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Everything posted by TaylorTalk

  1. I watched that episode. I.could.not.believe.it. Back to twit TLC I would love a 'reality' show of twit and donna! Heather is a dud, tal and Todd are one note duds, and buddy until his body lets go and lets the fat bubble out, can't move. Hunter can't act, which is a bit ironic, babs and glen are done. I will watch twit do aanything. Roller coasters, laser tag, shopping for a new car, redecorating, anything internship, fat collaboration with anyone. Please god, any sort of curvy con, DWTS guest judge,BGDC instructor tour, pretend move to anywhere, make a wish.
  2. NOBODYSHAMEATSEALASTCHANCE sosadmyfriendisdead NOBODYSHAME75%OFFCLEARANCEITMES posting condolences on what clearly is a commercial site is in poor taste.
  3. I think the thing should be to only post announcements that you're directly involved with and not to 'retweet'. I think that it's in extremely poor taste. So that means I'm completely fine if twit says nothing about world events. No op eds. Nothing. I don't want to hear anything she has to say about any natural disaster or mass killing. I don't want to hear anyone's opinion actually, or anyone's proclamations of how they feelsbads about/praying for whatever. If they want to comment about something, then go to THAT persons page/post/whatever and say it there. Doing it on one's own channels is doing it strictly for affirmation from others, and to game the algorithm echo chamber.
  4. Legal at TLC is smart enough to give Twit a script and editors a directive that scrubs "People shouldn't" and replaces it with "I believe"
  5. Let's not confuse actual rational talk about nutrition with anything Whitney does. No, but it does satisfy one person's need to feel sickeningly full. I'll do a massive binge, of which will include a ton of 'filler' foods, most notably cabbage, egg plant, etc, etc. Five fist fulls of food, with 64oz of water. All at once. Satisfies the 'voice'. As a result, stomach still shrinking. My old favourite place I could buffet 5 plates of food. Now it's only 3. And that's forcing myself to eat. But that also came with learning to eat better/natural. ie. Skim milk, especially powdered milk is bad, because no fat, and highly oxidized. Whole milk tastes better, the fat helps the absorbtion of vitamins and minerals, and at the proper amounts (not the same as drinking skim and eating cheese), and is more filling than skim alone. Sure skim has only 90cal and whole has 150, but I stop at one with whole, and drink 3 of skim and am still 'hungry'
  6. I don't think Jack's dead yet. This show has legs for a couple of seasons. At least 4. I think the house burning down is just for added stakes. It's like Silicon Valley. If there are no roadblocks, there are no stakes. Plus she was wearing a football jersey, which makes me think the house fire is from pre kids or around infant time and it was a renovation fire. Or maybe the house caught on fire, which was the reason why it needed to be renovated in the first place which is how Jack got the house, and she's crying for something unrelated to the house because she didn't know that she would be owning it in the future and she just happened to drive by it, because they lived in the area anyways in the apaprtment.
  7. There are so many people saying 'Eat this, eat that, this often'. So many variations of the same thing. I myself eat maybe twice a day. within a 6 hour period, probably 2000cal and am maintaining just fine. No hunger, except for proximity eating, and boredom eating, which I avoid with food that needs to be cooked to eat, and foods in the house that are generally not processed. It's basically intermittent fasting. Metabolism perfectly fine. If anything, I'm forcing my body to learn how to store energy, and burn fat. And guess what, fat is not as good as a fuel, it's slower. So IMO, a slower/ruined metabolism is one that doesn't know how to run on various fuels. Nothing is destoryed, because it can always be retrained. Some people eat only healthy foods, some people eat crappy foods. You know what? Eating clean/unrefined food is only hard because we have a choice. You don't see people in 3rd world countries with 1st world cravings, because those foods simply just aren't there. They just get on with life. Sorry, junk food is penetrating everywhere. They're all variations on how to manage hunger and emotions. That is it. Nothing else. Just those two things. There is only ONE thing that manages actual weight loss. It's calories in, calories out. I've never seen a concentration camp survivor come out fatter because their body went into 'starvaton mode'.
