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The Companion

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Everything posted by The Companion

  1. I loved the motel and it honestly got a lot of mileage with me. The motel plus the fairly creepy ghost/witch scenes honestly reminded me of the early episodes in the middle of the night feeding the baby. So I think I can give this one a bit more leeway than everyone else here. The kid actors were just okay. Particularly kidSam reacting to the Baba Yaga, but they had their moments. I really love the MOTW episodes, so this one ended up landing pretty solidly for me. Honestly, I can't get worked up about the secrets and lies plots anymore. I just hope for a short duration.
  2. Same on all of this except the last one as this was my first live episode. Weeee. I love the gory special effects but I could not look at those fingernails. I loved the ghostbusters montage so much. It was nice to see the guys happy. A little calm before the angst. It's about time those cars got some use. I loved that Dean got to be firm that it wasn't something that he could just forget about. Overall, it was fun and a bit silly. I really liked it.
  3. I could watch Dan Levy's reactions on loop for hours.
  4. I guess my point was they might cover it up, but because of the potential exposure, he might be sent out somewhere else like The Deep. Plus, even the allegation might be enough to lose his sponsorship deals. He has to know that nobody has his back if there is a chance the cover up fails. I do think it was a bluff, but I also think it at least had some teeth. Agreed. I think Starlight did in her own way (see when she helped the random civilian), but there is a lot of ego in it for all of them (except again possibly current-day Maeve who feels more trapped than the rest of them). It's a little old studio Hollywood, a little reality show, and a little corporate malfeasance all rolled into one.
  5. Oh for sure. Evil or dead (possibly for running her mouth). She is way too enjoyable. She isn't looking for a conviction. She doesn't need beyond a reasonable doubt. Her threat was to go to ESPN. To drum up enough controversy to have all his sponsors drop him. To lose public support. I recognized his voice and couldn't stop laughing. The scene was just so deeply unsettling, weird and hilarious. He is so creepy. So incredibly, deeply creepy. Talking about being a god. Threatening in that low key conversational way. And Maeve, talking about his abusive, murderous ways. That made me shudder. I don't know who wins in a fight, but I don't think ATrain knows either. He also doesn't know who she has ready to spill. He doesn't have any backup, but he knows she has Hughie. He takes a shot, he better kill her. And even then, there are other players involved. Karen Fukuhara was amazing in the scene with her brother. Truly great work. I agree. His reputation is critical if he wants to remain where he is and not get sent off to some small town somewhere (or worse if the reputational harm blows back on the Seven and Homelander gets involved). The Seven are barely superheroes. They are packaged, marketed media-driven personalities. I love Starlight standing up to ATrain. I loved the montage of the same garbage questions and the glitzy media rollout that felt like a steaming pile of bullshit. I actually enjoyed this episode way more than the first. It had some lighter/funnier parts and the pacing was better, in my opinion. I also really liked the change in the team. The refusal to just go along with Butcher. I am least enthralled with The Deep, but the gills were hilarious to me and the pseudo-scientology angle could be interesting.
  6. Now I can't stop envisioning a finale where Manbun Sam is trying to learn magic from original Sam while original Dean destroys other Dean at pool.
  7. It has definitely been a different experience than watching it over 15 years would have been! I am really glad I did, even if there have been some disappointments. Plus, the fans are awesome. I wonder if AU Sam and Dean will sell their monster killing services abroad. 😆
  8. Same. I enjoyed it and thought alterna Sam and Dean were hilarious (JP and JA seemed to be having a blast). I actually laughed when they said they got paid for hunting monsters. Me too. I actually thought it was as good of an apology as we ever get on this show and it was nice to see a beat before forgiveness. Yes please. Me too. It was funny to see them playing RPS All of this. I actually enjoyed this one a lot. I MADE IT. Less than a year ago I started watch this series with the hope of catching up for the finale. I slowed down when COVID shut everything down, but I did it and the next episode I watch will be liveish (kids, man).
