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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. Her inbred, redneck, POS husband won't let her go near Nathan.
  2. So, is Lux staying with Bone and Quay?
  3. Well you missed the first documented sighting of a Sasquatch in Hawaii. The crazy part is the Sasquatch was skydiving while staring at a fucking cellphone the whole time.
  4. But I thought he only loved her like 45% or some shit like that?
  5. I'd be sad too if I was stuck in a storage rental apartment with an absolutely repulsive "man" doddering around. I don't feel sorry for her because he was repulsive when she met him.
  6. She probably didn't give him his meds either.
  7. I hope Javi or Joe aren't watching Suds every time Karl wants a vacation or has to fly to Atlanta for her fucking lameass podcast.
  8. As shitbag David stood there with that stupid fucking look on his face.
  9. Yes, Aunt Bone, Aunt Quay and Aunt Dom were there.
  10. And Chris is ashamed that in a moment of weakness he reproduced with a Sasquatch.
  11. Still a disgusting skank. I need her to leave the baby with NuMatt. She can go visit Jenelle in NC while the swamp is swallowing their house.
  12. The skeevy creepy Adam from last season was making a comeback this episode, IMO.
  13. Karl talking to Bone about her last two relationships being so toxic. I guess she considers Chris a relationship? Karl you are the toxic one, self aware much?
  14. Conrad was on WWHL last night, not a very interesting guest. Kasey was in the audience and introduced with some unenthusiastic applause.
  15. Maybe if he put his wife first, Family Chantel would accept the Dominican Dork. What a punchable face on that guy!
  16. Did y'all know that Javi axed Roxanne for her blessing to marry Briana? But then she was upset when Javi didn't axe Briana to marry him when they were in Delaware, and his dick ain't that big.
  17. Ashley crying to Patricia was nauseating. I don't care if Craig is bipolar or has ADHD, if you are 3 hours late I'm not answering the fucking door. And you're going to be left behind on everything else that requires you to be there at a certain time.
  18. They have a shovel, Gary should have removed or buried his shit the first thing the next morning. What a creepy fucking asshole!
  19. Captain YAAAAWN Sucks! and Kasey you're not that fucking cute.
  20. The disgusting bitch barely let him in his own house when he came back.
  21. Karl, Quay and Bone trying to find some random street corner looked so stupid. Nova seems to have Devoid's mannerisms. Lydia's lips are even bigger than Javi's, at one point it looked like she was trying to hide them.
  22. The moron POS was trimming his nosehair.
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