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Everything posted by JNM5505

  1. Until she starts dishing out the brother complex. Run Clive, run as far as you can! (Or at least, set your eyes on Amelia)
  2. I really hope they focus on Amelia/Alex's relationship (either platonically or romantically) because other alternatives (such as Andrew/Amelia) makes me cringe. I'd pick Jackson/Maggie any day over that alternative.
  3. Looking at that "wholesome Christian" comment, I am disappointed to find PTV does not do recaps of Fixer Upper. Now, I understand the snark isn't as brazen as it was back on MBTV and TWOP, but you have to give those guys some credit. Thinking back to another supposedly "wholesome Christian family" the troll in me wants recaps just for shits and giggles. (and hopefully nothing too explicit) Alas. Time has changed. /randomrant
  4. I had actually asked originally (in parenthesis) on my first post in this thread. It seemed to have been implied. ^ What I had asked in my original post on this thread.
  5. @seacliffsal I watched that episode today with my parents. I had to wonder why Jo said that, when the house was pretty much bare. I never even knew "Reality TV" programs were part of previously(dot)tv! So I will definitely keep my eyes more peeled whenever I watch the show. As for the children, I notice the oldest boy is kind of grumpy. I mean, he's gotta be what? 13? 14? So he probably could care less about being on the show and wants to do what any boy his age is doing, you know? The other boy, who I thought was around 10 but looks 7 (never could tell the order of birth for the kids) didn't seem like he knew what he was doing in front of the camera. It was like he was actually reading lines printed in the background, behind the camera. What really bugs me about the show is Chip. He just acts so childish and immature and throws out these sexual innuendos every so often. The oldest boy is more mature than him, which is pretty sad. Because I always thought fourteen year olds were supposed to be childish and immature, throwing out sexual innuendos. But they must do it differently in Texas.
  6. I hope the cancer girl lives, funding or not. I will fucking be pissed off if she dies. So angry, and not because I love Amelia. As a matter of fact, I've found her boring post-surgery until the most recent episode. I sincerely hope she doesn't spiral downwards with alcohol (like it seemed to imply) and fights like hell to get this girl the treatment she needs. Because she matters more than some silly contest. This episode certainly struck a nerve, not because of my bias towards Amelia or partially because I have someone I love with cancer, but because I find it ridiculous how a legit course of treatment got rejected over stupider things. /endrant #fuckcancer
  7. They have to learn how to deal with losses in med school. Yeah, who the hell was watching Sofia? At least we got to see the prosthetic leg!
  8. I dissociated heavily during last night's episode due to the condition of a patient on the show. Of course, the dark and twisted side of me (with its morbid dark humor) was fixated on the fact they were going to end up dying to really 'appreciate' anything about this episode... So I want to apologize if anything is incorrect! Kindly correct me, cheers. :) Clive: I like this guy! He's not the moron the writers (or Maggie) are trying to make them out to be and I hate when shows do that purely for plot convenience. I could be wrong (this was one of the rare moments I was focused) but didn't he make a snarky comment when Maggie's phone rang? See, he does have a sense of humor! And a nice smile and eyes, if I'm going to be shallow. Oh, and he does not have a Oedipus Complex. I want a guy who does not have a fixation with his mother, thank you very much. And, to a lesser extent, an incest kink... Not trolling, but Jackson kind of changed his game when his mum said "My sister blahblahblah" because before that, he was totally normal around Maggie and became a creep after that comment by Catherine. Jackson: I don't even know what is happening anymore, but I am glad April is done with him. Also, why is he even involved in this competition? I thought this whole thing was his idea, and then it got handed off to Richard, then to April. Whatever, I couldn't care less and those episodes aired during the more tumultuous weeks of my life when I was coming to terms with a family member's illness back in November/December. April: I was scrolling through earlier posts in this thread, and I have to agree with what was said by others... why the hell didn't anyone notice something was off with April? Nobody (except maybe my boss) wears sunglasses inside for more than five seconds! Nobody questioned whether she had black eyes or a hangover. They cared more about the rules, and without reading them! April was right in being short with them, and I thought I sensed a "why the hell don't you shut the fuck up and look at me! I'm a fucking wreck! tone/glare from April. Nobody, not even April's supposed BFFL Arizona bat an eyelash when she came in like trash, or walked off limping for reasons I don't even want to think about. Or when she vent saying she drank wine and had careless sex before bed. * Sidenote that more belongs to a previous episode's thread, but I hate being a necroposter: I truly thought April was going to commit suicide in the shower. She looked so dead when they showed her face in that final scene of the episode with the young boy being shot and killed. But since this is Grey's Anatomy, I don't think even that would