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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. That probably says as much about HH as it does Rinna. She's his third wife, and with the second one being Nicolette Sheridan (albeit briefly), I'd say he has a type, and that type is nasty biotches.
  2. I agree, though I guess the same could be said of Siriano?
  3. I had been smoking for 29 years when I quit. I never really noticed an improved sense of taste or smell, both of which were widely discussed as a benefit. I did however, notice that I needed to continue to back up when attempting to view myself in a narrow full-length mirror for the subsequent months and years. All told, I gained nearly 100 lbs. after quitting (I was on the plus size of "normal" before I quit). I have lost 30 of those, and I'm sure that I will duplicate that feat at least. If I remain 40 lbs. heavier than I was while a smoker, I'm certain that I'll be on the right side of it still. I do however, undoubtedly feel better. I had to hack up a half a lung every morning just to get started, and I now hardly even have to clear my throat. I no longer repulse my friends and family from the smell (which I of course was blissfully unaware of while smoking). While it was a COPD diagnosis that prompted me to quit, I am at this point (13 years later) completely asymptomatic, and I'm certain that I would be toting an oxygen tank had I not quit. All-in-all, I'll take cottage cheese thighs over black lungs every.damn.day. Best wishes to you in your continued success as a former smoker! eta - Don't let my 100 lbs scare you. I attribute the far bulk of that to be from lazyness and a sense of entitlement, that I "deserved" everything I shoveled into my mouth, because I quite smoking you know. As long as you are mindful of what you eat, and that you allow little slips, you'll be fine.
  4. My shoulders; they're broad. But my dear, your lungs look fabulous!
  5. The video seems to have been scrubbed from this site, as well as others. Not savvy enough to know why/how, but it would appear that this blog still has it up: http://realhousewivesjuice.com/index.php/2019/03/07/lisa-rinna-off-of-her-rocker-on-instagram-mocking-ash-wednesday-and-threating-bravo-with-legal-action-if-not-compensated-for-promoting-spin-off-series/
  6. I have recently discovered Ghiradelli chocolate sauce, in bottle form, on my local grocery shelf. I'm not convinced that it's better tasting than Hershey's, but the spout/delivery system is miles better.
  7. I dictate my grocery list audibly to Alexa. That feature alone makes it worth having a 24/7 Jeff Bezos spy machine taking up residence in my living room.
  8. Oh my. "Alexa, add Ghiradelli Triple Chocolate brownie mix to the grocery list". "At once!"
  9. I take brownies very seriously, an would never steer you wrong! lol Glad you love them! I haven't tried the Triple Fudge. The Double have the chocolate chips, what makes the Triple triple?
  10. A couple of gems from the above link: Frankel asked her Twitter followers to “hit me with the info” on what she can do. Of course she did. “My whole entire life, since I was born, I’ve been allergic to fish,” she in January. Yeah, that'd be your entire life Beth. More about the fish allergy - “In my adult life I’ve had two hospital experiences before this one, not near-death. A couple a times a year I have a reaction of some sort. It could be swelling or hives or something … Because [the reaction] never got to a 10 [in severity], it got to maybe a 6 or a 8, I just didn’t realize I could die from it.” Sounds like she was knowingly exposing her body to fish for a long time, willing to take the minor consequences. Let's hope she takes a different tac with Bryn.
  11. “She’s never going to be replaced; we’re just gonna have to figure out how to work it without her..." variety.com/2019
  12. My rankings from this challenge: Winner - Irina Tie: Christina, Biddell Tie: Anthony Ryan, Michelle Goes home - Dmitry
  13. Happened across this Wiki page when checking on something related to PRAS. I thought it was really well done, and had some helpful info. Thought I would share. Project_Runway_All_Stars_(season_7)
  14. Sonja got it so wrong here, we need a new word for wrong! Eeks!!
  15. If you have them at your disposable, I highly, highly, did I say highly? recommend Ghiraradelli Double Chocolate brownie mix. For a mix, they are extraordinarily delish. If you accidently frosted them, you might never leave home.
  16. It would have to be "Alexa, go fuck yourself", or else she wouldn't hear you, says the Amazon legal staff.
  17. Yeah. I'm pretty much blaming the writing. Or Tim Allen, if he has control - dunno if he does.
  18. I missed the episodes where this Cousin Oliver was introduced...this is the Chinese exchange student? I don't understand the point, and it does not seem like a natural thing for that family. Plus, the actress' portrayal is nothing but annoying imo. Also - The character of Vanessa could perish because she pumped kerosene into her gas tank by mistake, and the show would be, at worst, better off.
  19. I loved them and it also. Leave it to Bravo to cancel a good one.
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