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Everything posted by Ariah

  1. I don't understand how is this show "boring". This week's Dark Matter, on the other hand... Yawn. Yes, we have seen this warehouse in ten other shows, but hey - at least the characters got out of the ship (the two-thirds did). Which is hard to say for the other show that night (a spacewalk that was barely there doesn't count). The real 'ship in this show is Johnny/Lucy and I dig it. I was a bit disappointed he was left out of the field trip, but then again, we needed to see D'avin in action and Johnny's strongest suit is engineering. Also, he's cute when he's resorceful. D'avin - as it was mentioned by some of you - did not bother me as much. We know his heart is in the right place and he does have a certain useful skillset. Yet, I want his great confidence in his rightful way of doing things to be contrasted with harsh reality. Dutch... I have a girl-crush on her. End of story. ...and I felt sorry for the poor convict-brother who died in such a horrible way. His sister, on the other hand, reminded me of Michelle Fairley. I knew it wasn't her, but in the recent 24 series she played a similar character, eager to blow thing up and sacrifice memebers of her own family in the process. (does anyone else picture Lucy as Lexa Doig? Only me? Ok, then)
  2. Oh no, Richmond! (But let's be frank, we knew this was going to happen. Both Scott and Stonebridge are proud owners of the "member of doom". The moment Julia started talking about that dinner she was a goner.) Now I'm kind of worried for Martinez... No, actually I'm worried for Scott. I'm afraind this will all end with him dying (and seeing Richmond again).
  3. I hope he is, because so far, he's just a pretty boy with average shooting skills and semi-competent strategist. He does have a martyr complex, though. Anyone here read the comic? Still, I actually dread the moment David Heweltt appears in this series: I liked Rodney at first in the SGA, but he grew so obnoxious... When Malozzi stopped to even pretend Rodney was his expy, SGA became unbearable. Funny, because I could stand Shepard being "the manliest man that ever was", but couldn't look at McKay. (And my favourite SGA episodes come from season 1, when Kolya took Atlantis and Shepard took it back)
  4. I get the feeling that since Johnny thinks of Dutch as "family", the possible romantic aspect of their relationship was swept under the rug. She also treats him like a younger brother (which is funny, because in real life he is 10 years her senior). D'avin on the other hand... Everything with him feels forced. After watching the episode again (yes, I am not ashamed), I've decided why I cannot warm up to him. He reminds me of Grant Ward on the Agents of SHIELD. The actors are similar and I could see some mannerisms. As I hate Ward with the power of a thousand suns, the feelings transfered to D'avin. I'll try to fight that. though. D'avin may not deserve such a hard treatement from me.
  5. And we've reached the end of the story in the comics (with one scene left out, unfortunatelly. I was actually looking forward to that). The tight budget showed. The battle looked differently in the comic, and actually involved the small ship. Here it was like watching a theatre performance ("we have this one setting and we won't leave it!") Anyhow, Three IS Jayne - naming his guns is yet another thing from that repertoire. Next in line? a planet with his statue and a song about it to boot. As for One. I do agree that he seems pretty useless right now, which probably means he's the deadliest assasin that ever assasinated. Or that he's a prince from the dream. And deadly. What's behind the big doors? I vote the real bodies of the crew, in stasis and an equippement that produces real-life copies of them in case they get killed / seriously hurt. And all the characters we've meat are just empty copies that were woken up before memory transfer. There you go. Now i'll go and watch Killjoys again, because they have a) better settings b) better acting c) better writting d) more Bebop
  6. Liked it better than Dark Matter - it already looks like it has bigger budget and doesn't limit its sets. Liked the two main characters, the jury is still out on the older brother. Kind of felt like Serenity's genius and Andromeda's camp went on and had a baby and named it Killjoys. I've read a review saying it has a too complex world... I beg to differ. I love complex worlds and not everything must be given in the pilot. I like that there's religious cult, an independent bounty hunters' nation... I want to know more about this world and I'm hoping to learn more about it in the future. Dutch is my fav, closely followed by Johnny. The stoic mentor (hello, Rob Steward!) is the third in line. Not feeling the older brother character, I cringe seeing the looks between him and Dutch (is this supposed to be sexual tension?... Hope not!).