  8. Man oh man, I can't deal with Little House on the Prarie again.
  9. This series seems like it threw everything in to the look, and nothing into the story. And even with that, it seems like the art department didn't converse with the camera department. The klingons. Just eyes and teeth. That's it. Everything else is a prosthetic... that can't move at all. The bridge, shot with the wrong lenses, looks so large and empty. Most bridge shots I had no idea of dimensions or space. If it was shot left to right or right to left. And with all the work they put into the look, they shoot it five stops darker, so I can't see anything.
  10. When filiming a 'documentary', the subject matter doesn't take 'breaks', they just go on with their day. There's no such thing as a producer telling her that they get back to filming in 5 min. And who goes on facebook live to shill on their break? Twitney, that's who? Why? Because makeup is done already. And most film/tv people I know? They're mostly chill people. Why? Shooting 14 hour days 6 days in a row kinda takes the friendly out of you. But of course Twit can't shoot for that long. Her life is insufficiently fabulous for that, and the writers can only do so much. In any case, the crew is on a level of ass kissing adoration and handsy uncommon on most sets. Do you think Mama June needs this level of attention? I wouldn't go so far as sexual harassment, but more of "are you willing to x to get the talent motivated and presentable" I mean... just watching it makes my skin crawl. I'm a dude, but I'm a chick in the sense that I don't like creepy chicks. It could be said that TLC hired dudes that like creepy chicks. Some dudes like chicks that are constantly senshus. Actually, most dudes are like that. Most dudes like getting any attention, because it happens so rarely. So TLC stacks the deck with people that are ok with reflecting that kind of attention she gives. Some are natural at it. Like the producer, with a beard, that happens to be gay. (not to say that all gay people are like this gay producer, but he's just the bearded version of Tal. He's four hipster pale ales away from singing with her in a closet.) Some are not, like the english audio guy, but they get through it by wearing sunglasses to hide.
  11. http://people.com/bodies/my-big-fat-fabulous-lifes-whitney-way-thore-struggles-to-ride-a-bike/ An oldie, but a goodie of her riding a bicycle. Another skit that went off the rails.
  12. Well according to a Facebook live post, she's filming something with at least a producer and audio guy that she can't keep her hands off of and demanding that they call her gorgeous. It's definitely creepy.
  13. I used to live in a five story apartment with laundry at the bottom, and I lived at the top. I'd always be running up and down to check on the laundry. Five flights in about 30 seconds. That sounds like it's fast. It's really not that fast. That's 6 seconds a flight.
  14. I do mind that they killed her off in the most boring fight scene possible. This woman is one half of probably the most beautiful, elegant martial arts fight scene in cinematography history.
  15. "Never tips, always complains it took too long or missing items, always demands discount."
  16. Ugh, the pants ripping skit. One of the most lazy written skits on that show As if that girl to the right would just stand there with a camera pointing right at her. I love the show when the fourth wall gets broken, and goes off script. Like the ski boot fiasco. It should have gone smooth like the inner tube ride, with the comical 'hurrdurr, help me off the inner tube Lonnie', but it started going off the rails the moment the rental agent pulled out the seat belt extender for ski boots. That wasn't supposed to be the story. The talk at the university was supposed to be story, and the producers, and producer twit didn't want that shown, but when you have a deadline, and you've got a whole missing segment without it, you have to go with it, especially when the hot tub, inner tube, and speech segments are already stretched mega thin. Editors know that people are already fed up with gift shop sketches. It's a fast way to lose viewership. I already do that with Catfish. I watch two minutes from the beginning, and maybe 10 minutes at the end with the meeting onwards
  17. There is the argument that she's a terrible written character that is making season two worse. She's a bad person behaving badly, and that's the reason why one should stop watching the show, but there are shows like House and Breaking Bad and Californication. Those characters are terrible people, trying to be good, and toma certain extent, they have to fail at that over and over and over again, or else it would be just a three episode arc. I find that interesting, well... not necessarily. Love Silicon Valley, but getting tired of them building up, only to have to start all over again. Better Things is in act two, so I'm going to give it a chance. If it act threes, I'll be happy to never watch it after that, like Homeland. Happy to leave that show after the end of season 1. If she were a real person, her behaviour is absolutely un justified. I'm having trouble understanding why a character should be held to the same standard.
