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Everything posted by TaylorTalk

  1. These people are unemployed? I always thought that their 'first place' was too nice for a new couple. Then it dawned on me that they just rented.
  2. There is something about this website forum that seems to nail it about the people in these reality tv shows every single time. Reddit seems to miss it. I would have loved to have been here during the J+K+plus8 days.
  3. Maybe it's because she knows that Laurie can be coerced to do anything when she has a.....NSFW..... penis inside of her.
  4. Hiring a 300lb ballerina with perfect technique is about as possible as a 300lb person doing a 1ft box jump. Near impossible except with super human dedication, of which Twit doesn't have.
  5. Asides from the echo chamber that is facebook, is there any place on the net that is supportive of her?
  6. Yeowz. Just watched the 'apology' video. She's our Mama June and Honey Boo Boo all wrapped up into one. And what is this key lime thing and drinking in your 'own private parking lot' with her Dad driving up. It's completely weird.
  7. 50% off the store right now! I'm guessing Donna gets to live in for free for being the merch manager. Will Werk with Twitney for food. BBC UK did a show called "fat ballerina' or something to the sort, and the ALL had better technique than Twit.
  8. As a introverted male, can someone please explain to me if 'girls sleepovers' really do migrate in to a woman's 30's? Ha, no way. DWTS, as much as I HATE that show and can't understand the appeal of it, the dancers do dance. They're serious about it. It takes real rehearsal and the contestants do real work to prepare. The producers DON'T want American Idol-esque crap audition/dances.
  9. There's a campaign to put her on Dancing with the Stars. I would LOOOOVE to see that.
  10. "Also, if @worldwidedance is so cool with fat bodies, I wonder why they've never reposted me!" Because Twit, your dancing sucks. Really, the belly dancing, the arabesque, the fitness marshall, you do nothing interesting. You're not dynamic, you're boring. You even said it yourself, Hailey the other dancer was fantastic and even you pointed out that you move so much more less than everyone else in the video. You're the Bill O'Riley of the FA movement.
  11. I think that the fact that she's dying/almost dead put both the parents on alert that their child is and addiction ACTIVIST. There's no hope for grandkids from her at this point. That's all they really want. They're fed up acting for the cameras.
  12. The bar may be 35? But those plates could be anything. They're 'crossfit' bumper plates and I've lifted them before. They feel like those cartoon weights with air in them. They can be as low as 5 or 10lbs each and as bendable as a road pylon weight. The fact that she doesn't rest them on her clavicles at all means that they probably weigh next to nothing. At least she's exercising.
  13. I wish I could just 'let loose' and enjoy simple time spent together with friends like this, and another part of me would like to assume that there's more to life than this. She has a smile that only the joker, or the worst fad korean plastic surgeon could love. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2399795/South-Korea-disturbing-new-Smile-Lift-surgery-creates-Joker-style-perma-smiles-women.html
  14. Ok, only now am I able to watch this episode. Thanks [SRIGGA] for torrenting this whoever you are. She's the worst person! IT WAS NEVER A PREGNANCY! If you really wanted kids YOU"D BE DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Stop getting teary eyed. You get over it soooo quick. Next up. Roy. Poor guy. I feel Twit is bullying him on this because he's fat and 'not attractive'. If he was a tall slender hunk, Twit would slow her roll and understand that 'I'm not interested' from a tall hunk makes sense, but since it's Roy, he OBVIOUSLY has to be attrracted to her, because obviously, no one else would be interested in him. Holey smokes Kiss her F-ing hand? Todd level gay? I read it on this forum, but now seeing her behave this way. Wow, she is @#$%-ing toxic. I really hope that Todd and Amanda pre approved that pic of them smooching. Gezz Manny, you are the slyest shitlord. Everybody on set thinks you're being 'funny' but we read through that. Jiya, mostly a yawn. Wow, the Buddy segment. I can see why he's pissed. That's not scripted. That smug look on her face. I love how she so sly when she's got the facts on Buddy, but can't handle it when people have the facts on her. "This is what you guys want right? F-ing drama." well said Buddy. On to Todd, now THAT'S scripted. That's it? Wow, pretty boring.
  15. I can see him as being the guy that's super friendly and nice and professional, but when he gets home he's exhausted and super depressed and just eats like crazy. Basically a mature version of Whitney. He's a show I'd actually watch as he gets better should he want it. Maybe he'd do it if the MRL show wasn't renewed.
  16. She's trademarked BGDC. HOWEVER, she proves that it's not possible for a MBFFL dancer to teach a class consistently as to provide an income. She's constantly exhausted when she teaches, and quite often its Todd Dancing, with Twit teaching from a seated position ala Jenzi. (except that Jenzi actually has choreo.) If BGDC is to ever take off, it will always be the standard skinny girl teaching. I thought that it was really noble for Zeke to remain silent after Jeff outed him and instead, the other competitors jumped in to chastise Jeff for.... wait, what? Sorry, wrong forum. I thought I was in the Survivor forum. Yeah, this mess. Buddy may be a shitty guy. Don't know, but from the way all of them stood by as he was being thrown under the bus, Buddy has got some shitty friends. Maybe the way they had a camera ready. This is some sick stuff, and I love watching it.
  17. She's paid to be a ratchet bitch, especially at the skinny. She's this season's Kerryn Feehan. Kerryn was paid to act rude on the skinny, and she's not a very good actress. Her jokes to be rude came off as lame and not how she would normally behave. This is the same with Jiya, I'm assuming.
  18. Well, as I guy, I'm assuming that most women do as a nice way to say 'not interested'.
  19. Back in the studio, things are seriously awkward as Whitney tells Shaun: “He has just a little temper.” Wow, way to throw your friend under the f-ing bus.
  20. Actually butt wing didn't register in my brain until your said it. That was from 'season 3' so SIX MONTHS AGO or whenever that was aired. You're right, there was no butt wing before. There definitley is one now. I've been watching m600lbf shows, this most recent screenshot? I'm having a hard time differentiating her and those patients. That Fitness marshall vid was the only thing that I've ever seen of her moving for more than a continuous 15 second cut. Soooo telling. I'm dying to watch this finale. I"m betting that she's sitting the whole time. I'm going to have to wait a week. I'm hoping Jiya "Kerryn Feehan's" Twit and Twit gets up and storms off. I want to see the mobility issues.
  21. I hope twit realizes that M600LBF is ONE 60min episode shot over a year. There is almost ZERO money in it.
  22. These double episode flash backs are really jarring. Whit has aged significantly. Remember, they shoot 2 'seasons' a year After 1 year,, the foundation has definitley shifted for the worse.
  23. I gotta wonder. Is it strictly just online dating for people now these days? From the very beginning for her it's all online. And this whole thing about 'chubby chasers'... I can't really see a 'normal' person wanting to date a morbidly obese person. That's the health equivalent of 'twice divorced with five kids' Sure they may have a golden soul, but for most people, that's too much. So who is going to date her? Especially with her toxic infantile personality, and neediness that has been demonstrated recently with her insistence of cuddling with Todd and Fire Marshall. It's all a huge turn off. All that's left are the chubby chasers.
  24. When you don't wear underwear underneath your anti chub rub spandex, the spandex IS the underwear.
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