have been handled well. After all, just look at the masturbating kid in that exact same episode.. Amelia: First of all, I really came to in the final five or so seconds of the show. The thing I was taking note of while ignoring Meredith's closing monologue was that she had an open bottle of beer in front of her? Because wasn't her alcoholism due to the brain tumor? She was actually interesting for the first time in about nine or ten episodes, but still have that Amelia-in-Rehab air about her that we saw in Private Practice. I may be the only one here, but I kind of like the idea of Amelia/Alex. I pray to god they go down that route if they are going to pair Amelia off with anyone. So, Alex is with Jo but I am long over that. The way Amelia looked at Alex in one of last night's scenes.... Dude, I think they had more chemistry than Jolex have had in a long time. It really stinks that she and Alex didn't get the research grant, but what is new with Amelia receiving the short end of the stick? Maggie: She was tolerable in this episode, and I liked her scenes with Richard. I may be the only one (remember, dark and twisty mind!) but I kind of got sick at the prospect of Maggie/Richard like... that. At least Maggie is just childish and doesn't have a proper Elektra Complex like Jackson has an Oedipus Complex. They keep coming back to Maggie and Richard's daughter/father relationship and I hope that at some point, Maggie will realize what a good person Richard is and accept him as her father. As a matter of fact, few episodes back, I was hoping there would be a paternity test done, but that never happened. But through consanguinity or not, I hope Maggie accepts Richard as family. He's not too bad a guy, and his character has improved recently. Meredith: Why do the writers make her out to be like the freaking Sun? I thought that comment made by Cristina back in season 10 was a way of telling her to not bow down to Derek's demands, but Derek's been dead for three years... Jo: I notice she has black crap under her eyes, much like Meredith has since Derek's death. Is the black make-up under eyes a symbol of being free? I always thought it was a sign of exhaustion. Though, I have nothing wrong with the symbolism regarding Jo, because Paul was a creep and I am glad she's free of him. Also, will she be getting anything from him? Alex: He was kind of pointless this episode, but I really liked him working with Amelia. As I already said, I can see.... Alelia? Amex? (something like that) happening.
  9. I find it incredibly ironic how on the DVR, they keep showing white males talking about heart attacks and yet the episode features a black woman (Bailey) who is having a heart attack. Also, it bugged that they made the Asian doctor more incompetent than the white doctors.
  10. I'm sure SVU and ER are playing a part in ABC keeping Grey's on the air.
  11. Just wait until Maggie gets knocked up with an inbred cyclops that has twelve fingers and toes. "Wait, how is my grandbaby inrbed?" Catherine shrieks. "Uh, I seem to remember a time. Roughly forty years ago, there was a gala." Catherine/Richard (and Ellis) shenanigans circa 1981. That's your incest dose of the day, folks. I will get around to this ep with a proper opinion when I can. ETA: I know just one generation of inbreeding won't necessarily produce a cyclopic fetus with twelve fingers and toes.
  12. Well, I can see why Patrick wasn't for making a deal with Ellen. Meredith/Derek were not the prime focus of the show; not like Mulder and Scully or Brennan and Booth. They were two characters on a show, who just so happened to portray a popular couple. Sure, Ellen is the show's namesake, but a lot of other actors and their characters' storylines that make this show. I do have to wonder how much Chandra makes, since Bailey is just as important as Meredith. Of the original four characters still on the show, my favorites are Webber and Bailey, not Meredith and Alex. Ellen earns over $500k an episode? Wow, where do the execs even get that kind of money?! I know this is Hollywood and ABC's been around for seventy or eighty years, but still. I can see $20k or $30k an episode, but half a million? Jesus frickin' Christ, and Ellen is making herself sound so incredibly entitled. She should be grateful Shonda likes her, that ABC likes her. Instead of acting like a spoilt brat sniffing her nose around for drama. Oh, god forbid someone coughs the wrong way. Off to Shonda to bitchbitchbitch.
  13. I feel like we had a Morgan on the show a long time ago. Didn't she sleep with someone in her class and get knocked up? This is probably a different Morgan, but would love to see the original one return! I always feel a little hopeful these days when Debbie Allen is scheduled to guest star, but I don't get too hopeful. I still hate that woman. Unless she tells Maggie off, then she might, just might get into my good graces. I wonder how Bailey's going to lose her shit. Thinking of it now, wasn't Bailey the first to make an appearance after Meredith? Sorry, as someone else recently said on this thread... cabin fever and, therefore, theories abound! :) Backing up to Jo, the snark might turn out to be true if Shonda want to take a saccharine tip from Brenda Hampton. What's that now? BYEEEE.
  14. I thought of something but then was like... "Just what we need, another One Tree Hill alum hooking up with Arizona!" so never mind. Though I totally wouldn't mind her cheating on Carina with BJL's character. I liked Haley. But I definitely wonder what is going to happen with BJL's character, since she is engaged to Paul.
