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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. If you’re crazy I’m in the bed next to you! When Natey Nate Nate was ranting about how dare they accuse a doctor of doing such an INCREDIBLY UNETHICAL thing as lying about a patient’s illness, I instantly shouted “ like you did FOR THEM just a few years ago??!” I mean really… keep talking about how heinous it is Newman family..
  2. This fact is what makes me have some distaste for the last leg. The producers had to know that if Kim and Penn made it to the last three they would have a huge advantage in that Foley task. Seemed a bit slanted to me, and sure enough they made up a significant chunk of time on that task. Oh well, they are nice people and worked hard the whole race. Congrats to them, But I still would have been happier if the FA team won.
  3. Until somebody mentioned them above I hadn’t really noticed, but now… what’s with no U-turns this season? That severely lowers the drama aspect of the race!
  4. I can’t blame her, or any of the actors. If I was on the show I would probably call in sick and say “just edit me in from the other day, the lines are the same “. EXCRUCIATING. I’m down to checking in once a week at most, otherwise following here for the snark.
  5. As if Robyn ever ONCE encouraged Kody to go make passionate love to Christine in the regular to keep their marriage working
  6. These writers hate us don’t they? i was SO ready for crazy Max to get to be the hero… but nope, now Devon will use this as an even stronger claim on this poor kid.
  7. At first I was certain Summer was going home- those cupcakes did not look good at all. She was very smart to use Duff’s recipe for her alien! But then when Riya had baking issues on both parts it was clear it was going to be her. Too bad, she’s a sweet talented young lady. Every baker on tonight’s show has a bright future ahead!
  8. Bwahahaha.. The album cover is fugly, but that picture is hilarious!
  9. @JNavarro what are you doing in my head? I thought about writing those same sentiments this afternoon when I realized I couldn’t think of a single couple on this show I’m rooting for (eventually i did think “oh, Mariah and Tessa”). Thank you for saving me the trouble - you captured my sentiments perfectly!
  11. Man, if you can’t be sexy IN A SEX DREAM you’ve got a problem. all the wrong kinds of stiffness in that scene
  12. Whoa. I never watched Guiding Light so have no prior knowledge RN, but he seems so theatrical compared to RB. It’s jarring to me.
  13. Only the hairline… otherwise Mitt Romney could only dream of being confused with Richard Burgi
  14. I actually am thrilled this kid got sick so soon because a bone marrow test means the baby may need a transplant, and that means we could quickly find out the baby is not Devon’s! (Or Abby’s I suppose) Also the Billy insomnia story is a nice gift for those of us who suffer from insomnia in real life 😴
  15. I’ll never be mistaken for a Billy fan, but darn it, he does have some smoking chemistry with Amanda. Time to shake things up on this show! (And she and Devon aren’t creating any sparks on my screen)
  16. My reaction exactly! She’s been nothing but charming… is this a documented reality? From some other website? For the record I am SOLIDLY team Crystal! Maybe Noah could stop being a mope and try to be worthy of her?
  17. lol @boes your list was most accurate! (but don’t get me started about Port Charles, ever since they voted in both Luke AND Laura as their mayor I have been looking askance at those citizens) I guess the difference I see in most of those examples (with the exception of Sharon who is the can-do-no-wrong blonde equivalent of Laura on GH) is that most are just trading in on good old fashioned millionaire nepotism, where Sally is benefiting just because Adam is dicknotized. Isn’t Victor anti-Sally because of the Summer conflict? Will be interesting to see his reaction to this nonsense appointment.
  18. Oh FFS Sally is about as much qualified to be a COO as Faith is.
  19. Well i agree with the majority here in that Coral’s collection was my favorite! Chantal’s collection was more middle of the road to me so yes maybe more sellable, but that is not the criteria I would rely on to pick the winner of this show.I would have put her third behind Coral and Christina. (Sorry Chasity!)
  20. Watching todays episode: What self-respecting businessman would put up with Daddy negotiating for him to work for his sister? The only realistic response would be “See you all at Christmas, I’m going to take a high level job in NYC (Chicago, Meeelan, wherever)”. Adam has a high powered degree and experience, why in the world would he stick around for this?
  21. I honestly believe Meri just sticks around because of the TV show. She likes the fame and it helps her make money with her other businesses. She’s on Instagram all the time with her girlfriends, traveling around having fun. No sign of her sitting home alone pining away for Kody.
  22. I’m not team anybody whose last name is Newman. They can destroy each other. #teamAshland
  23. I wonder if the MWTs are scrambling at all at the realization that they have put a formerly dull but not really disliked character in a position where viewers are ACTIVELY rooting for him not to be the father of a baby he loves. There are fewer and fewer male characters that are tolerable on this show.
  24. Carter and Katie may not have the heat of Carter and Quinn, but oh how much more fun they are to watch than him and the trying-to-hard teeny bopper.
  25. Y’all? Did I hear Devon refer to himself as Daddy to Don today in front of Abby and Chance?? Because, no sir!! These writers better find a way out of Abby being forced to co-parent with somebody against her wishes. Sperm swap, ovum swap, dead FICTIONAL baby (may those adorable twins playing the character have long happy lives), whatever it takes. I don’t want to watch this anymore. Devon is making me rage.
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