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Everything posted by lgprimes

  1. I haven’t watched today's show yet, but I’m thinking Jack should have “Sucker” stamped on his forehead. I get the sense Diane (and maybe Allie) is playing him like a fiddle. Phyllis is going to be right, I just feel it. And I’m okay with that. I think the Diane actress is excellent but I’m tired of the character and her whineassing for sympathy every other day.
  2. I see some people being pleased with Brooke finding a spine and telling Ridge she was through with his waffling. The problem for me was that we had just spent a week or so watching her cry about how much she wanted him back. So that speech she made to him felt very much like the writers just placating the audience for one scene, acknowledging that this trio is insulting to all women, before they go right back to it. Does anyone doubt she will welcome him back with open arms? Damn, why can’t that Douglas actor find another show so i can stop watching this one? He’s basically the only character I care about at this point.. (Deacon was great until he became an idiot and agreed to shelter Sheila. Such a waste! I actually thought he and NuTay had some cute chemistry). This show is going to give me high blood pressure.
  3. Ewwww. Sally's monologue today was so OTT… “Our love has changed… we can’t get it back.. I’ll always be grateful”… ugh. The feeling I’m left with is that she knew she didn’t want to be with him but she gave him one last roll in the hay to be able to get rid of him once and for all, and so the next “who’s your daddy” storyline can kick in. The writers really aren’t doing this character any favors.
  4. I love me some Douglas, the kid who plays him is mad talented and cute as can be, but damn is it boring having a repeat of a story from at most two years ago. Can’t the writers think of something else for that kid to do than bust his father? Also, I am slightly disappointed that Douglas let Thomas know he was on to him. I consider Douglas the smartest person on this show, so he should know better than to put himself in danger like that. Anyway, I could care less which of these two pathetic women get stuck with Ridge, so let’s wrap this up.
  5. Well if Sally is really going to choose NICK over Adam, when she is a completely free agent at this point, then I have absolutely no sympathy for her. Enjoy your chopped liver Sweetheart.
  6. Sharon the brilliant therapist, instead of saying “don’t worry we won’t tell anybody anything at all” could have said.. “Connor will be wondering where you are, what would you like us to tell him… can we tell him you weren’t feeling well and are in a hospital getting medical care?” now she’s in a bind she created for herself
  7. OK I don’t watch this show a on regular basis since it pisses me off so much, so can somebody fill me in? Does Paris work for the Hope for the Future line now, not the foundation? Saw her taking fashion design notes today…I don’t get it.
  8. Omg watching todays show right now. The entire time I’m yelling in my head at Billy to get help, not ONCE did the name Sharon occur to me! I’m afraid to see where this goes now and honestly I thought they had done a very good job of it until that phone call.
  9. My point was that they were being the opposite of safe by letting everybody else continue. If they were exposed, the safest thing would be to shut down production for a week. As noted above that is probably extremely complicated for this show. So I wonder if teams were kept isolated from each other at the pitstops? But we see them near each other (and Phil!) on the mat. Oh well, I guess it worked out ok but seems like they took a risk.
  10. I don’t get the COVID elimination. That couple had been racing with all the other teams the prior task. So all those teams had been exposed to them, no? Which means ALL of them should have quarantined for awhile.. you are most contagious early on. By the time they were done isolating, the eliminated team, if they felt well, could be ready to race again. Just seems odd to me that all the other teams were allowed to continue and potential spread COVID to the people they talked to along the way.
  11. Is it odd to anybody else that Crimson Lights seems to be open all hours of the day and night? It’s not a diner, clearly serves breakfast-type pastries and afternoon snacks, yet here we have Society done with dinner and people out clubbing, but Crimson Lights is still dishing out coffee.
  12. So are Bryton and Brytni not a real-life couple anymore? (Just noticing she wasn’t included in the group outing mentioned above)
  13. Christine speaking for all of us is so much fun to watch!
  14. Exactly this. Katie is ALSO past unassisted baby-making age (i googled Heather Tom-46). So he really is just doing the same thing if he doesn't have this discussion. I think they are a good match personality wise (nice stable people), but it is a GLARING issue.
  15. Newsflash to Carter: If you want to start a family, stop dating 50 year old women.
  16. Now Christine has been somehow planning the fact that Kody has spent next to zero time with Truely for years. Evil manipulator that one.
  17. THERE it is!! The reason it is Jenelle’s fault he won’t be seeing her. “janelle made a choice”. Such a douchebag
  18. Jamie was a crap boss for not saying to Captain Jason that Culvert ASKED AND RECEIVED PERMISSION to go to bed for the night. Culvert has been working very hard all season and earned that rest. There was no reason to not stick up for him.
  19. Damn I hope Ashley is smarter than Jack and doesn’t cave in to Tucker as quickly as Jack did to Diane. She has been the smartest Abbott historically so I do have some hope. This Nate actor just CANNOT play romance. He never makes physical contact! It makes it very difficult to care about that couple.
  20. I think her lack of OVER-emoting is what I appreciate most about her. Elena feels more 3 dimensional than most characters. What you see as boredom, I see as an exhausted healthcare professional (but maybe I’m putting my personal spin on it!)
  21. Holy crap this show. I already dont bother watching the recorded show when I’m not home… but I think I may need to stop completely. It’s so insulting to my intelligence. First of all why is a professional psychologist willing to be with s man who she doesn’t even trust to talk to his ex-wife? Why would a chemist chase a husband across the country if he wants to be with another weekend. And to cap it off, why would an experienced trouble maker RECORD his confession?!! arrrrghhhhhh! over and out…
  22. Which daughter is that with the long wavy hair sitting next to Kody?
  23. Bonnie died suddenly of “the flu”? During a COVID pandemic? Hmmmm lol ok Meri you can leave now.
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