  9. I do not know why, but I cannot stop giggling at this. I have never hated Claire the way so many people do, and I actually feel like they could have done something good with the show (whether they would have is a different question). I didn't hate tying this loose end up for a few reasons: 1. Whether or not it was for spinoff purposes, the arc here was established over several seasons and Jody, in particular, has been an ongoing and important part of the show. I found it somewhat satisfying to see some resolution for her and her family. 2. I was willing to give them the love story because they managed to not kill the lesbian after alll (and I am on record for being in favor for all the plot armor for LGBTQ+ characters), and I will simply concede that the story would have been less ham handed with more screentime that would have been in the spinoff and that I am happy to skip in the main as irrelevant, 3. I do think there was a loose end leave NotKaia running around after lying to her. I can't really explain why I didn't hate this one. Maybe it's that I love Jody and Billie and found the reaper entertaining. Maybe it's that I am a sucker for the guys risking everything for just one person. Maybe it's Stockholm Syndrome and low expectations. It's a mystery! But after struggling to get through some of this season, I found myself enjoying this one. Also, made fun of Chuck's slow destruction of Kaia's world and then saw the tvs full of disasters and realized that was very on brand for Chuck, so they probably did get one thing right. Those meteors, though. 😆🙄
  10. It was really dark. I assume it's setting up some major points this season, but it was really serious and I missed some of the absurdity. The physical effects are so amazing and horrifying. Blame a steady diet of horror movies but despite not being able to handle a bloody nose in real life, I love special effects and this show is amazing. Somehow two exploding bodies last season and some really gross stuff in this one (that arm!) the breastmilk was somehow the most horrifying part for me too. I think it was even more disturbing after he killed her so mercilessly. Homelander is really creepy. I am interested to see where the NotScientology story goes. I am having a lot of trouble rooting for Hughie too, particularly because he can't find anyone to be all in with, so he just feels indecisive. I did really like what they did with Starlight so far this season. She has taken a lot more ownership and it is good to watch.
  11. I thought it was the case as well. This was my perception. If it was wrong, I am still going with it, not because the writers deserve the benefit of the doubt, but because I deserve to enjoy an episode dammit. And I did like this one. I loved the concept. I really liked Fortuna and the bartender and even the waitress with the pie. I liked the guys being on the same page mostly, but talking when they weren't. I loved Sam trusting Dean and giving him credit for all the ways Dean shaped him. I loved cocky Dean at the pool table. In short, I am calling it a win, putting my fingers in my ears and LALALALAing everything else. 😆 I didn't even post on the prior episode, which I will probably only acknowledge as set up for this one and then do my best to forget.
  12. I also liked the reveal that they were actual endings and that Chuck manipulated the Eileen thing. Yeah, it seems to me like the guys often take care of an immediate problem and then deal with the next problem. Even if it was true, it seems like trapping God and then figuring out the monster thing would make more sense. And agreed that they wouldn't have allowed themselves to stick around and hurt their friends. I thought JA was great in this and there were some pretty good parts to counteract some fairly dumb ones. The script sort of felt like a first draft and there was some and thenning. I feel like the writers cannot figure out pacing (among so many other things) and it is maddening.
  13. I love her and she was fire in that red dress. This is my problem. I like her as a character and she feels like a plot device. The potential normal life who will be murdered to give Sam the feels. It was so ridiculous. The writing is so bad, though, I wasn't 100% sure it wasn't intentional. 😆😭 This was definitely an "and then" spaghetti-on-the-wall episode, but I felt like some of it was okay. I loved Rowena, obviously. I also liked the concept of a symbiotic angel-host relationship. And I am sorta glad the poor kid is out of hell. Interestingly, this marks the episode thar was current when I started S1E1, so I have caught up to where the season was when I started the show. That's pretty rad.
  14. Their chemistry was great. I might have started shipping them were it not for the fact that he was so obviously the bad guy. I would absolutely watch this. Maybe we can at least get a guest star appearance in Leverage? I actually enjoyed this one a lot. Sure, there was like negative dramatic tension in the Sam plot (oh no, are they going to kill Sam? I mean, come on). That being said, I found Christian Kane to be amazing and really enjoyed his scenes with Dean. I like Eileen a lot and enjoyed the pairing with Sam. And i am glad to have Castiel back. Given how crappy so many of the episodes have been, I declare this one watchable.
  15. I love their friendship so much. David's face during the performance was life. I mean, basically all of this. Why am I even posting. 😆 I did love how Moira dismissed the news with the idea that they have their entire lives to celebrate. I really didn't expect Moira/Stevie to be a pairing that destroyed me, but it was so so great. The excerpts of the show were so freaking good. Cabaret has particular meaning for me. A mentor who was murdered played the Emcee. The show always makes me think of him, so I was probably already predisposed to be a bit of a mess, but this was just so great.
  16. Me toooooo. 😭😭😭 I love every scene with then. I loved this so much. Yes. I love that. Similar to the way he handled things in Meet the Parents. It's one of my favorite David qualities and it's one of the things that makes the relationship work for me. That makes the character work for me. Yep. Nobody with chest pain is sitting in the waiting room. This episode was just so good.