  15. Wasn't Diane having an affair and her husband found out? I thought that was the reason they separated. Unless I am thinking of something entirely differently. I was more invested on the Amelia angst, Japril drama, and Calzona childness to really focus on Maggie's family drama. Though (not sure if it was this thread where it was mentioned) I feel jippedf or investing so much into Amelia only to find out it was a freaking brain tumor! I really admired Amelia's "fuck you" attitude. I know a lot of people considered her childish and selfish, but I could relate a little bit to Amelia in some ways. Now, it's like someone yanked that away from me... "loljk, it was just a tumor! This is the real Amelia" and yaaaaaawn! Back to Shonda's kill list, I am really curious as to who she will kill this season. I mean, a main character; not someone we heard of once or twice and then made a three-episode appearance before dying. I honestly thought it was going to be Stephanie back in 13x24, but nope. She got to live and run away from Seattle Grace Mercy Death. The writers actually made her likable in the last few episodes and I thought "Yeah, Steph is a goner." It'll probably be anti-climatic. Like Callie or Addison dies off-screen. Well, hey, they are next in order of appearance. :) I guess, of the current characters, April or Owen are (If we consider Sarah Drew's appearance on Private Practice) because what purpose do they even have now?
  16. It sounds like they are going to wrap the DV storyline up in two episode. I still stand by what I said earlier about Jo fatally shooting her ex in a climatic moment, even if it doesn't seem very like Grey's and much more a show like SVU. (Which I also think should end, but getting off-topic here). I am kind of disappointed, because I remember some time ago... maybe season nine? Right before Jo and Alex began to hook up, I believe, she was involved with a guy who mis-treated her, and we got an idea that Jo had a traumatic past. Now, five years later, this plot is getting resolved in two episodes? The only way that could even be remotely okay with me (and probably others) is if the compare/contrast episode is Jo and Alex's similarities growing up. Both pretty much had to step up and raise themselves without a parent or parental figure. Both lived on the streets, both have a violent history. I think this kind of could be a nice way to bring the focus back on Jo/Alex, and that proposal Jo turned down all those years ago. However, with five years of build-up, I feel this would give a very sudden and abrupt ending to a storyline we were promised would be 'good' and divulge in Jo's history. But Grey's, when was the last time it ever lived up to anything it promised? Probably never, to be honest. The writers have all these grand ideas (which I can relate to as a fanfic writer) but they execute them sloppily or just drop the whole plot altogether while they build up to it. The only difference between me and them is that I criticize myself too harshly. If I know what I want to put into a fanfic sucks, I'm going to either delete the fanfic if it's already posted online or I am just not going to post it at all. Sorry for getting off topic there. Failed, unaccomplished dreamer here. So, anyways... I totally agree that Maggie has gotten way too much attention. She had a significant plot last year, probably not the year before that, but the year before that in season 11. She's basically been written as a Mary-Sue. This is probably something that should be mentioned in the appropriate thread(s) but there are some things that she's said over the past three or four years that just grates on my nerves. Particularly when she attacked Amelia out of the blue about 'white privilege' when Amelia was being an ally. She just says all these things without thinking twice about it. And she's supposed to be smart? And we're supposed to believe she's smart? And we're supposed to actually like her?
  17. Cate had the best recaps! So did Gwen, but she never wrote as many pages as Cate. The latest recap I read on the TWoP mirror was, I think... Well, it was a season five episode. Mary had come back and there was this thing with condoms. When I need a good laugh, I always go back to the mirror and read them, particularly Cate's recaps. I wasn't so fond of the season 7 and later recaps. I think by then, Cate and Gwen had retired. Understandable, season 7 and later sucked majorly.
  18. The way I see it, what's his face (Jo's abusive ex) breaks into Jolex's (do Jo and Alex still live together? no clue...) and tries to attack Jo. He pins her down and all that, and just when it looks like he'll finish her off for good, Jo grabs that gun and shoots him fatally. That is how it ends with him. A bit anti-climatic, but I can definitely see the writers heading in that direction. I feel like it has actually happened before. Maybe on One Tree Hill? No clue.
  19. Maybe... if they were twelve or thirteen. I remember many years ago, when I was much younger than I am now, I shipped this pairing not much younger than me. They were supposed to be portrayed as a pair of young teens, and yet were written off as being years ahead of their true age. Anywho, they were much more believable as a 13-going-on-30 couple than Maggie/Jackson are supposed to be as a 35-going-on-12 couple.
  20. Well, I have my Jaggie theory set and I am not telling anyone what that is. I just pray it comes true, just like my prediction of Derek's death (though he died differently) and Amelia's brain tumor. :) I wouldn't be surprised that Arizona went to school with Paul. Looking forward to the throwback into Alex's turbulent childhood. I hope we get James Remar back, though he was a sore sight both on 7th Heaven and Grey's Anatomy.
