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Okay, of people who lived anyway - I think worst is Borgia, then Claire, then Green and Logan - I'll put poor Ed third because going out about to be convicted of murder...wow. I thought it was a lousy way to write him out but I did like Lupo and Bernard in this one. I did love Ed's apartment. My headcanon is that Logan, Curtis and Green were at Anita's party in the original finale, we just didn't see them on camera. I will not be taking questions at this time.
The fox was absolutely adorable. Anyone else hear someone saying that the new toy set was lead? Tristan used to annoy me but he's beginning to find his way and I'm liking the new version. Several posters had mentioned the ship way back so I was waiting for that anvil, now you've got me with the Singapore anvil. I also agree on the phone call - not only that they had it at all but they held on while Tristan ran to get Mrs Hall. Too much watching MASH where it's always hard to get a phone call at all, and that's ten years later without the whole world at war.
I liked Cutter and Rubirosa and Ben and Claire the best, I think, although Serena was about the only one I really couldn't stand before this team. I think either Price or Maroun might be better if they were paired with someone else - together they are terrible. I so agree on how grim the show seems. I find myself happy when we get to the "find the body" without having actually seen the person murdered, which they thankfully seem to be backing off on a bit. There's no snap to the writing, and everything seems just washed out in the cinematography, although I know that's a side effect of shooting digital. This one, I really wanted to slap Price sideways. Seriously, the pastor could have not murdered the lawyer. This isn't your "got caught in a bar fight" or whatever it was, this guy bludgeoned someone he knew to death. Pastor had it coming, to badly paraphrase Chicago. I felt sorry for the girlfriend although her "I can't drive" - you could move to NYC, I'm told that many people there can't drive. You've already got a support system. Instead, you're going to marry a guy off to jail for years who's already demonstrated that he's got a hair trigger, and will be backed up by the whole community against you.
Maybe I need new glasses but I didn’t know they were strawberries until someone said it because they were too round - they looked like tomatoes on my non 4K TV.
The low point in this one was when they specifically hit us over the head with Alice Munro references. What were Shaw and Riley even doing there on the day of opening statements? A friend wrote an “Aftermath” fic and realized by the title cards and the ones in the ep before, Claire is alive and in court the day after she’s dead. (I won’t mention the absolute ridiculousness of the guy being executed within less than a year of his trial). This was such a mess of an episode, for all the reasons mentioned so far. I’m looking at the poster for this movie and thinking “Riley is taking his daughter to that movie? RILEY?” The victim isn’t coming to her mom’s premiere? No one recognizes an influencer-model? $20 million bond - is the mom Spielberg? For some reason, Brady interrogating the mom made me remember why I couldn’t stand Tierney on ER. I guess we see now why Maroun wasn’t saying much the last few weeks, they must pay Halevi by the word and were cutting costs. I’m at the point that the whole Order side could take a hike and take Brady too, and the show would be better. I’d rather watch Shaw and Riley as private detectives on their own. Stephen Cannell could have written them a fun show.
I have to thank you all for telling me that Carmody had decided to go to London because I thought "I don't remember that" and realized I had fallen asleep near the end and not realized that I hadn't seen the whole episode! Also, via the Masterpiece newsletter, Callum really is afraid of snakes...
Season 20: Say It Ain’t The End! (Spoiler Alert! It's Not)
ML89 replied to GHScorpiosRule's topic in Law & Order
I remember being so upset they got cancelled when the show seemed to be getting its groove back. The writing was really picking up and the cast was terrific. Lupo and Bernard were great together and so was the Order side, I think even a new lieutenant would have worked. {John Belushi voice} but NO! We get Law & Order LA which was a mess from jump. -
Not a big fan either but really, the show runs on the chemistry of Hillary and David - I don't know how this will play out, not sure if I care. The whole thing was wearing thin anyway by the last season (not that that has EVER stopped HGTV!)
I don't know, the whole case, with the ongoing reveals, made me as mad as Nolan - so, really, it's this, it's that, it's insurance fraud, it's murder, it's manslaughter (it's a dessert topping...). I have a real problem, like he did. So she just casually blows her father's brains out and stages a fake break in to give her brother some money, and I'm supposed to be all sad because it was really for her father's own good? Nolan did the right thing for his own father but the case? If her brother wanted the money, then he should have been the one staging it. I didn't feel for either of them, and especially not for "I'm richer than both my husbands" wife. Wasn't fond of Nolan's brother either. But I still remain fond of Shaw & Riley, who have some decent chemistry. Maroun was also tolerable this time.
It was wonderful and I so agree, it definitely needs to be on an NBC airing.
JK Simmons as the camera guy (although wanting his Pulitzer was a misstep), “Sid’s Sneaker World, Air Jordans 50% off.” “We’re Homicide, your friend is homiciding somebody.” Contrast to this one where I fell asleep and couldn’t care who killed whom. Although it was an ER night with Pfeiffer, LaSalle, Tierney, and Michael Beach, although Beach was gone before Pfeiffer and Tuerney were there, if memory serves.
The song selection in the long gave her no help either. I know it'd be a cliche but if you're going to skate Hozier, "Take Me To Church," unless the lyrics were wildly off (I can't remember at the moment), has a lot of build and push to it that would carry her. I felt like she was struggling with the music as well as what had happened.
I missed that but I did have to note that Terry wore a couple of very modern jackets instead of his usual suit, so good on him (now he just needs to go gray and stop the dye job). I love Alyssa's MacArthur Park program but the end needs a rethink - the slower MacArthur Park verse works, but the ending had another piece inset (the original disco cut is 17 minutes) that sounded garbled and it ends so fast I could see her thinking "uh oh, I need to end this NOW." I still find it hilarious that now even some of the coaches wouldn't have been alive during disco. I felt so sorry for Lindsey Thorngren, she looked like she wanted to be anywhere but on the ice. Sherry Zhang was a lot of fun to watch. I think C/B's worst bit is their rhythm dance, which is one of the compiliation "dance records" from the early 80s (Hawaii 5-0???).
She cut her hand on her blade doing that last spin, from what I’ve read.
What shocks me is that skaters in contention are still doing triple toe-triple toe as their combo, when that was Debi Thomas's advantage...in 1988.