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Everything posted by TaylorTalk

  1. "Whitney Way Thore Silent in Sexual Assault Travesty when Video Surfaces of her Grabbing Youtube Star by the rear end" "Whitney Way Thore is caught in the recent #meetoo movement when video surfaces of Whitney Way Thore of participating in an 'exerciese' video, where at the end of the video, she is clearly putting her hands on the rear anatomy of a youtube celebrity." Is the above an actual news headline? No, but is it 100% fact? Yes. I'm 100% positive he didn't script that Whitney Way Thore in any way would be putting any part of her anatomy on his body, which I would include to infer to put her hands on his anus or any body part near it. I guess when you're a third rate reality tv star, you can do whatever you want. You can even grab 'em by the asshole. Even if they are clearly gay and would want no woman in that area. I've gone Null due to various issues I have about some of the posts on this forum. Haven't posted in a long time, but with this harveygate going on, I had some part of an epiphany of another reason why Whitney Way Thore is not some amazing person. She can be as lecherous as Donald Trump, Harvey Weinstien, and Jesus Fucking Christ John Lassiter??!? I need to spout off somewhere. @FitnessMarshall #youarenotalone
  2. This is a woman, that, at the age of 32, does not know how to whisk eggs to make scrambled eggs. Cooking is like shooting for the moon to her.
  3. I find it quite telling that the forum would allow for such a Topic title. Obviously it's to drive clicks, but when the commentary is so overwhelmingly negative, it's got to say something about her or the show. I mean, could they possibly not try to frame her in a better light than the freakshow that they present? Which begs the question...Is there such thing as a reality TV show that is grounded in any sort of reality of highlighting the good in people? The closest I get is Zach and Tori of the Little People Big World fame, but that's sandwiched between the shit show of Jer&Auj-PoJ and Amy&Whathisfacedad. Jeremy flew the coop on that mess. Anyways, here's to a Season 5. I look forward to another season of whitney filling out from the bottom up. She's 'super lucky' that she's a fat bottomed pear. Chrissy Metz is a center out apple which is harder to cart around, complications show up sooner and fattens out the face more, but at least she can act. She's not an amazing actor like Milo V, or Stirling K, or even surprisingly the Kevin character, but she's miles ahead of that other 'fat actress' Gabriel Sibide. Cheers Whitney, congrats to season 5. I hope it gets popular enough that people decide to torrent it more often. This is probably the overwhelming reason as to why I watch this show. I love watching Narcissists get their comeuppance. It could be the laughable ski boots, the struggles of a basic arabesque to a 'trained dancer' or even the subtleties of the extreme difficulty of stepping up into a pedicab.
  4. Whitney is not stupid. She has carefully found her friends and therapists and carefully crafts them to do whatever she wants. That HAES nutritionist, picked so that she can say "I'm doing something, and it's prefectly legit." And nobody goes to see a therapist for yeeeears unless they're not willing to change. There's a reason why the only men in her life are Buddy, Tal and Todd. She could only dream of getting a semi decent guy like Roy, and Manny? Manny sees through her shit like no other. Body parts she doesn't listen to: Knees, hips, pancreas, lungs, heart, complexion, feet, ankles, sweat glands, back, liver. She punishes them with crippling weight, they punish her with crippling depression and permanent health consequences. Body parts she does listen to: Stomach, tongue, vagina. That's all she cares about pleasing. Any one of the three she can stuff, she's validated. Damn any long term health consequences. So yeah, all this HAES/Intuitive eating is all bullshit, they pick the 'easiest' things to listen to and ignore the rest.
  5. I'll admit. I stare. I'm fascinated by delusion. Especially when it someone in pain clearly insisting that it's normal. An oldie but a goodie. https://streamable.com/ftoy I could watch this over and over again all day. Just the movement looks so painful.
  6. If that would actually happen. If it does, it rarely happens. I think what really happens, like Chrissy Metz character in "This is Us" is that they take whatever tiny morsel they can and turn it into a shaming narrative that they can retell to themselves to affirm the 'I wouldn't have a problem being fat if people stopped shaming me for it. My joints are fine." I'll admit it. I look into people's grocery carts and make judgements. I think that's fair, and completely different from judging what people eat when they go to an ice cream shop or to a restaurant or buffet. When I see people out, I'm only seeing ONE meal. When I see a persons grocery cart stuffed to overflowing with processed cream/sugar/fat everything, while I stand and look at my 3 heads of cabbage, gallon of milk, and bunch of bannanas, I'd like to think that I can make an inference on what a person would be eating for what I hope would be at least a week.
  7. What did Whitney do to get on the FA black list? She wants to be fat, doesn't want to lose weight, and although she exercises, she can hardly be one for 'healthism'. The only thing I can think of is that she's ableist? https://imgur.com/330vPqr
  8. I get why Kate is hypersensitive to Rebecca's support. They're ever so underhandedly designed to inject doubt. Like for the school recital. You don't tell your kid that she's going to do great, yet offer a correction right before the performance. You encourage your kid to practice, then the day of, if your kid isn't prepared, then your kid learns that if you fail to prepare, prepare to fail. This is exactly what happened to Kate for that audition where she ranted at skinny bitches. She really did feel like she was just as good as the other girls, even though, as the director stated, all these other girls have been showing up at open mics since they were 15. Kate's angry at every helicpter mom support comment she received from rebecca, because they stunted her from what she really needed. Encouragment to work hard and learn, and accept constructive criticism from teachers and mentors.
  9. There was one fake episode where the SUV started puffing white smoke from the engine bay. Of which, never happens. Cars puff steam, but that's water, it can puff grey/black smoke, and that's all the rubber bits on fire, but white fluffy smoke? That's stage fog. I can't remember the episodes, but I guess that one was a set up for the car shopping.
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