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Everything posted by diadochokinesis

  1. If you look at the picture of Kathryn at her brother’s wedding, Saint looks exactly like her brother. I have a child that I currently see (I’m a speech therapist) that has FAS facial features but nope, he looks exactly like his dad. That’s why we can’t go just off of facial features alone when diagnosing children. We have to follow DSM-V criteria (and with some disorders, diagnostic testing).
  2. There was a novel (White Squall) about this that was later turned into a movie starring Scott Wolf and Jeff Bridges. It was based on a true story of a boat named the Albatross that went down in 1961. It was really interesting.
  3. Enh, I’m of a split mind. It doesn’t really bother me considering that B and Dennis were together in some sort of fashion for awhile. My daughter (7 years old) will text me on my husband’s phone when they go out. She frequently texts with my parents, especially when we lived in Dubai. To me, it is the same as writing a letter or email. I feel like the Brynn mentions are growing more frequent. I just don’t feel like she was mentioned that much when B came back in season seven. It has really been last season and the previous one where she was mentioned a lot. It was just more random mentions that were few and far between before that.
  4. Ugh, Morocco just pisses me off. To me, it is where Lu really shows that she is a poser. If she had spent any time previously in Middle East/North Africa, she never was around locals. She completely misuses habibi throughout (and her pronunciation is awful too).
  5. OMG! SO accurate! No but considering how Carole uses her social media, it is surprising. She would immediately tweet after anything happened that she could use to gain attention. Maybe stepping back from RHONY has been good for her.
  6. Nothing posted on Carole’s twitter or Insta yet.  Which surprises me considering she would allude to them keeping in touch, having dinner together, etc.  I had figured she would make some sort of statement.Â
  7. I work with special needs children (speech therapist). My issue with the statement was more the assumption that Kathryn must have done something for her children to (possibly) have special needs. Sometimes crap happens. Good people have children with a variety of medical issues and/or developmental delays through no fault of their own. These parents already feel enough shame and responsibility for their kid’s issues without some rando judging them. And people also forget that they are dissecting, judging, and talking about a sweet and innocent child. Sorry, this is one of my pet peeves. Right up there with people telling their kids not to stare at someone who is obviously different. Don’t stare and don’t ignore them. Go up and say “Hello.”
  8. Let me tell ya, it isn’t just chefs. I have no food allergies but I am allergic to three different prescription drugs (Includijg amoxicillin) and adhesives. When I had my youngest, the doctor had written a script for me to get antibiotics for a week (I had a horrid sinus infection) which turned out to be amoxicillin. They also had adhesive bandages put over two IV lines, the epidural, and going across the c-section incision. I was covered in hives for three weeks and my O2 in the hospital never even got into the 90’s (of which they never investigated why or discussed putting me on supplemental oxygen). And this was in the healthcare system! Allergies just aren’t taken seriously by anybody which is frustrating.
  9. So, yes, the triple talaq is still legal in Qatar but who knows for how long. Several countries have banned the practice including India and the UAE. The important thing to remember is that the country follows Sharia law which lays a lot of this out. This also applies only to Muslim marriages. As as far as the Emir’s divorce from Noora, things are a bit sketchy with that. She had another child by him in 2018 so they are still married. I hadn’t heard anything about the situation which wouldn’t be extremely surprising considering the control over the media. However, I still have several friends in Qatar (I used to live there) and that gossip would have normally made its way around.
  10. None of that proves anything. All About The Tea is hardly a legit source. Hell, they posted all sorts of crazy ramblings from Caroline Bedol. The source was probably T Rav and his friends as a way of hurting the custody case. The important thing is that she is clean and sober now—unlike Thomas.
  11. There are a million reasons why a child might not reach developmental milestones in a timely fashion. I have never seen the evidence—just TRav alluding to it.
  12. Exactly. I have worked around terminally ill people (did home health and hospice for several years) and it is hard on the spouses. A lot of them move on quickly. My sister-in-law’s sister (confusing?) died of stomach cancer after a three year battle. About six months after she died, her husband (of 25 years) got remarried. I didn’t think anything of it or side-eye it until I found out that the new wife was the registered dietician that was working with his deceased wife for the last two years she was alive.
  13. I wouldn’t call it mid-century modern. When I think MCM, I think Eichler homes. It is more of a contemporary/modern house than she usually goes for but I wouldn’t say it is MCM. I hope those tile floors are heated or else she is going to freeze in the winter!
  14. Tell me about it! Luckily, we are around 150 miles or so from Camp Fire but we are in the horrible air quality area of NorCal so everything is shutting down because the air is basically toxic. That’s what amazed me. The guests are NEVER left on their own! There is always deckhands or stews (or both!) with them at all times. If something would have happened, it would have been a disaster because nobody would have been there to assist/get them to a hospital. The boat is ultimately responsible the well-being of these people and they just left them stranded there! As a mom, I would have been worried just because little kids can get dehydrated quickly in that environment.
  15. Not anymore! We moved 2 months ago. We are now in NorCal (hello fires!).
  16. UAE just changed their laws a couple of months ago. ALL prescriptions must be preapproved before arriving in the country. Several prescriptions are either outlawed or tightly controlled (including Adderall which made it difficult for parents with kids who were ADHD). If you show up with unapproved prescriptions, they can and will confiscate them plus other various punishments dependent on your attitude and what country you are from. So, even my 75 year old dad with a pacemaker and a lengthy history of cardiac issues would have to have his anti-coagulant, hypertension med, Lasix, and pot-chlor Pre-approved or else they would be confiscated.
  17. She said on Twitter that it was neuropathy!!!
  18. Everyone is pronouncing it Sienna—even Captain Lee.
  19. I got a Samsung front load back in 2010 and it is still working great (at least according to the renters in that house). I miss that washer. I use the Tide Pods and the maintenance guy (I had a free annual check for the first 5 years) commented that he had never seen a machine as clean as mine. I left the door open after I was done washing so it would dry out and never had an issue with it. Our washing machine in the ME was dual washer/dryer (European-style) and it was decent. More the fact that it was European-style was what I hated. We just moved back to the US a couple of weeks ago and are in corporate housing with the old style top load and I’m hating it so much. I can’t wait to get into a house and get front loaders again.
  20. No joke. Some of the best Mac and cheese I have ever had (and I’m Southern) was at the Four Seasons in Doha, Qatar. I eat like a four year old. A yacht would be wasted on me.
  21. It is Adrian next to her, not Josiah. I don’t know who is getting fired but I would love for it to be either Rhylee, Caroline, and Chandler. Can we have three firings? Please???
  22. I never ate glue either. Now, smearing it on my palms and peeling it off after it dried? All over that.
  23. I can’t quite remember the specifics but I got the impression that it wasn’t planned. She did swim to a nearby boat (possibly production?) and hung out with them for a couple of hours before she went back to the boat.
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