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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. Something tells me that the person on the other end of Betty's webcam was Chic. He was explaining to Betty what he does when webcamming and what to do and not do online. Betty is far from ready to start her new profession.
  2. Season 2 Episode 4: OPSEC aired Feb. 2, 2018. When i saw a picture of the dead guy, I knew he was too famous not to appear in the episode.
  3. Hap and Leonard Season 3 Release Date and Trailer http://www.denofgeek.com/us/tv/hap-and-leonard/264363/hap-and-leonard-season-3-release-date-and-trailer Hap and Leonard: The Two Bear Mambo Set once again in East Texas just before Christmas of 1989, Hap and Leonard scramble to locate Florida Grange, who has gone missing in the Klan-infested town of Grovetown. Once again at the center of an impending storm of Biblical proportion, Hap and Leonard find themselves at odds with a cast of characters so tough they could chew the bumper off a pickup truck, including a possibly corrupt sheriff, and the leader of the Caucasian Knights. The boys learn that the good guys don’t always win, and nobody beats Mother Nature. March 7, 2018 SundanceTV 10 p.m.
  4. I am not really that fond of Blue, I would rather Season 2 be about Sonny Shine and his Army Ants and Smoothie. It would be hilarious to see random furries come up to Nick Sax and try to kill him.
  5. I like to imagine they are on Blearth (Black Earth) and they are "Brothers from another Planet".
  6. It is good that the writers can laugh at their mistakes "This time the building uses lasers that don't freeze". Cecile should use her mind reading abilities on Mrs. DeVoe to she if she can figure out their plans. Mr. DeVoe would figue out what Cecile was doing and kill her instantly. I wonder if they are going to declare Big Sir and Barry dead, so that they don't have to explain why they are missing.
  7. Alex is the world's greatest doctor, she learned how to cure a broken leg in one week. I don't know why the writers claimed it was broken in the first place, a twisted ankle or stubbed toe would have worked just as well.
  8. You have just saved the beloved Dr Hugh! The spores want representation in the Federation and a say in how spore drives might be used so they recreate Dr Hugh.
  9. It seems like from the previews that they are starting to bring Sly and the chemistry lady together. I think in the long term that Walter should end up with the chemistry lady and Sly should end up with Paige and Ralph.
  10. They didn't really explain why Happy and Cabe brought a SWAT team to stop Toby from hanging out with his Ex-fiancee.
  11. Maze wearing the tight leather pants!!! But will Chloe wear the Lucifer bikini in the previous episode? NO!!!
  12. I didn't like this episode, it really left me confused. A prisoner can escape and release all the other prisoners and raid the armory without anybody on the ship being alerted to their deeds. People run up and down the halls without seeing another person, but when deadly gas is released, the hallways are so full you wonder how could there possibly be that many people in that tiny space. Mirror Lorca kills Mirror Stamets without determining whether he can pilot a space ship that can travel the mycelial network. Georgiou is crying that she is no longer Emperor because Lorca killed a bunch of people in her flying Castle. Doesn't she control thousands of space ships all across the galaxy, if she loses one, she is no longer Emperor? I thought nobody knew who the Emperor was anyway, so Georgiou could just get off the ship, blow it up, and declare herself the Emperor again. Two unarmed people stop a heavily armed rebellion (standard fare for a TV show or movie). Next Episode: Emperor Georgiou takes command of the Discovery and throws a huge dinner party to celebrate. Commander Saru is the main course.
  13. Jane really annoys me. I can't wait for her daughter to turn on her and then tell her that she is not really her daughter.
  14. Episode 3 was called "Hammurabi", from the Code of Hammurabi where the saying "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth." comes from.
  15. I have had a girls in workout clothes fetish since Olivia Newton-John. We will see if this one delivers. "Order a million dildos"!
  16. Dina has seen episodes of Judge Judy, she knows you need before and after pictures to prove your case in court. The real question is how compensation you should get for having a cavernous cooch.
  17. Now that he work's at a nursing home, his friends will start calling him "Scrubs".
  18. I looked up the comic book this is based on and it is only 4 issues or 1 graphic novel long. I am guessing the TV series is mostly original material. If they want to keep the series going, there is the password and demons storylines. This might lead Nick Sax to becoming the biggest crime lord in the city or stopping a supernatural crime syndicate. Also Smoothie is still alive (or for now) and Nick owes him some back pay.
  19. I am not sure if it is the "bike gang" or "the name of the bike gang" that stems from an old Native American tribe. Maybe we have a "Washington Redskins" situation. Everyone seems to be arguing about how long ago the event happened, but not if the event happened. I am glad Ms Blossom admitted their family wanted the land and and just took it. Cheryl seemed to almost feel sympathy for people who were less fortunate than her or was she just worried how this might tarnish the Blossom name.
  20. In the finale, Santa is going to get his Slay.
  21. I liked the B&W alien's multi-handed "Home Alone" take. I wondered why he was a Alien and not a Demon, since the other guy appeared to be the Devil, it might have suggested that he was in Hell, not just something weird was happening. Strange that Reggie appeared to be the same age regardless of the circumstances. Richard Nixon political campaign poster in the background of the nostalgia shop said "They can't lick our Dick". Scully managed to taste the rainbow. Leprechaun's have a pot of gold in front and a pot of brown in back.
  22. If Betty isn't wearing a mask, a leather outfit and carrying a whip in the next episode, I am going to be disappointed.
  23. I can't understand why Zoey isn't more upset that Cash isn't learning anything at college. She should force him to a higher standard even if the school doesn't.
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