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Everything posted by TiffanyNichelle

  1. I was this close to giving up on this season. Or at least watching with a lot of bitterness. Too many things were happening that I was just not here for. Plover was back and making Alice work with him. Margo willingly slept with Josh and accepted becoming a werewolf. Julia got even more special. Still no update on Penny 40. Then to top it all off Eliot was dead? Nope, no way. I was not going to enjoy any of this. But it looks like Eliot isn't dead after all! Oh thank goodness. I hope they can wrap up the monster arc because they still need to deal with the Library and Irene and when will Margo's fairy eye come in to play?
  2. Oh Hunter you are a complete meathead but at least you had the smarts to actually call out Ashley in the elimination. That was so sweet! Of course his obsession with Johnny no longer makes sense. I feel like Johnny doesn't even really see Hunter as an actual rival. I think he cares more about Wes. He just messes with Hunter. I loved that one rookie who was all "are they fighting about things that happened 17 years ago? Let it go!" In fact I love that all the rookies this season are just over the vets obsession with old useless grudges. Zach is slime. I felt really uncomfortable with that glimpse of his relationship with Jenna. So he downloads Bumble under fake name as a "joke"? Seriously? And somehow makes Jenna be the one to apologize and beg him to stay with her? Jenna can do so much better. I do like that Da'vonne was not going to be part of it in any way. But who cares cause Ashley is gone!!! Yay! I loved that Cara Maria called her out for trying to act like not a threat when she's won two challenges. Like come on.
  3. Ugh, Ashley is back. I'm annoyed that she wasn't left as the last pick after her over the top freakout with that one kid. She's so tough and so hard and yet cries at the drop of hat. And if she's so rich, why is she even back? I did love the look on her face when she thought the kid was going to pick her and then instead he picked Cara Maria. Cara Maria in a relationship on a challenge is the worst. I foresee Paulie cheating on her (cause he's a cheater) with someone there. And I feel like Kyle has completely rewritten everything that happened on the last challenge to make himself the injured party. The "prospects" are going to be annoying. ITA, Nany had on too much powder. She looked weird. She was wrong to go from heavy flirting with one guy to literally humping Johnny. I don't think she would be cool with a guy flirting with her and then ten minutes later motorboating his good female friend. Do Zach and Jenna break up again during the challenge? Because that would suck for Jenna.
  4. Jeez Dean Fogg. Your life was messy as hell. It was nice getting a look at what he did when he wasn't running around trying to fix the shit the gang got into. I also kind of liked the vibe with Marina. And turning him into her father? Clearly she has some issues there. Backstory on Marina 23? I did not like Marina in the first season but I'm digging her now. I liked that she figured out who Penny was and used his traveling abilities to get around. Impulsively undoing a spell without thinking it out and weighing the consequences? It's the Magicians way! But at least everyone got the identities back and are all together. Of course they are together with the Monster so... But hey Margo made it back! I thought she would be stuck in Fillory missing out on everything. I thought it was sweet how Quentin asked for Eliot back. I want him back as well.
  5. Are we going to turn this into a Julia fans versus Alice fans thing? Can we not? Because I liked Alice in the beginning but then hated her by the end. I hated Julia from the start and haven't stopped.
  6. I like that Kady was the first (outside of Quentin/Brian with Eliot/Monster) to sort of figure out what was going on and to start gathering the group. I also like the team-up with Margo. I don't think they ever really interacted much before. I like Kady taking point because her storyline last year wasn't that great. I hope Margo gets out of Fillory soon. She was pretty much stuck there all last season and was separated from the group too much. On the other hand, I hope she finds out what Irene did the Fairy Queen and takes her out. I really need someone to take out Irene. Anyone, I don't care who. I hope the fairy eye she gave to Margo comes into play for that. Santa Claus being in the next cell over was funny. I remember when Penny first came to the Neitherlands someone mentioned seeing a guy with reindeer so good for them for picking up that little nugget and running with it. I did wonder if we were going to see a glimpse of Penny40 when Alice was in the infirmary. He's still working for the Library. I forgot that after they came back to this timeline Marina just fucked off and did her own thing. It was very Marina. Of course she's still being a hedge witch and snatching power. Just because the Library is controlling magic doesn't mean it's completely locked up. Marina is too clever to not come up with a way to steal some. I watched a bunch of episodes from the past seasons to get me back into the show and man, I like Julia even less after the binge.
  7. The only thing I didn't like from the trailer is the Happy/Aunt May stuff because that means more Happy and over the years I've kind of stopped liking him. He bugged the crap out of me in Homecoming.
