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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. Newsflash to Carter: If you want to start a family, stop dating 50 year old women.
  2. Now Christine has been somehow planning the fact that Kody has spent next to zero time with Truely for years. Evil manipulator that one.
  3. THERE it is!! The reason it is Jenelle’s fault he won’t be seeing her. “janelle made a choice”. Such a douchebag
  4. Jamie was a crap boss for not saying to Captain Jason that Culvert ASKED AND RECEIVED PERMISSION to go to bed for the night. Culvert has been working very hard all season and earned that rest. There was no reason to not stick up for him.
  5. Damn I hope Ashley is smarter than Jack and doesn’t cave in to Tucker as quickly as Jack did to Diane. She has been the smartest Abbott historically so I do have some hope. This Nate actor just CANNOT play romance. He never makes physical contact! It makes it very difficult to care about that couple.
  6. I think her lack of OVER-emoting is what I appreciate most about her. Elena feels more 3 dimensional than most characters. What you see as boredom, I see as an exhausted healthcare professional (but maybe I’m putting my personal spin on it!)
  7. Holy crap this show. I already dont bother watching the recorded show when I’m not home… but I think I may need to stop completely. It’s so insulting to my intelligence. First of all why is a professional psychologist willing to be with s man who she doesn’t even trust to talk to his ex-wife? Why would a chemist chase a husband across the country if he wants to be with another weekend. And to cap it off, why would an experienced trouble maker RECORD his confession?!! arrrrghhhhhh! over and out…
  8. Which daughter is that with the long wavy hair sitting next to Kody?
  9. Bonnie died suddenly of “the flu”? During a COVID pandemic? Hmmmm lol ok Meri you can leave now.
  10. Janelle is settling for CRUMBS and Robyn and Meri have to bitch about it. And how is Mr Patriarchy not willing to TELL the other wives that Janelle is going to park on their totally unused lots for a few months Christine sitting back and laughing at not having to give a shit. 😍
  11. What the hell Robyn? Mad because Kody bought a truck that Janelle needs? How dare he buy something for another wife… she’s so obnoxious
  12. @gingerella I love your idea of Devon turning the tables with Elena’s help. Unfortunately it is probably beyond the MWTs capabilities to write anything that entertaining.
  13. I have skipped years of watching this show depending on what was happening in my actual life, and never saw Diane and Tucker. Diane’s background was made very clear the instant she showed up - you were dead! You abandoned Kyle! Etc, plus the use of flashbacks. Today’s introduction of Tucker was so odd because EVERYBODY disliked him but nobody said why! Even the “kids”. If I don’t recognize him then they must have been children when he was last around… can anybody please provide some background on why generations of every family in town hate this guy? Thanks in advance for providing the info the MWTs are paid to do.
  14. Who thought the audience wanted to sit through 10 minutes of longtimers praising these two young boring characters? God this vow renewal is dull. Thank goodness for FF! This show lately…😴
  15. lol i was thinking CH is the mess, (OTT fake weddings? Attention seeking much?), so if he is too then maybe they are well-suited.
  16. I think Brooke has lost her damn mind about that knife! Thomas didn’t even know she was in the room when he first had it out AND he reassured her that he has been cutting apples that way all his life so don’t worry. Was she stabbed in some earlier storyline and has PTSD about knives? I live in a rural area where many men carry pocket knives so… However, I did catch Thomas say to Taylor “you know how you always use a knife to cut your apple?” And she said yeah, so I do foresee Douglas (Brooke?) being injured and Thomas maybe wrongfully getting the blame…
  17. Well i haven’t seen todays show yet and based on the prior post I am going to need some anti-nausea medication. What does it say about the writing and acting on this show that my favorite characters tend to be the supporting players- Elena, Chloe, Tessa…? I used to love Jack but he really is a sad shadow of his former self. The only possible story that interests me right now is the hope that Diane and Allie have some nefarious scheme cooked up.
  18. These two girls are coming off as so desperate this season. Willing to be engaged to the only guys who are willing to ask them. In neither case do these guys seem to be their first choices but they don’t have the confidence to wait and see what would happen without a televised proposal. Weak.
  19. Seriously, did Stitch come back and kidnap Moses and nobody noticed?
  20. Uggghhh Tessa looked so much better with dark hair. Who’s idea was this ok back because now I am looking at what seems to be a dead yellow animal on Sharon’s head. WTF hair department?
  21. Not only no pulse (x2) but Victoria actually was doing CPR on the guy! Dude was dead.
  22. What the heck is going on??? Am I the only one wondering why all this intrigue is necessary? Ashland was unwelcome in Victoria’s house, was aggressive and Nick punched him and ACCIDENTALLY killed him. No crime! Why in the world did Victor and Michael feel the need to move and hide the body? This is a complete nothing burger. I’m annoyed that my time is being wasted in this. I know Adam and Sally are popular but for the past two days I have had to fast-forward that repetitive conversation about their breakup. Team Chloe and Chance. Everybody else on this show is bugging me.
  23. Not gonna lie, the shot of Lily drinking the “Tea” (actually water) while watching Imani work Natey Nate made me laugh out loud. She's a good friend though, trying to get Imani to get out of town and let a staff lawyer work on Elena’s contract. Imani is a fun throwback to classic old fashioned soap villainess sneakiness.
  24. Noah the struggling artist is now going to run a multi-million dollar non-profit organization. lol it’s so absurd I actually feel sorry for him.
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