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Everything posted by AnimeMania

  1. I was thinking they could just have the companies/divisions that created the parts for the EM drive send back their specs, they were going to have to make a larger version anyway. They had 2 prototypes made on short notice, I am sure the companies are standing by in case they need a third.
  2. Why would inmates play pranks on someone who wasn't sentenced to prison yet, that person might actually go free and then they could pay other inmates to make your life a living hell. Why play pranks on someone who might be an insane violent murderer.
  3. Did Eugene get his "TRACY" tattoo in "Prison/Hell" or "in real life"?
  4. Since Dominic Sherwood and Sarah Hyland are dating, the show probably forced Sarah Hyland to be on the show to improve their ratings. She was probably already just hanging around the set waiting for her man.
  5. I am putting all my money on that this has something to do with her sister.
  6. I knew she was a Revenant, I think they mentioned it when Doc was trying to hire her when she was working at that bar.
  7. Maybe he didn't want the baby to grow up to be a "Mama's Boy".
  8. Why didn't the girl android say anything, was she so afraid she chose death?
  9. They didn't really explain how the black android got shot in the head.
  10. I don't think she is a Dominatrix, I think she is just a waitress who doesn't mind indulging her partner's fetish. She said that Pullman left her a month ago to try to get his wife back and that she was seeing lots of other guys since he left (probably not true). The black stuff under his fingernails are bruises which Pullman keeps self re-injuring because it reminds him of her. Yes there were a lot of nice ass shots and sexually suggestive shots that are not normally shown on TV. I wonder if the beach scene was so sexually suggestive to make you wonder what you would have done in a similar situation. Gratuitous sexuality with annoyingly loud music, in a public place with your family with lots of children around, is that enough to make you snap or at least say something. I know I was a little disgusted with their behavior and felt they should have chosen a place with more privacy. It would be funny if some 13 year old boy was filming the couple making out and the jury thought the couple were being indecent on the beach and Jessica Biel had every right to try to convince them to stop what they were doing. Jessica Biel is famous for having a great ass, and yet they went out of their way not to show it as they followed her down the beach to the water. They showed more of her ass than I thought they would during the shower scene, but they still didn't really show it.
  11. The point of the spaceship is to populate a planet, people not working towards that goal shouldn't be part of the mission. If I thought it was possible to grow children outside of a woman's womb, I would have included that as a possibility, but as far as I know, that is not possible. Choose Humanism over Feminism. Since the females greatly outnumber the males, I don't see how feminism would be an issue.
  12. I was just coming here to post this, 20 men and 140 women plus frozen embryos, sperm and eggs. The weight of one Gutenberg Bible would hold enough human genetic material to meet the diversity quota a million fold and still allow for a Gutenberg Bible on an iPad. Force each woman to have at least 4 children with 2 being implanted and 2 however she wanted to do it. Male/female ratios would balance out quickly unless you want to keep the female population high through embryo selection. The show acts like they are only going to ever send one spaceship off the planet.
  13. Pete the alcoholic French professor from Tulane was played by Patrick Weathers. I thought the Vietnamese kid was wearing the shirt because the two Super Bowl teams both print up shirts saying that they won and the losing team sends their shirts to a third-world country to clothe the poor. So, the Holy Grail is people? Seems like over the 2000+ year timespan, JC's offspring should be numerous.
  14. I am surprised they didn't make a bigger deal about how good the food was, I thought all they ate was synthetic crap.
  15. I can imagine that Wynonna realized that Bobo has been helping Waverley all of Waverley's life. Wynonna realized that she never saved Waverley from the ice covered lake, so when Bobo offered to be Wynonna's protector, Wynonna realized that Waverley's life has always needed a guardian. Why did Wynonna freak out when the doctor showed her an image of the baby?
  16. How could a mercenary blow up a bank filled with all that money. The job would have to be personal for him, like if he was that Russian sniper that was supposed to be Swagger's equal.
  17. So many dead bodies and they leave their fingerprints at every crime scene.
  18. Throw-away image of the episode, Jesse had a scar on his back that looked like an angel wing was cut off.
  19. I think the extreme man hate stems from all the ladies being from a women only mental institution.
  20. If a racer dies on the road, wouldn't that racer come in last and all the other racers be spared a head explosion?
  21. Best throw away gag, an Indian Casino, with the Indians being from India.
  22. This episode would have been so much better if they had shown Laura lying dead in the road, with a penis in her mouth.
  23. The second coming of Christ, maybe the third time is the charm.
  24. Can somebody please explain the images in the opening credits, with an emphasis on how they might relate to America?
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