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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. Agreed! I think Justin had his part in the shit stirring also.
  2. I have to cut Alexis a little slack. Living with the embarrassment that is Justin for eight weeks was probably hell.
  3. Krysten standing up for herself does not take away from the fact that Mitch is a major douchebag poser.
  4. Yeah, I guess whatever it took to get away from her inbred ass. FWIW, I'm going easy on Leah.
  5. I'm glad they use subtitles for Nova, I can't understand her, although her parents do not seem concerned. They also had to trot out the dead horse Carly storyline...nobody cares! I'm happy Jaden wised up and got away from inbred dullard Leah.
  6. When Kody and Christine were in the garage. I wanted Christine to say I'm getting a new bed and bedroom set, because I'm pretty sure when I find a new man we'll be banging like a screen door in a hurricane.
  7. If they wanted to create drama they should've withheld part or all of the tip from slacker pussy Kyle.
  8. Ed should try Pillow Therapy. That's when you take a pillow and hold it firmly over Ed's face until he stops kicking.
  9. She's not going anywhere, she took another look at his insurance. There is no copay and no deductible.
  10. She's not a doctor, she's not married to a doctor. Why is she on the show? I can't stand her!
  11. Every time her Pug takes a dump on the beach, Krysten is going to think of Mitch. Alexis looked like she needed a barf bag when he said yes.
  12. Didn’t she say “where’s your baby mama?” to Oliver?
  13. Could someone notify me when Angela and her rotting cooch are stinking up a Lagos jail? I might start watching again. While I'm here, FUCK YOU BILAL!
  14. That's the one! I still think that if Dave would have just played it cool, he could have banged Tash the whole season.
  15. Ashley reminds me of Sheree. On a TV show looking all dumb and shit.
  16. Lindy... Probably not. She's scared to lose her health insurance, so. FTFY!
  17. How does this show manage to make it look like it's freezing in San Diego?
  18. Some good can come out of this if she convinces Krysten to not stay married shithead Mitch.
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