  8. After watching these last two episodes all I can think is that this is going to end in someone's death. The fact that all the girls and women who left him and made it out alive is kind of a miracle isn't it? The woman who stole the pee tape said there were discussions about killing her. The Clary girl's sister who was hustled out of the studio and left on the road. The escalation in control over the girls and women, the manipulation. He really thinks he's untouchable. If the cops ever get off his ass and go after him or if the labels drop him and the money dries up I can see him deciding to kill himself or the women he still has under his control. And I don't want him to die, he (and this whole team of his that helps him do all this) to go to jail, to pay for what they've all done. The Clary family infuriated me. I had to pause the tv several times during the scenes. Oh you're mad that right after your daughter turned 18 anonymous people started to message you about what he's done? You were already suspicious of him from the get-go! You didn't want her meeting him alone, lost it when she was in the hotel without telling you. I don't care if you said he was acquitted of the child porn charges so it was all good. You still had doubts. Don't now try to make it everyone else's fault they didn't warn you. The signs was there for years. Like a lot of people they decided to ignore it to get their daughter a leg up until it was too late. I hope she gets free though. She doesn't deserve any of this. ETA, I forget which woman it was but one of them mentioned that she met Sparkle's niece, the girl from the pee tape and the last girl who sued him said that he said he had someone with him for 15 years. Is that the same girl? Did her family just completely give her up to him?
  9. It's a small thing but I like that they have two clinical psychologists as talking heads and one's a man, another's a woman and they're both black. And once again I need them to stop talking to Bruce. The younger brother should have taken the deal because he would have been rich?? What? Lie and say that you are a child abuser because hey, you'll get some money and maybe a record deal out of it? Bruce is just as sick as Robert.
  10. I still remember being in high school and overhearing some girls talk about how old Aaliyah was and being shocked that she was my age. Then the whole marriage/abortion (or miscarriage) thing came out. I don't think at the time me or anyone I knew had MTV so it was all just rumors and no one would really believe it. I did think their relationship was weird. Looking back now, you can see how seriously young she looked at the time. This isn't "oh sh's tall for her age and looks a lot older", she was obviously a kid. And everyone let him get away with and keeps pretty much turning a blind eye to him. Because like the woman said in the first episode, no one cares when it's black girls. "Fast" and "she thinks she's grown" is always terms thrown out to excuse the shit that is done to or said about black girls. As soon as we start to develop adult looking bodies (or even before) we are treated as adults who should know things even in actually the mind hasn't gotten there yet. I remember when the pee tape came out and I was talking with a friend of a friend who said she would beat her daughter if she did that and that's what she got for being grown and sneaking around with adult men. That the girl basically deserved to get sexually abused by R.Kelly. It was one of the most disturbing conversations and I had to stop talking to the woman because I was so disgusted. The older brother Bruce makes my skin crawl. "He likes young girls, I like older women, we have all our preferences. We're possessive men, we don't like our women talking to other men." Is he trying to condemn him or support him? Sparkle breaking down when she realized she put her niece in the path of a predator broke my heart. Then I thought, but you saw his wife asking permission to eat. Then again you don't immediately go from controlling piece of shit to child abuser.
  11. Gross, of course Ashley lucks her way into the win. Hunter has been a jackass this season but she didn't get through this season on her own. I hate them both so I can't enjoy him getting screwed or her fucking him over. Also RME to them painting Ashley as this big innocent victim all season. She's been big bitch all season but now it's this empowering move? Sylvia crying because her best friend screwed her over? "It's the Challenge!" Isn't that the same thing she told Marie when she was freaking out over Shane voting for her? It comes back around Sylvia. Natalie is a moron. She should have thrown that grenade on Ashley and Hunter instead of Sylvia and Joss. She and Paulie actually had a good chance to win if she hadn't stupidly gone the wrong way. For all their newfound teamwork, Cara Marie and Marie fell apart pretty damn quickly. ETA so Natalie is saying because no one told her dumbass she was going the wrong way that's why she went back on her word? Then why even make the promise? They weren't supposed to help you. Your partner should have kept you in sight but he was too busy worrying about having control of the money to care.
  12. How does Cory get sneak home for slamming Tony but Sylvia headbutted Marie and gets to stay. Oh well, Cory deserved to go for acting like that over some damn pasta. Really dude? Was it worth it? At least now Team Young Buck is down a team. Johnny can't turn the dickishness off, can he? That was a low blow to mention Devin's dad. Johnny was smart enough to try and hit him even though Devin followed him all over the house trying to provoke him. But there's better ways to get at Devin without talking about someone's dad. I hated that I laughed at Johnny's comment over Joss finally saying something but really, half the time I forget Joss is there because he's practically disappeared after Amanda left.
  13. Kyle really is a loser. Was he that scared of Jozea and Davonne or that sure he could beat Natalie and Paulie and teach them a lesson? Cause if he wanted to teach them a lesson he could have just sent them home and picked Jozea and Davonne instead. I felt bad for them because I really liked as a team, especially compared to the rest of this mess. He was never going to pick Cara Maria and hope by now she is over that gross, weird looking dude. Brad is also gross. Was he really trying to slut shame Kayleigh when he dates Britni? I didn't want to root on Paulie and Natalie but when the rest of the teams are Lavender Ladies and Team Young Buck...Ugh. Two teams coming back from the Redemption house should have been because Sylvia was sent home for headbutting Marie.