  21. As BaseOps said, April was involved with Matthew. She was also involved with Alex for a brief period, but had a melt-down when he wanted to have sex and she wanted to save herself, so Alex dumped her. At least, that's what I remember anyways. Could totally be wrong. :) But the point is, she wasn't only exclusively involved with Jackson during her time on the series, just like Jackson wasn't exclusively involved with April. He had been with Lexie and Stephanie at one point or another as well. I think April Kepner, as a character, is capable of having her own storyline. Even if it may link with one or two other characters, I definitely have to say she's developed more in the past couple seasons than the six or so before that. Maggie, on the other hand, has barely had any character development in the three seasons she has been on the show, other than losing her mother to cancer. And yet, she is getting much more screen time than April. I think that's ridiculous.
  22. I don't want Amelia, Arizona, or April to be dating Jo's ex. I am hoping, and have heard guns will be brought up again, that Matthew Morrison's character gets shot. We know Jo owns a gun and keeps it in a safe. Alex probably knows where it is, but I don't want him to be the one to shoot him. We already had Alex's violent(?) past brought up when he beat DeLuca to a pulp. I would love to have Jo shoot him. But to go near any of the female A's? Nope. And as for April pursuing a new relationship, I'd really been hoping it was Arizona. They're dropped several hints over the past four or so seasons, since Puttin' on the Ritz, so roughly one hundred episodes now. I could be wrong, but wasn't there a spoiler about April over the summer, that said she would encounter something entirely different? I imagine that would be lesbianism, or at the very least bisexuality. Now, I know if a couple gets together, Shonda always fucks it up and I love Aprizona's friendship more than anything right now. But I can't even think of anything more dramatic than that for April Kepner, who grew up in a religious family that probably preached against homosexuality. Also, I do not want her getting together with the Italian Vagina Queen! No thanks.
  23. I apologize for being super late in replying to the posts from November in here, but as I said in the 14x08 thread I had personal issues that I am still dealing with. I guess I am trying to cope with that by coming on here, desperate for either a discussion or argument, whatever to take the attention away from the numbing pain. So if you want to argue or discuss, please, feel free! Here or via Private Messaging if PTV has that. :) So, the Jackson/Maggie thing. Yes, they are dropping hints of a non-existent incest... although, is it non-existent? If y'all look closely, and break it down piece by piece, and not exclusively to the Jaggie scenes. A comment by Catherine here, comment by another person there. It seems like they're preparing for something in 14B, perhaps for humorous effects. I can see it. "Wait, we're actually brother and sister." (This is said after a bland sex scene, Catherine or Richard recalls a gala from 1981 or something whatever) "Ew, ew, ew. I had sex with my brother?!" (Audience is supposed to lol their asses off, but we're really puking our guts out) Or something to that extent. It's going to fall flat because hey, we're already getting the very unsubtle hints at Jaggie actually being incest. But going backwards in time, to around season 12. Was I the only one to see there was subtle hintings at another incestuous pairing, one that obviously never took place? Clearly, as one character was dead and the other was ill (but we didn't know this at the time) and suffering relapses. I discussed this with a friend in the past and she basically said, "Girl, Bye!" which is understandable. It's not like I actually wanted to have that realization. So anywho, not the first time writers tried to go down the path of incest. After all, with fourteen seasons gone, what else do they have to explore now?
  24. So, I finally watched this episode three weeks late, due to personal issues. So, first thing first, I was eagerly anticipating the blood splatter scene because I'd read some of the posts here shortly after the episode aired. Let me tell you, I had a pretty good laugh at that. I'm really hoping there will be a bombshell plot twist in the second half of season 14. Because let's be honest, they may as well have had banners all over GSMH with the words "consanguinity" and "incest" written in big, bold letters. All right? Now, I know Jackson and Maggie didn't grow up together, Maggie disclaims Richard as her father, blahblah. But why are they doing this to us? Just my two cents, bitch all you want. :) As for the rest of the episode, I agree with some of the early posts in this thread. I did like that Carina wasn't being a sex fiend this episode. I felt squicky (but not as squicked out at the 'Jaggie' incestuous undertones that are not really incestuous but meant to be flirting?) watching the other DeLuca having sex with one time chick from back on the East coast or Italy, or some exotic place or whatever. What's the point of her? Did we ever see her in any other scenes? Actually, I can't remember what she looks like. I only remember Glasses and the one I think is Madelyn Sweetin? I think someone a few threads back said the curvy girl was Madelyn Sweetin, but I could be wrong. But point is, I remember Glasses and Madelyn. With all the other mid-season cliffhangers, I felt frustrated at having to wait and now I don't. Maybe it's because I only have to wait five weeks instead of nine, but it's more like thinking the episode was kind of "meh" excluding the blood splatter scene.
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