  17. Oh, I am sure they backed into the better choice.
  18. Hee. I honestly didn't think about that and it now makes the entire scene sort of unintentionally hilarious to me. Something about the painting and the better tour of her place made me smile. I loved Rowena. Even bad Rowena. Ugh. You are probably right and I am not happy about it. Someone needs to explain that bringing characters back doesn't undo the fridging, especially if they do it again. I agree with this. I love that she was always working for her own goals. It was something I thought they actually screwed up with Crowley. She ultimately died for her own reasons too, and I don't want to see that taken away. Yep. I think it would absolutely imply that being Deaf was inferior in some way. That her deafness required fixing. I disagree, or at least the that many in the Deaf community would have had a huge problem with it. I am not a member of the community myself, but one of my best friends is a CODA. Many in the community struggle to be seen as whole and complete people. Look, for example, at the way many within the community see cochlear impants. Here is a pretty comprehensive explanation. https://time.com/76154/deaf-culture-cochlear-implants/?amp=true In the end, I think it would have been an exceptionally controversial thing to do and it would certainly have offended many. EILEEN. I loved her and I am still pissed that they killed her off the way they did. I loved this episode, despite its faults. Apparently, I am an outlier, but I loved Rowena's apartment and Eileen. I even liked Cas actually getting to do something other than look sad. I even liked Sam as a witch, something I probably would have hated in theory. Mostly, though, I am happy to see Eileen. I know they will fuck it up, but I am taking the win until they disappoint me again.
  19. It isn't a coming out story that doesn't exist, so while it is aspirational, it isn't necessarily unrealistic and that gives me hope. My heart was in my throat the entire time and it was just so damn good to see a positive story. I totally agree it was inspirational. I think it helps to give a model for parents who may be on the other end, and it certainly gives hope to those struggling with this. I was crying like a baby. I am so behind on this show that I haven't commented, but I had to comment on this one. To watch David and Patrick's parents scramble to make sure he felt safe and supported? And that scene where David just supported the hell out of Patrick? Oh my heart. No manufactured drama. Just love and understanding. It really was great.
  20. Zipping up thr tent and those camping outfits were both ridiculous. As a New Orleanian, I sympathize with people getting your local area completely and totally wrong. I have been waiting for it. You have this powerful weapon and you leave it in the glovebox? Come on. I think the most disheartening thing for me is that I can't tell the difference between the recent episodes that weren't supposed to be hacky writing and the episodes where that was in play. That is depressing. I guess the only good news was that the twist explained the stupidity of the women at the beginning, the fact that Lilith was willing to stay in a random hotel room with someone she just met while drugged, and the terrible faux girl scout outfits or whatever was happening with the clothes. I agree that the actress playing Lilith made an otherwise lackluster episode moderately entertaining, so there is that.
  21. How sad is it when "I didn't hate it" is high praise? 😭
  22. And while we are at it, if she has to do penance for an apocalypse that ultimately didn't happen, what is their punishment for the massive amount of collateral damage caused in the second apocalypse that never happened?
  23. Loop I feel like he is so very mustache twirling because the actor is so likeable. It is also making him a frustrating bad guy for me. I honestly didn't love Benny the way most people do, but that opening scene was fantastic. "Don't date a guy who thinks he's God." would have been some pretty stellar advice for many of my friends when we were in our 20s. 😆 Agreed. They were awful and the idea that Sam identified with them instead of the kid was bizarre. I also hated the line Dean had about someone having a fetish. I was honestly just happy to see some fallout from having to kill Rowena (RAAAAAGE). It was a lot better than mentioning her death in passing like poor Eileen. I also don't find it inconsistent that Sam was able to drum up optimism that faded when he had to stab Rowena. Ohhhhh. That explains why Dean put the God Gun in the unsecured glove compartment despite the fact that Baby had been stolen with dangerous artifacts not that long ago and he would he particularly aware of the need to secure a one-of-a-kind weapon like that. I think I was still in too much of a shitty mood from the last episode to get the same level of enjoyment as everyone else on this one. I was happy to have a monster, but this one just didn't work for me To focus on the good stuff: I actually liked Becky's rehabilitation (though I am still irritated about the need for it and it was a little hard to 180 on her). If she is going to be a stand in for the fans, I like that they made her a healthy and creative one. I liked the ackowledgement that what she was doing was real writing. I liked that her obsession was reframed in a more healthy light. I wanted to look at her tiny figurines and hear about why she loved the stories. I also choose to read the entire episode as an acknowledgement that the writers realize they suck and the fans are doing a better job. 😆 I liked the opening sequence. It was creepy and moody and well done. Maybe it was one of Becky's AUs, since it was so much more compelling than the rest of the episode. Ok, sorry. Focusing on the good and not the snark. Gold star for trying to shock us with the twist? I thought the kid sacrficing himself was actually fairly compelling. I did find it weird that none of the three members of the family, upon discovery that someone knew about vampires, didn't ask about a cure or controlling it. I know the BM is somewhat controversial, but I liked Sam opening up about his headspace. I also like that they worked together on this one.
  24. Here is a screenshot and with the way the dress gathers, I really think they were going for uterus. Particularly since they did multiple closeups of where she was asking to be stabbed and it seems like a hack writer would do.
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