  14. Congratulations MTV. You've finally figured out how to make me root for Johnny. Team Young Buck and the Lavender Ladies are somehow even more obnoxious and irritating combined than Johnny. Who knew? I could maybe handle one group but not both and definitely not with Ashley. She is the worst. Or maybe Shane is. Or both. Nah, it's Ashley. Interesting how last week Amanda was all hung up on her loyalty and friendships which is why she couldn't sacrifice any of her teams (and why none of them could have stepped up for her) and yet, this week Shane is ready to toss aside a real off-screen relationship with Marie for some money. Yeah, Marie was really annoying crying all over the house about getting voted in but Shane was a dick to her. And how is Sylvia still allowed on the show after headbutting Marie? Cara and Marie bonding in the voting room and crying was actually kind of sweet.
  15. What the hell was that?? Maybe it was childish of Zach to throw himself in rather than vote Amanda's way but I hate Amanda and the look on her face was delicious when TJ told to go in. Delicious! She couldn't even shake off one lousy thing? Jeez. And all that mocking of Zach that he only had one team who has his back and wouldn't go into the elimination, well she has four and none of them were stepping up. STFU Hunter with your "as a man I shouldn't have let Amanda go in." Yeah right. Everyone was being cowardly (and smart) by not volunteering. I wish Cory and Devin could have gone against Tony and Bananas though. I hate that they are tied with the bullshit Lavender Ladies alliance because it would be so much fun to root them on against Bananas. Shane's pathetic and it's gross that Ashley is still around thinking she's hot shit. I feel really bad for Jozea and Davonne. Early on I didn't care about them but watching them be the easy vote and Davonne going off on the group, I find myself rooting for them. I hope their double cross luck holds.
  16. Amanda and Ashley aren't the worst, they're just trash. I don't even know what was happening there. Cara Maria was doing, imo, a very mature thing letting Ashley know she wasn't mad, she was just hurt about the Kyle hook-up. And because Ashley knew she was in the wrong (she was hiding it from everyone in the house) she scrambled and tried to make Cara Maria look loony tunes. Seriously, this was the only time this season I was back Cara Maria up. I love that Marie surprisingly had her back because that pile on was just so stupid. What was Amanda's reasoning anyway? Ugh, I can't stand her. I was happy that none of the Lavender Ladies made it across that I didn't even mind that Bananas won. The Natalie/Kayleigh sit down escalated so quickly. Like what?? Kayleigh was wrong to out Natalie, that shit's not cool no matter what. And Natalie did swan around the house all dramatic and hurt over the Johnny hookup that happened before she and him even did anything. That line about feeling so insecure because Kayleigh is so pretty? Get out of here.
  17. I dug Misty's interest in Ward while Colleen was so confused, lol.
  18. Don't promise me reads and give me a bunch of poorly worded rants (Natalie). The only thing I enjoyed was Faith busting Kyle and Ashley. I don't know who said it but I was dying when said Paulie and Natalie had to go back to the redemption house where they live. They are never getting back in the challenge house. Natalie really isn't good at these eliminations.
  19. Just finished it. It was a much better season than the first. The story was tighter. My favorite relationship was surprisingly the Danny/Ward stuff. I could done with more of that and if the show gets a third season I hope we get more of their adventures overseas. I feel like the second half of the season was a such a set-up for possible third season which isn't guaranteed. Mary's third personality, Colleen's connection to the Iron Fist legacy. I was so excited by the mention of Orson Randall and seeing Danny with his guns. I did not like Joy even if in the end she tried to do the right thing by getting the bowl out. And really that was only because she realized Davos was unstable and a threat to her.
  20. I'm enjoying this season more than the first. I loved Colleen just cutting through the bullshit after the dinner party and laying it all on the line. And of course Ward is no show after setting this all into motion. I'm over Joy though. Pity party Joy: "Danny is the worst because he knew my crazy evil dad was alive for like two weeks before I did and didn't tell me. Danny ruined my life by revealing that my crazy evil dad was crazy and evil and I'm pretty sure responsible for killing Danny's parents. Danny is the worst." Not one word about how her dad was actually the worst in all of this, you know based on previous actions. Daddy's girl, lol. Also I see that Davos, while a fun bad guy, is also the kind of bad guy I don't like. "I'm the only one who's noble and knows what honor and morals are." RME.
  21. So many scenes with delicious looking food!
  22. I got my tickets to see it again this Saturday. In the afternoon so I can go out for food after. I was really hungry after watching it the first time.
  23. My recording screwed up and it skipped from Kyle saying he wanted to burn a vote to Shane and Davonne fighting. What happened? Cara Maria is such a fool. Kyle is playing her all over the place and she's letting him. He dumps her, gets "jealous" when she flirts with Paulie, sleeps around with Faith and then punishes Cara by getting rid of Paulie, starting a vendetta with him and then screwing Cara over in this challenge. Then he sweet talks her into not voting for him since he didn't win. Dumbass girl. I hate to agree with Marie but I really do. That was a really nice board production made up for CT. No way he came up with that on his own. Shane really needs to stop being so obvious and grasping in his game play. When the level headed one on your team is Nelson...
  24. I saw this at advance screening and I'm already planning to see it again when it's fully released. It was fun, I really liked it.
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