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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. If I could make 2 script changes for last night. One would be instead of Rhylee arguing with Chandler I would have her mop the deck with his prick face. I would have the primary offer the tip on the condition that the bumbling asshat of a bosun and the shivering Chihuahua of a stew receive not one cent. I have absolutely no empathy for either of them.
  2. Two posers travel to LA for a really lame charity boxing event.
  3. I bet Eric's breath smells like he's been eating shit sandwiches all day.
  4. Apparently most people have stopped watching this show.
  5. Why would Kayla's friend Devin want to be her roommate? Ugly MF Stefan will probably steal her debit card and then beat her up when she confronts him about it. While Kayla sits there like the dumbass that she is. There is no way it will end well.
  6. She has to question her boss because he is a raging douchebag. I have a lot of respect for her having the restraint to not kick his prick ass, which she could probably do.
  7. Watching useless slobs demanding shit from their producers was fucking disgusting.
  8. Eric looks like some kind of mentally ill jack o lantern. Jon is a fucking tool running in the street yelling Fernana. Colt is sniveling, tightwad nerd that lives with mommy.
  9. STFU Caroline! you couldn't even handle a 4 shots of tequila and a iced tea drink order...bumbling idiot!
  10. I have never seen Nene's comedy act, but I have to think that it is probably lame AF.
  11. Everyone form a nice orderly line behind JETS4274, no pushing or shoving. I think Caroline is going to be weirdo no matter where she works.
  12. I was so happy he and his partner got booted.
  13. Were they going to send that totally lame birthday party they filmed to Carly?
  14. Nene the bloated sow from Atlanta and Vicki the OG bloated sow were on the last 2 WWHL. They always pair them up with some superfan celebrity guests that proceed to kiss their asses. It's disgusting.
  15. If brain dead Kayla does not extend the protection order. I would give her two weeks to get her ungrateful ass out of my house.
  16. I don’t want to sound mean Cate, but don’t ever text or call this fucking number again.
  17. I don’t believe her and don’t care. I’m going to hell.
  18. I hope his yacht captain daddy is watching and is real proud of his douchebag/prick son. It took dumbass Caroline a half hour to get 4 shots of tequila and a iced tea.
  19. They both would be mysteriously lost at sea in my perfect world.
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