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  1. I thought “snowplow parenting” was a much more common term for the same phenomenon, and it’s also sports-related (skiing), but I suppose it wasn’t coined by a Danish psychologist?
  2. But wasn't Live Aid a fundraiser for famine relief? So it would fall under the "no tragedies"?
  3. Was it? I wouldn’t know. Seems like I had to check something on my phone. Like, a lot of times per episode. I think I got the gist, though.
  4. Week 19: 2/5, with 1/3*. Can't go wrong with Hamilton, apparently.
  5. Not exactly media, not exactly outside projects, but there’s a 4-part series on Peacock - I think the title is “SNL 50 Beyond Saturday Night”. I enjoyed first one, which was a lot of audition clips and the cast members talking about them and looking back.
  6. Oh, man, second place guy, talk about “throwing away your shot”! I know they don’t know the status of previous games (as far as who the potential wildcards were) but surely he should have thought his balance (something like 18k, I think!) would have put him firmly in the running.
  7. I vote for a comfy bed, happy hour, running water/functional toilets, WiFi a couple hours a day, then all the camp activities. (I thought I posted this yesterday but it was still in my edit window. The conversation has moved on but I’ll get my word in anyway.)
  8. The episode title on Apple TV+ and on IMDB is Hello, Ms. Cobel. I wonder if Ovaltine was some kind of placeholder or anti-leak strategy. Anyway, I'm not sure if it will still let you edit the thread title but thought I'd mention it.
  9. In my experience, Apple shows tend to be available at 9pm ET the evening before the "official" date. (That was the case for this one, for me.) Unless it's that one thing I was really looking forward to...
  10. I was apologizing for misinterpreting the poster I was replying to in a way that she found "not funny". I think we're good now.
  11. Kinda surprised at some of NdGT’s wagers and (non)responses, given his reputation as a know it all. I remember him as a guest on Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me, and I was impressed with how he logicked out all the quiz answers. Melissa Peterman tends to play characters I don’t root for, but I was impressed with her here. But, gotta love a come-from-behind winner! I sorta recognize her from that show with Kristin Bell (not The Good Place, the one with the rabbi), maybe?
  12. LOL. I’m not usually a fan of “banter” but I enjoyed this
  13. Feeling a little too proud of myself. I suspected there was some wordplay involved, and “fall” led me to the correct “spring”. Then in hindsight I saw the silent/noisy part of the clue. Didn’t hurt that one of my kids had to read this for some class at some point, and complaining bitterly whenever it came up since then.
  14. I can back-in-the-day you. We had to figure out how many hours early to get in line for after-school or break-week care registration, in order to have a decent chance at securing one of the spots. Bring a chair. First-timers would show up on time and realize there's no hope. Then, filling out the same information they obviously already have, on multiple forms, per kid... Sitting at my dial-up computer continually hitting refresh was a big improvement! (But seriously, I'm not sure what they could do to improve the process if there are limited openings. Preference to returners? Lottery? Smarter software, actually similar to concert tickets, where it lets you start the process if there's a space available, but only holds it for a limited amount of time until it frees it up for someone else...?)
  15. Apologies, I didn't mean to be offensive. (That cartoon or a similar one has been posted in mammo facilities I've been to, that's why it came to mind.)
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