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Everything posted by TaylorTalk

  1. I don't think that she weighs 450. It's tough to think that she's not, she looks absolutely huge, but this woman is only 5'2" She's tiny, which is a tribute to how large she actually looks. She's still currently mobile. She's not 450lbs. A simple image search proves it. http://www.mybodygallery.com/search.html?gender=female&height=160&age=any&weight=172&pantSize=any&shirtSize=any&bodytype=
  2. What is with Todd's dancing? I can't put words as to what his style is. It just seems so lazy, self absorbed and undisciplined.
  3. Hi Whitney ! :waves: Frankly, I don't believe it. This is a woman who's father bemoans her slobby suv, and who's cat shits in the corner of the house.
  4. It's like watching an episode of the Osbornes, or an Maori haka for obesity.
  5. I don't know why I'm so put off by people that fully extend their tongue when they put food into their mouths. It's like they're a bunch of baby chicks opening up their yams as wide as possible so they get fed first.
  6. What is the thing with Golden Corral, except for the fact that its a buffet?
  7. Further on in the chapter she labels THIS MOMENT as her introduction to "Diet Culture". JFC just because you can't have dessert all day every day doesn't make it diet culture. If she became an overeater and a sexual vixen because of abuse or trauma, then it happened before she was age 5. If she was abused or suffered trauma after the age of 5, then she used sex and food as medication. Many abuse survivors use destructive behaviours to self medicate, but that doesn't mean that all people that have destructive behaviours are survivors of abuse. I'd just like to think that Whitney is a really lazy self absorbed person. Either through nature, or nurture, and not through any trauma. Absent of any real proof, as they say in acting, just read the lines on the page for what it is. But yeah, it's kinda fun to speculate. But it's also important to keep it not r/fatpersonhate. It's only fun when we go high when she #cantgetlow and can see the hypocrisy for what it is.
  8. "It's possible her psychic hunger (not quite measuring up while at home) COULD HAVE LEAD TO promiscuity WHICH COULD HAVE LEAD TO sexual abuse which WOULD VERY PROBABLY result in her present state." FTFY How one uses words really matters, especially when used in speculation. You DON'T know if she was promiscuous and you DON'T know if she was sexually abused.
  9. Attributing her terrible behaviour and personality to sexual abuse is as about as irresponsible as her attributing her weight gain to PCOS.
  10. If anything, all her issues would probably stem from being raised by Babs and Glen. Overbearing, realist dad, vs mom that rewards for anything. I don't have a term for that, but basically the opposite of what a tiger mom is. Basically, she's a spoiled rich kid. No sexual abuse required.
  11. I'm going to disagree. If that behaviour were to be seen in men, it would just be considered just regular creepy dude behaviour due to the 'male sex drive'. I don't understand why women can't be just as creepy as dudes without having some sort of abuse in the past. Whitney has obsessions about EVERYTHING. Nobody is required to be abused to behave the way that she does. In her book she already had obsessions about CHOCOLATE MILK as a CHILD. I'm not a therapist, but it doesn't make sense to get abused, then pack on 250lbs to protect one self, then seek more attention for male gaze and/or public attention through her social media activities pre MBFFL. Simplicity being what it is, I think it's better to assume that she loves sex, food, attention, and drama absent from any form of trauma.
  12. Umm she got huge the second she got out from her parent's control as a young adult. I wouldn't insult abuse survivors just like in wouldn't insult PCOS people with such a crude association of her behaviours. I'd like to think that she's morbidly obese because she has no concept of either work, or consequence. And the Will thing. WTF? Zero mention? Really? If that were the case, probably never see him on the show again. Even if the cross fit barbell boob episode were scripted it still takes guts for him to utter 'I believe in you Whit'. She has time to freak out about a rando fat logician freaking out about the private conversations of a fellow passenger on an airplane, but not for a fellow cast member. Wow.
  13. I think Hunter is completely over it. I don't think that he's really close with the rest of the family either. Seems like the quiet, observing type. And while he might get along with Glen, he's probably not as close with his mother, since his mother is the 'I reward you for entertaing me' type which means that Tal fits that role perfectly. Whit fits the role too, except for the disappointment of no husband/kids/job. Season 1 he gave his sister the 'You're doing a good thing' speech, but I think that was the expectation that the TV show would be a documentation of her working towards the life she deserved, instead it was the TLC freakshow that it became. Notice that he said NOTHING during the bellydancing setup? In town to visit the parents, and the last thing he wanted was to go to a taping of fake bellydancing.
  14. The boat is going to take any money they can get. Twits followers are in it for me time with Twit. Less guests mean more one on one time. If you see most of the pics from the previous cruise, it's all the guests with themselves, not with twit, except for group photos.
  15. The cruise is going to happen anyways. The only difference is how many/nice free rooms she gets for her friends.
  16. d You are a bitter, mean spirited old lady. We would get along great.
  17. Well, if you're that interested, here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/RagenChastain/
  18. Well Twit might have more socially relevant dancing, ie hip hop. At least she does have some skill, but that's the advantage of youth I gues.
  19. It's it's own variation of SJW that's self unaware. For lack of a better description, imagine Whitney, as lazy as she is, 'training' for an ironman triathalon, despite not being a good swimmer, runner, and deathly afraid of /able to ride a bicycle.
  20. To be honest, I'd watch her do nothing. There's something fascinating to watching someone screaming 'why is this happening to me?' when it's plainly obvious to everyone except her, while she screams 'nothing's wrong, I'm perfectly fine'. If you want some other fun, google 'ragen chastain'. that's another fun rabbit hole.
  21. I'm speaking more fiscally. A dance troupe of 10 women practicing and performing on camera. They have to be paid. And not at background rates. They're probably required to be paid at special skill rate. When I did it, it jumped from 15/hr to 70/hr, and that's for playing a hostage on my knees. That dance battle with it's multi cam and crane shots means that each dance is performed multiple times. It's all fake, and it requires that many people be paid. The shoots are going to get stupider with less people per scene.
  22. I don't think that there will be any further dance battles. The first couple of times might have been fine, but to ask people to practice for free for what is a scripted TV show probably goes against some sort of acting union principle. The radio show probably did it for free publicity.
  23. What, you didn't like the 'Gluetus Maximus' video? I'm sure Glen loved it, so your opinion doesn't matter.
  24. I'm thinking that they're going to renew the show. I've looked at the TLC lineup. There's really not a lot going on. Kate plus 8? Still? 11 season of little people plus all the variants? At least with MBFFL you can love to hate watching the show.
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