  7. About 4 years ago (in 2011), I had an idea for a story about a group of people who wake up in an unknown environment, with no knowledge of who they are. Gradually, the discover they're on a spaceship (someone gets sucked out into space) and that they carry a very dangerous cargo... Well, I didn't go past the draft stage and now I never will, as it would be considered - oh, irony - plagiarism. But I can watch what others did with this idea. ...and frankly, I liked it. Didn't get bored and wasn't annoyed. I actually liked all the characters for better or worse. One in my mind is Not!Paul Rudd. He seems like a very decent guy, which probably means he used to be the worst of the bunch. We still don't know what his skillset is - to me he's a wildcard, even though he seems to be an expy for the audience. Two, or Not!Lexa Doig seems a little too competent for someone whose memory was wiped (in my story there was one person who kept his/her memory intact, but pretended to be amesiac). However, her reaction in the sneak peak for 1.02 suggests otherwise. Three is like a less charming Jayne Cobb to me - cocky, likes big guns (does he call his guns names?), hot-headed. He seems to be the odd one out of the group or the one whose instincts were kept intact. Four is the samurai-in-space type (as some of you've mentioned - swords in space? Rule of cool). Five is the Kaylee type (even the jacket is similar), but also a River type (odd dreams). It would be nice if she was the real mastermind, the head of the Raza. Six - the calm, stoic type. A character that's safe to be around (the gentle giant type?) Android - never trust an android, most Alien movies and the Prometheus tought me that ;] - - - On the whole, the intro is promising. The idea that the Raza is so fearsome, it became a stuff of legends and nobody knows who or what they really are? Good starting point. I'm willing to give this series a chance and see how it unfolds.
  8. Well, in my opinion he's not even good looking, so there's that. He (and the leading lady) look like they were scaled up on the Y-axis or scaled down on the X-axis. Very thin and elf-like in features. (Also, can he just get a haircut? Please, get a haircut)
  9. It's like a late 90's action series that got lost and found itself in 2015. Those special effects (time cop, anyone?)! The odd, ew to her job yet still very competent main character. The quirky dialogue. The lair in the secret basement... It was all so cheesy. And of course the main character had to be personally conected to the founders of the technology, because that's just how it works. Hey, maybe her surrogate father built it with her strange condition in mind?
  10. There goes my hope for Sansa to be a virgin queen of the North... (And I really don't know and dread what GRRM will do to her in the books now) What bothered me most in this whole concept was the fact that Sansa's suffering was all about Theon. Ramsay did what he did to punish Theon, not Sansa. Sansa was just a collateral, an instrument. Even in her suffering she's less significant. When Theon cam to Sansa to take her to the ceremony, he asked her to take his hand - or Ramsay will punish him. She refused, and Ramsay did punish him. By punishing Sansa. Would the night play out differently had Sansa take Theon's hand? Maybe. Ramsay would have probably found something different to punish Theon for. I don't know why the writers think rape makes good story, I guess all writers are a bit sadistic inside and they want their characters to suffer. To endure torment and become stronger in the process. Still, rape is a cheap trick. What to say about the rest of the episode? - the visuals of Arya's story are stunning. - Tyrion and Jorah have potential. - I'm going to pretend Jamie is in Riverlands and not Dorne. Better - I'm going to reread these chapters in the book.
  11. Or maybe the writers will merge Merlin and Morgana and make them one character, a female somehow related to Regina?... (I'm sorry for putting this out there now)
  12. The only thing that lessens my grief is the thought that the second season could have not matched the quality of the first one, and now the show will live on in my memories as a fun story that ended. Oh, but Forever could have been such a fun summer show!
