP PAUL. Here is the thing, Paul, you decided to make a game move, Dom correctly calls you out on it, and you have the nerve to get angry about it. It would be one thing if this self absorbed jerk was just posturing but his DRs made it clear that he has no self awareness. Meanwhile, we are all stuck with the all Paul all the time show.
  9. Poor Christmas. I was stalking the feeds, so I knew her prognosis, but it was so much harder to hear from her. I continue to be impressed by her. She continues to be upbeat in the face of heartbreak. I know I sound like a broken record, but SHUT UP PAUL. Ugh, when he walked in and said "here are your options," I wanted to scream. How do you not bristle at someone directing your HOH like that. I would absolutely love it if Paul was walking our the door next week, but everyone seems so snowed by him.
  10. My husband was so mad it wasn't an announcement show like last time. You definitely weren't alone. I was worried casting a woman would feel like a stunt, but Jodie Whittaker feels like a good fit to me. I am excited to see how it goes. My understanding is that the hoodie is a take on Capaldi's costume and it will not be hers.
  11. I enjoyed having everyone back together. The "old fashioned and deeply wrong" town felt very Fallout, and I kept expecting someone to pull out a Nuka Cola or something. I honestly think part of the problem with the flow of the episode was cutting to the scenes with Aneela and DSK. I get that they are trying to build up to something, but it just didn't work in this episode. I think it is also that I find Aneela less scary if she doesn't have control. I am not sure why. I guess she feels less calculating because she seems like she can be manipulated. It makes her less fun as a bad guy. However, I enjoyed the main story. I liked the creepy factor, and loved the line about how on the scale of D'av weirdness, going to a Hullen town and having no memory of it was a 6 or so. I also enjoyed the fallout from Johnny's departure and return. There should be some discussion. Overall I thought it was solid, though definitely a step down from the previous episodes.
  12. This is what we were saying too. They are approaching and they see a big army and you just expect one of them to say they have to give over the army. Instead they find a nice cozy cave, hookup and then decide to walk through the battle?
  13. I am going to miss Cody's deadpan. It was a hilarious change from the screaming and crying we generally get in the DR. He ended up losing me, but he still had his moments and I agree that the exit interview was very entertaining. Also, I need him back to take out Paul. Jessica continues to act like a jerk, even when she is trying to do damage control. I find her unbearable. What adult bursts into tears because they can't have cake and have to sit in a particular spot? We aren't even that deep into the game.
  14. Exactly! HE is so convinced that he has the house and that everyone loves him that he thinks he can just waltz into a room and tell someone to do something that may not be best for their game. If you don't do what he dictates, you are shady and you should go. Paul legitimately tried to argue that someone who was not gunning for him but may not have complied 100% with his instructions might be more of a threat than someone who is trying to get them out. For me, it is Paul. I don't mind the veterans as much as a lot of people do. I dislike Paul, who is always "on" and trying to be oh so clever and cute, but who loses his mind whenever people don't do exactly what he wants them to do. I would really have liked to see how this group played out without Paul trying to dominate every last second of camera time.
  15. Ugh, the way Paul approached Ramses from the beginning was so obnoxious. The way he basically said in exchange for throwing the veto we will keep you safe had me rolling my eyes (hey Paul, if he wins veto he will be safe this week anyway). This competition reminded me of the one last year that looked so shady. It had the different rooms and you had to solve the puzzles. The editing makes these types of challenges look inherently untrustworthy. It looked like Alex skipped a lot, but she wasn't close to the top. It felt like Paul took forever to complete his and he won.
  16. I think the goal is to get Cody out. They don't see Jessica as a threat. Cody or Jessica could still be picked to play, but a chance at playing is better than absolutely having both of them play from their perspective.
  17. Ok, fine, Cody is awful. Stop acting like a petulant child. He still isn't as awful as Jessica. I don't understand why all these idiots are saying they trust Paul. It would be one thing to say I trust that his plan is to target Cody and our interests align this week, but they keep talking about how they trust him without question. Kevin continues to somehow slip under the radar, despite taking a temptation and straight up lying about his vote. Mark as the voice of reason. Pawns sometimes go home. Don't risk people you need and remove votes from your team. Ramses is probably correct that this is the week to do it, though it could throw a wrench in the plan to backdoor Cody. On the other hand, it reduces the chance that Cody plays in the veto competition.
  18. So many great lines. I continue to love this show. I figured out the twist but it was a clever workaround. Short of regeneration I can't think of many more effective ways to replace an actor. I am excited the team is back together after Johnny's side quest.
  19. It looked like he slipped and her foot landed the wrong way, causing a hyperextension (similar to turf toe). I don't want to get too far offtopic from reading spoilers at the time, but my understanding is that she was taken to the hospital and properly treated. I found it odd that they glossed over that. As far as appropriateness, we all have our threshold, but I don't find a piggy back ride to be particularly inappropriate. I don't think it would bother me. Seems more like goofing off than flirting. I hate that Christmas is hurt. She has become my early favorite and I hope she can work it to her advantage. Maybe losing some of her physical prowess will reduce her threat level.
  20. Ugh, shut up Jessica. The vote was just completely different than you expected and your brilliant move is to yell at a person who didn't vote, but who most of the house decided to keep? This has been a surprisingly jam packed first week. I can't say I will miss Jillian. She seemed nice but so boring.
  21. I agree. I far prefer cold but direct over constantly mugging to the camera convinced that the world thinks you are hilarious and cute. Honestly, I kinda like Cody, though it is early and that is subject to change. I think some of it is strategy. If you try to talk game to him, he gives you the blank poker face and you end up revealing more than you intended. I have seen the same thing work in negotiations and depositions. People feel like they need to keep going if the other person doesn't give them cues to stop (and one of the main things your lawyer will tell you if you are deposed is to answer only what is asked). It's also effective when people are pissed. I had a terrible customer service phone job as a temp and I learned quickly that the more you apologize, the more people continue complaining about stuff that is not your fault. I also think he is fairly straightforward and would be good to work with if you get him. He clearly likes direct (even if he doesn't like the answer) and someone who puts in the effort. I suspect that if you came to him with a real argument for staying he would consider it (rather than just trying to tell him what the to do, PAUL).
  22. I got the impression he was exempt, so whenever he went in, he wouldn't be counted.
  23. Ugh, Paul is so obnoxious. I really wanted to see all of his overt scheming bite him in the butt. I wish the pendant of protection was once in the three weeks. It's too much to get three weeks. Also, shut up Paul. You were the one who wanted to go after the veterans last year. Cody's deadpan look when people try to talk game cracks me up. So does Alex. She has no tolerance for fools.
  24. It will be Paul becuase his immunity will outlast everyone else.
  25. The callback to the diary entry Nardole read at Missy's execution.
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