  18. "IFYOUCOULDPUTTHECAMERADOWNIDREALLYAPPRECIATEITIFYOUCOULDHELPMEIMINSOMUCHPAINANDIMGOINGTOHURTMYSELFLENNIEGODDAMMITWHYCANTYOUDEADLIFT400LBS" post edit "good thing i'm a dancer with amazing flexibility i totes would have hurt myself if i wasn't #dancingsavedmylife"
  19. I hate to break it to everyone, but Catfish is fake too. But at least they allude to it. The first season was semi real, based on the movie, which is mostly real as it went through Neve's own Catfishing. But subsequent, and the latest seasons are fairly scripted. The producers have done all the uncatfishing work to see if there is a story behind it, even going to the point where they contact the catfishers. THEN they go to Neve and Max with the basic details and let them go from there. The only part that is unscripted, is the meeting, but the 'torment of the catfisher/why are you doing this' is already vetted by the producers to see if it's compelling enough.' The producers are counting on Max and Neve to ask the right questions, but I'm sure that if they're hitting a dead end, they're given clues to figure it out. It's basically a point and click adventure that is all predetermined, like playing 'The Walking Dead' game. You think you're the master of your destiny, but it's already laid out. And in the context of Catfish: The Tv Show, it has to be when you have 3 cameramen, 1 key grip, 1 producer and an equipment truck in tow. But in Twitneyverse there are always golden nuggets of 'come to jesus' moment that make it all worthwile. I've mentioned others, but one 'greatest hits' was the Arabesque in the scripted "Invited to dance at the whatever college" An arabesque. which is just balancing on the balls of ONE foot. OMG, that's it? that's the build up? Those three girls, obvious extras, but probably real dancers saying "What is this shite?" Or the 'motivational' speech where the dude calls her out, or the blurred out redneck calling her a fat bitch but wearing a mic pack? Or the fake bike group ride where all that ended up happening was a mass of cyclists standing with their bicycles behind Twit as she struggled to move anything more than 10 feet at a time? Or that shitlord Manny, the radio DJ? Or shitlord Glen, in the first couple of seasons, where he tried to put the wellbeing of his daughter over and above tv fame? Ahhhh, memory lane. I wish I could watch the old seasons, but I refuse to pay for it.
  20. Ha yes, she did it to prove to Will that she could do it and to tell him to not quit on her. Yet Will was the one to do the fake barbell and boobs charity workout with modifications for obesity for her and buddy, and was the one to give the 'I believe in you and now I've proved that you can believe in yourself." scripted BS. After all this, the only person that quit was Twit. That or none of it was real in any shape or form. All strictly for the cameras, scripted television, all fake. God, I love hating to watch this train wreck of a television show. It goes from bad to worse in the most scripted way. Please TLC, more of this crap. There's nothing more entertaining than Twitney actually believing the scripts you write for her are actually happening. That's reality you can't script. Even Honey Boo Boo is smart enough to realize it's mostly fake.
  21. I'm viewing this show as a comedy and not making direct parallels to actual real life. It's sketch comedy. written by people who are comics, who's writing style is to take a premise, find an angle, add stakes, and take it to an extreme conclusion wherever it may go. If the characters were good people who made reasonable choices, it would be boring to watch and wouldn't explore interesting crevices of human behaviour. Fictional people making imperfect choices. It makes for interesting TV. People see 10x3 weeks and say "There is a huge, gaping chasm between "give him a chance" and falling into bed with him 10 times in 3 weeks. Once or twice, maybe (not an obligation, but it happens), but 10?", I see the same thing and say "Ok, I don't know why, but for whatever reason, she is seriously invested in this relationship." It's an absurd premise ready for exploration. I choose not to make a judgement, but instead just watch what happens. It's no different from going to an improv show, and the actors asking for the most ridiculous suggestions from the audience. It's futile to question why an astronaut would go see a dentist in an amusement park. That's not the point. The whole point is to see what happens if an astronaut goes to see the dentist at an amusement park. And as a viewer, I have to be open to the possibility that the astronaut could go see the dentist at the amusement park for something other than dentistry. If anything I hope that is what happens. Anything unpredictable is welcome. So having a rant in a parking lot with an audience where she unloads on the guy is great. It's different, it's interesting. No, it's not mature, not it's not grown up, but it's a hell of a lot more interesting than the two of them still in the restaurant saying to him, "you know that last conversation with my friends didn't sit well with me, and I'm thinking that I'm not happy in this relationship, and I'm going to break up with you, and I'm going to get up and leave, and I wish you the best, you're really a nice guy, but I'm just not ready for this." Boring. She hated him, but broke up with him in a mature fashion. Not interesting to watch. No payoff as a viewer. Questioning or making judgements on the sex misses the whole point. Of which is, what will happen if Sam is stuck in a relationship where she is unhappy. 3 weeks/3 months or 2 times or 10. It doesn't matter. Those details are there just to set stakes. Most TV relationships explode in a spectacular manner. I don't understand why it shouldn't be the same case for this show.
