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Mr. Miner

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Everything posted by Mr. Miner

  1. Maybe if you would quit calling Leah Boo Boo and Booger Butt she might come see you dumbass fucking posers.
  2. Talking Glazed Ham is pretty good, But whoever called him a greasy butt plug on live chat...nailed it!
  3. Maybe? But most guys will tell you the worst BJ they ever had was wonderful. ;-)
  4. I wondered if Karine was ever going to take a shower. Do they have showers in Brazil?
  5. On WWHL Captain picked Adrian over Ben without much thought. Kate landslided Hannah on the audience chief stew poll.
  6. When Sasquatch was grilling it looked like their 10 dogs had turned the backyard into a hog lot. I don't even want to think about the inside of the house.
  7. Tyler finds Cate repulsive and then gets her pregnant. WTF!
  8. Amber just wanted everybody see that she changed a dirty diaper.
  9. I recently watched the Parts Unknown on Manila with the real Anthony Bourdain. The Filipinos living abroad send money and goods back totaling 30 billion dollars annually and it's 1/3 of the Philippines GNP.
  10. Angela will come home from work one day and Michael will be riding Scottie and...
  11. I remember being outraged about the couch incident. Looking back at the fact that it was Lydiot's mother I don't care so much. Ryan is still is a raging douchebag that I don't ever need to see on my TV screen again.
  12. When she was babbling and flailing at the table she said she didn't care about the money.
  13. Tarik is a dumbass, I'm hoping he's smart enough to leave Hazel in the PI.
  14. And when you find a woman that's into sidewalk pukers you lock that shit down.
  15. Mahkul was stunned when she was packing her shit, including his Trump gear. It occurred to him the unspeakable things he did with this woman and he is not going to the US.
  16. Karine is fucking gross! Pole is the best she could do.
  17. The pinkeye was not from Emily's butt, it came from her turd husband.
  18. That was one lameass reunion, I don't why they even bothered?
  19. Now I know why Emily looks like she just smelled shit. Shane is a little fucking turd.
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