  13. Felicity can still rename the company to Queen Inc., not because she's married to Oliver and not in Oliver's name, but to honour Moira (whom she was not fond of, but then again...) Or she can just give it to Oliver. I guess there are some taxes to be paid on such large equity transfers, but... Who cares.
  14. Well, I'm happy I've decided to watch the episode first and then go read the comments, because I actually LIKED this episode. So there's that. Yes, I have learned not to expect great plotting from these writters. Actually, the psychology of the characters and their motivation is still at the "my first fanfic evah'" level, but once I accept this, I may be surprised - in the good way. There's been some nice lines of dialogue tonight: Felicity and Diggle's convo on cardio, their goodbyes. There's been some good reaction shots: Oliver appearing under Al-Sahim's mask, Felicity's tablet toss. There's been gutwrenching scenes: Tatsu vs Maseo and the conclusion of the fight. I knew Maseo's a gonner, but it still hurt. A lot of people are bothered by the marriage. The only way in which this marriage bothers me is because both participants are being forced into it by patriarchal uber standards, and bother are being hurt in the process. But the show portrays this marriage as such, as another way to torture both parties. This marriage is wrong and is being shown as wrong. Like Sansa's marriage to Tyrion. Together with Ra's nauseating proposition of reproduction. And just like that, this marriage will be, how to put it... ineffective. (The tumblr seems to be buzzing with opinions that a) marriage is valid and b) marriage = sex. Ad a) any marriage under duress is invalid by definition and ad b) even in real life that's not true in some instances ) So yes. Could the writers find another way to force Nyssa and Oliver to work together? Of course. But it probably required more skilled storytellers and these writers are not that. They probably got excited about: - wedding ceremony in Nanda Parbat, - Ra's being an old pervert, - rattling Olicity shippers to the point of catatonia. "Oh, shinny new idea, let's grab it and never let go... Oh, shinny newer idea, let's drop the previous one..." Other things: - Roy and Thea still rock, but Ro's move was below the belt. "I don't want you to be on the run from the police, Thea, so I'll leave you this red suit and suggest you'll take up vigilantism... to be, you know, chased by the police. but on your own terms!" - Katana seriously needs to live and become a guest star in Season 4, which will not happen because of that damn Suicide Sqad movie - which will not get a dime from me. - Ray did not bother me at all. Even his stunt with the plane was ok. - Oliver as Al-Sahim kind of looks constipated. There, I said it.
  15. Just a side note - and I'm sorry if this was addressed before - but since the Suicide Squad movie uses Tatsu Yamashiro / Katana... Shouldn't we be afraid for our Tatsu's survival?...
  16. Nadia was really a tragic figure, and the manner in which she was killed, the brutal technicality of it, trully made the whole thing even more cruel. For a young woman with a history of abuse to be sexually tortured before death - it just made my blood cold. Part of me thought this was too much, a step too far - on the other hand, things like this happen in real life, and real life is even more cruel. I should feel uneasy. I should feel shaken. I should want to murder Nadia's killer. I don't know if that's what the writers aimed for - but that's how I felt. How I still feel. Hours passed and I usually stop thinking about tv shows five minutes past the credits. Now I'm still thinking about Nadia and her fate. Even the fact that her death was a detrmental factor in condemning the killer... Even this does not help. It's unfitting to say I enjoyed this two hours of tv, but it sure was memorable.
  17. Ariah

    S03.E21: Al Sah-him

    I read a fanfic that went a similar way: brainwashed Oliver, a possibility of marriage between him and Nyssa devised by Ra's... And it was good. It hit all the marks, it wasn't offensive but kept me on the edge of my seat. The characters and their motivation felt real. You know why that was? Beacuse the writer took her time. She took her time to show the transformation from Oliver Queen to an assasin, not some half-cooked montage. She took her time to show how Ra's proposal affected both parties not only for shock value. And it worked. The fact that storylines are so rushed on the show really hampers my enjoyment.