  22. Are you saying that sex between two adults should be seen only as a precious commodity between two loving adults? Storytelling is all about stakes, and exaggerating details for drama/entertainment and making judgements about one time or ten times is as moot as arguing about how many bullets a gun can fire. IMO What the writers are trying to convey with the 10x3weeks, is that she literally fucking tried to give a 'nice' person a chance, she gave a ton of signals that she was actually trying to give the relationship a chance by letting him fuck her, even though she clearly wasn't into it (and she's right, no guy should should have to ask if a girl got off. Any decent guy knows), hoping that he'd get past that certain point where he'd get over the 'I want to have sex", and start getting into the "Now that the sex is over, let's talk/do something interesting". I can see why Sam wanted to just get the sex over with, because if it came at the end of the night, it's all about guys being as m-f-ing charming as possible, then once the sex comes at the end of the night, the toad comes out and he goes home. She put out a ton of signals that said "I'm not into the sex, but I'm willing to do it to make you happy in the hopes that if we focus on your need for sex, then we can focus on my need for an actual, interesting relationship." This is a pretty common trope in heterosexual relationships, albeit seen more often in younger aged people. He knew something was up, he knew she wasn't vibing with him, BUT STILL HAD SEX WITH HER. He called her out on something he already knew what he was on shaky ground. If you get the feeling that someone doesn't like having sex with you, for gods sake don't call them out on not considering what you're doing 'being together'. That's just a great way to end FWB. You may think she's being disgusting, but I think it's taking a premise, extrapolating possibilities, and making an interesting TV episode about it. If you don't recognize aspects from both sides, you really haven't dated enough. That end argument scene in the parking lot I found highly entertaining, and maybe not the words, but the sentiment extremely honest in it's writing. Without risk and stakes, television is extremely boring.
  23. I would watch a whole season of her just moving around. I'm just fascinated by someone having so much difficulty moving around and insisting that she's perfectly fabulous. CPAP machine on an electric tilting bed, hobbling while carrying a pet carrier, struggling to step up into a pedicab, struggling to fit into chairs, taking stairs one step at a time, struggling to keep up with a tap dancing class to 'average' students, struggling to get in/out of furniture,although she studied dance, can't wear anything except flip flops. These are all the real moments I love watching in an amongst all the other 99% fake content of the show, (hurt back in shower, the horse thing, the pass out at the dance marathon) The one rare real scripted moment I would say would be the riding of the bicycle. Ooff, how could I also forget the ski boot fandango! That one was pure gold. I want these seasons to run forever, I want her to keep making her money, till we see the #cantgetlow storyline come to fruition.
  24. I find the responses to this episode really interesting. I'm going to guess that this episode isn't really rooted in reality. Other commenters posting on the beach scene not being real and being booze induced. Without being told the circumstances of how the she met the first guy, let's assume that she met him exactly like she was introduced to the second guy at the party. "Come meet my friend", so it's a blind date with obligations to friends. Sam says "I really don't like him." and the friend says "just give him a chance." So she puts up with having sex with him ten times in three weeks. It's obvious he's not picking up the signal that he needs to up his game, but instead he gets put off that she's not into what he's putting out. Then he has a temper tantrum because he's surprised to find out that she doesn't consider them a 'thing'. So she flips out that she did what everybody told her to do which is give the guy more than enough chances, and her putting out 10 times in three weeks was such a waste of time. Buddy, she did everything but tell you directly that what you're putting out is not her thing, and when she tells you the truth, you freak out instead of listen. That rant was probably rooted in any date where anyone has had to deal with 'I don't know, what do you want to do." Be bold, make a stand, be definitive, be someone a solid version of yourself that people can come to expect, not a ball of jelly that people can neither pull towards or push away from. Everybody hates flip floppers.
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