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I do agree with almost everything you had said, AnimeMania. And that is from a female point of view, I saw it just the same :) I really have no idea why they decided to make this show. It definitely wasn't no escapism - how they chose to market it - every scene seems to be being quite down-putting. They did manage to make Sarah look unattractive in almost every venture - that is almost a miracle, I agree! I actually just seen the first episode, skimmed through the second - and then the last one. Would not recommend to watch.
I don't get the sense we're supposed to think that she has. I think she's just reacting to circumstances and opportunities as they come up. The only big plan she could have come up with as I see it is : " I will got to the hairdresser, try something new" I think that happens to everybody, once in a while ! And maybe her mother recommended her to try contacts... Otherwise she is a very pretty girl. I think Jamie can see it even with the "1st" Jeanette..
Been thinking the same thing exactly. The only thing would happen that Jeannette would get also in trouble. Only it would look maybe even worse, that "she was watching by the door"... and would take out the chance for Mallory to try to make sound just innocent/coincidence, which she did.
I think the problem has started with Jeanette, at least in the episodes we have seen, when Mallory is degrading her and belittling her all the time when Jeanette is thinking people might actually like her. Why wouldn't she like Kate, she is nice, what is the problem? Mallory is just jealous. And for Jeanette - of course you have to put in some effort to make new friends. Always. Let yourself be known. How else will people know you? Sometimes it means looking for hobbies/interest you share with people etc.
In my view in Civil law this is a way of saying: "not guilty". There is no other way to get it out there, officially. Every lawyer will recommend this position in a (difficult) situation like this, it is not question of "bad character" or "good character". This is a right the state has given you. To protect your name. And as to another comment on this site - a lot of money is going to be involved, that is in the end. Kate is going to pay huge damages to Jeanette for smearing her name by the decision of the court. The elegant thing for Jeanette to do of course in that case is to afterwards waive the damages. That is why Kate`s parents are so nervous.
Hi! I see two possibilities: 1) Jeanette walked in on them, Kate and Mr. Harris, having an affair in his own house. She used to come to the house and she was interested in him. She dropped the necklace in surprise. I think it is definitely heading in this direction... So Kate doesn’t remember Jeanette seeing her imprisoned, just that she knew about their relationship – and she could have said something, to help her. Jeanette on the other hand kept quiet - thinking she was keeping a secret. Or she easily could have been scared, or under threats. 2) The darker version. Jeanette was Mr. Harris accomplice in the imprisonment all along. It all began with the whole “red scrunchie situation” when they recognized they both have a bit unnatural interest in Kate... So actually Jeanette is in and out of the house all the time, during the time Kate is downstairs. They are close. Mr. Harris helps Jeanette with the transformation. Making her a new Kate. In the meantime keeping Kate hidden, for themselves. Kate remembers it as a dream, see isn’t very sure when exactly has she seen her, she cannot hold on to it… but she is angry. (thus maybe she connect it with "Annabelle") It would explain why the whole town / Kate /the show is acting like Jeanette was actually the kidnappers accomplice! Not a probably “innocent” passerby just peering into a window, maybe seeing something, maybe not. And it would connect with why now Jeanette with the short hair is so down and closed off – she is afraid of giving up an even bigger secret (!), and actually missing her accomplice. Which show direction would be more in your viewing TASTE?
Hi! Can somebody point out to me what exactly happened in that "moment", in the kitchen... I didn't see anything, honestly. Just that he, MacGyver, was bored/uncomfortable and left Riley there alone....
The petition https://www.change.org/p/netflix-season-2-of-filthy-rich?utm_content=cl_sharecopy_25942914_en-US%3A0&recruiter=72938195&recruited_by_id=21727310-62dd-11e3-a3f2-418056072a5c&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_message&share_bandit_exp=message-25942914-en-US
She did play the lead in Jane Austen's Emma in the movie this year. Also a great watch! 🙂
Something in the sense ... "I don't need another necklace, I just want to be with you..... Did I just really say that?" That was a great delivery!:)
Not the same dressing gown - but others from the brand https://www.net-a-porter.com/cz/en/Shop/Search?keywords=meng They do look really great on her.
there are new writers next season 🙂 They are supposed to keep up with the mythology with more detail...
Nicely said.
Good that is she likeable. Sweet. Not some vixen, as it seems from the promos. I think this fits here much better.