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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. She plays to mid-forties. I was also surprised that She(m)p was only 42. Seems a looong 9 years. Dani is painfully thin. Looks like The Great Katsby lost about 40lbs between filming scenes and filming sit-downs. Adderallaboutthetown.
  2. Perhaps Angelina wrangled these pics. Is there another/more courtroom drama in the offing? Jury manipulation ftw! Clearly, this was designed to do exactly what it has done; get folks talking about GQ and/or whatever project he's promoting. I feel dirty.
  3. I have had a bit of a rollercoaster year with my 16-yr old KD kitty also. One week of thinking the end has come followed by 2 weeks of she seems good. It's very stressful. I'm mindful of the notion that a day too soon is better than a day too late, but... 😽
  4. Damn. So sorry. Just remember that this is the most loving thing you can do for her, albeit torturous for you. ~namaste~
  5. Yeah, right up there with "merch" and "collab". Irritating, but probably not worthy of a rant.
  6. Trust me, th earth will continue to spin, even if Aunt Blabby can't rush to pick up that can of gelatinous cranberry goo, or Cousin Skippy missed out on the last bag of day-old rolls.
  7. I continually roll my eyes at job listings which detail daily duties, including what appears to be the performance of everything imaginable within an office, catgorized as "entry level", which as we know, is code for "low wage". College degree preferred/required of course.
  8. The last film I saw in a theater was...drumroll... My Big Fat Greek Wedding, ca. 2002/3 The Hollywood (and other's) machine will starve on my patronage. I'm okay with that. Back on topic-ish - doncha just love John Corbett as -Eeeonn Miller and the fact that he married Bo Derek?
  9. Cultural phenomenon called "hate watching". lol
  10. Many of my cell photos are too large and have to be reduced (shrinkpictures.com) Beyond that, is it perhaps a file type which isn't accepted? Needs to be gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp. After that, I got nuttin'.
  11. Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has got moves! angelina-jolie-brad-pitts-daughter-shiloh-is-now-a-hip-hop-dancer
  12. "The greatest lesson in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes." - Winston Churchill
  13. Sonofabitch!! mich-baby-formula-plant-floods-closes-11-days-after-reopening-for-first-time-in-months
  14. Yeah, no. lol Edit - Oh dear God, that is horrifying. I must have psychologically blocked that memory. Mea culpa
  15. It's impossible for any of us to know the extent of Britney's mental illness/capabilities. The truth of it likely lies somewhere between her families' account and her own. It would seem the majority opinion here is that she deserved to be free to control her own affairs, based mostly on her age, which I don't agree with in principle. Again, without direct knowledge of the extent of her illness, it's impossible to know. She has clearly expressed her feelings; that her family did her wrong. They may have, but I don't imagine that too many adults in her situation welcome being controlled by someone else, family or otherwise. Her affairs were likely complicated and timely to control, no matter who was in charge, and as such, that person deserved compensation for doing so imo (it was a bad decision from the very beginning, to have a family member be the conservator, should have been a third party/independent). There's the rub; how much is fair? Imo, the compnsation should be commensurate with that person's earnings, within reason, were they not running her life essentially, with a reasonable cap on that. I have no idea what her dad was earning as her conservator, and it may very well have been unreasonable. These are things that should be reviewed by an arbiter, annually. Were they? The only proof we will have as to whether or not she is indeed capable of making rational decisions lies in future actions. I tend to feel, at least for now, that this marriage (to a lesser degree) and the Instagram nonsense, is at least some evidence to question her judgement, and does indeed look like a giant f*ck you to (mostly) her family; not a particularly sound reason to be married and trying to procreate (which is on Sam as well btw). My wish of course, is that she moves on through the second half of her life with happiness and peace.
  16. A much happier looking photo in this article. britney-spears-says-brother-bryan-was-never-invited-to-wedding
  17. My guess? A mellowed, attention-seeking famewhore. With a ring.
  18. Also Modern Family and many, many other roles. philip-baker-hall-boogie-nights-and-seinfeld-star-dead-at-90
  19. They look so happy. 😐 (I didn't separate the mother from the pic. She nor Jami Lynn were invited, dunno about daddio, though I doubt it)
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