  18. ;) Nyssa to Ra's: "Wait dad, before you deal your punishment, you need to talk to my lawyer!" Laurel (jumping from the rooftop, semi-gracefully): "Mr Ghul, you are forbidden to be in a close proximity to my client!" Yes, I can see that.
  19. It wasn't as bad as I expected, will tune for an episode or two and see how it goes. Lucifer never does anything himself - he always makes people do things for him, that's how he rolls. The clothes were "a gift". The attempted murder 7 years ago probably was coerced as well. Perhaps it's the 7-years period or something. Yes, there's a lot of theatrics involved - which itself was lampshaded by the preacher's show (I always considered this type of tv-broadcasted religious shows as theatre to the extreme, sorry). Houston - 333 miles away. Yes, just multiply this by 2 and don't burden yourself with symbolics. Not sure why those particular people were chosen - they all seem to have at least one weakness Luc can use against them, which seems a bit too generous. Unless that's the point, they need to endure the seduction. Very Old Testament style. Also, the wings were pretty.
  20. I guess Thea was not told about Roy's survival so that she can be furious with Oliver once she comes back from the dead. Deep down she connects Oliver to Roy's "death"... (But I must admit, Malcolm's "You don't need to come back if you don't want to" made my eyes a bit wet...)
  21. So, the mystery set is a jet (a cargo jet from the looks of it) I wonder... perhaps the new villain arrives?
  22. As far as the music / song for That Scene is concerned I'd very much prefer simple score, because I find the singer bursting out with lyrics in unappropriate moments utterly funny. Radioactive worked music-wise, but not lyrics-wise. Music-wise it was ideal for the old-flame, old-passion, let's do it on this wall kind of sex. However, if I was to choose a song for That Scene, I'd stick with my old time favourites for such scenes: Typhoon Prosthetic Love (used in Veronica Mars movie) - has a similar feel as Hallelujah, it's slow and tender, but passionate. Florence and the Machine Cosmic Love (used in CW's Nikita) - starts slow, bursts into energy. Like a good lovemaking should. [Never Let Me Go, another good song by Florence, has been sort of stained for me by Vampire Diaries] Des'Ree I'm Kissing You (from Romeo&Juliet) - the musical bridge is an utter perfection, and the whole song is a masterpiece. Jude Madonna (heard on Banshee) - again, soft and slow. Susie Suh/Robot Koch Here With Me (heard on The Blacklist) - very tender and you can actually feel the movement of the bodies against each other. my evertime favourite will always be Sarah Mclachlan Possession (ever since Due South), but this song describes a stalker... Still, I always looked past the creepiness of the actual stalker situation and went for the lyrics: "The night is my companion / And solitude my guide" "And I would be the one / To hold you down / Kiss you so hard / I'll take your breath away / And after I'd wipe away the tears" So there. No nu-rock, no aggressive hump-hump music. Sweet and tender, with a hint of passion.
  23. I get the point about a too long fight sequence, but I was still in awe watching the brawl (because it was a regular brawl, no fancy matrix ballet) in the corridor in episode 1.02. (Then again, I liked Banshee for it's fight scenes ;))
  24. I'm on the 5th episode of Daredevil right now. I like it quite a lot. I'd love for the Arrow production team to take notes on the fight scenes - they're smooth and realistic, but still retain some doze of "super" moves, still not over the top. I must say I'm a bit fed up with Arrow's fight scenes, they're terribly repetitive (even though the extra materials show that they should not be). I guess Oliver's been using the bow as a bludgeoning weapon too much, not doing the actual archery for a while... Anyhow, I'm loving Daredevil, there's not a character who bothers me. Females are great. Villains are good. Keep it up show.
  25. I'm starting to consider this marriage thing is really a play on words and it's Oliver being married to the League. The initiation ceremony is the wedding, the oath is the vows. He even changes the name! But he'll file for divorce in 5 episodes. This or it's Ra's, finally freed from his duties by Oliver, marrying the current love of his life: a village girl named Thalis.
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