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Everything posted by scrb

  1. Yeah JS has them looking at phones all the time. They were using some social media to drive some of the story lines. Are they worried about the challengers posting pics of the house or of the events or giving out results? Because obviously they can make it a rule that such violations would be grounds for immediate elimination. Though it would be much easier for some of the people to just keep to themselves with phones. I don't think MTV would care about people socializing or not. It's more they want them to interact and have drama, confrontations and so on. If they're allowed to just keep themselves entertained with devices, there might be less of a chance for these interactions which lead to "good TV."
  2. They don't let them bring phones? Why? On a show like JS or RW, they used to put all calls on the air. But now, why would it matter? They let them do FaceTime calls but I guess that's only for the air.
  3. I thought that was kind of odd, he had all these prints he was looking at and they kept showing him going through them. Isn't it more typical for people to carry pictures in their phones? They were about the size of the old 3x5 prints you'd get if you got film processed and made into prints. Maybe they printed out the photos and gave them to Cory for him to go through so they can film him doing so. I kind of rolled my eyes at Cory talking repeatedly about how he has to get a red skull or go home because he's at the Challenge for so many people back home. Yeah it's a big Challenge trope now, how they're extra motivated for the kids. Cory doesn't live with the daughter and her mother does he? So he's still kind of living the single life? Though it's probably not as easy now as it was when he first appeared on the Challenge for him to spend weeks on the show -- can't be easy for anyone in a relationship to be away for weeks.
  4. There are 4 cast members in the deck crew instead of the usual 3 so it should be okay. But they were giving him a lot of camera time in the first couple of episodes of the season with his "sweetie" thing and pursuing "Lana" whats her last name. Otherwise the guy didn't have much charisma, unless being a douche bro counts as charisma. You never know with Bravo.
  5. That's what I was thinking, that they cut out Dee and gave us more Josh. That's almost as offensive as her tweet!
  6. I liked the elimination. Swagger had length or reach advantage but didn’t get good rhythm going to swing effectively. He had a lead but Cory caught up and passed him as he got the hang of it better. Hall battles or pole wrestling are the least imaginative and unlevel eliminations. Both guys had a shot with this. Cory’s ankle injury didn’t come into play and it was a competitive elimination match. Regular challenge not much strategy involved. More chips eating. They must have cut the catering budget way back for the prize money. Or maybe TJ’s rides on the tank.
  7. Good show today. FF has done a better job of restoring normal show segments than Real Time or Last Week Tonight. Cute bad too, like that split screen performance. Hope they sell records so they can get the guy a drum kit. 😄
  8. They were getting a lot of pressure, at least on social media. Several networks have already fired reality show cast members for tweets and most of the ones fired are apologizing or not protesting too much about it. If Bravo left the people with those posts on the air, the pressure would probably build, with talk of boycotts and such. I think to an extent, #MeToo set the precedent, as people with sexual harassment or assault in their pasts were fired. Call it cancel culture or whatever but fame and fortune isn't guaranteed now if you've behaved badly. BTW, racist posts on social media equate to being politically persecuted by McCarthyites?
  9. Inside MTV's Siesta Key. They are done by reporters in the Sarasota area.
  10. Everything has already been filmed. But most of the relationship stuff on this show are questionable, like Kelsey and Garrett. Or Juliette and Robby. Now from the previews looks like she's going to be linked to some guy supposedly even richer than Alex. That would be a great return on her new breasts. The podcast should be interesting, they usually have a lot of background stuff not apparently on the show.
  11. You wonder if the casting people on these shows bother to look at the social media history of these people. Will they do so in the future?
  12. Alex Campo fired for racist posts on social media in the past. That is why instead of 2 episodes, they aired just one and cut out as much of Alex as they could even though the main story involved him bribing Chloe to keep her mouth shut about his cheating. A lot of fake story lines they’re setting up like Kelsey and Garrett moving in — this show has always faked living situation since many cast members fly into Sarasota to film the show — Madison wanting to have a baby AND be an actress, Juliette’s new career, Chloe’s job for Alex’s dad. Speaking of fake Juliette seemed proud of her hard fake breasts. Tragic, these young women are already on a TV show so fake breasts will get them on more shows? Well Alex’s dad may pull the plug since his racist POS son is off MTV now so the show may not be around after this season.
  13. Probably she wanted to leave earlier and production was trying to talk her into staying or at least do the departure morning scene. They would want to milk Hanna and Lara being at each other's throats for a couple of episodes. By the end of the night all of the crew were against her singing about throwing her off on the shuttle bus back to the yacht. She would have been miserable if she stayed and money and being on TV apparently didn't do it for her. Pete cried and not only did he not know her last name, he was calling her Lana until they all went out. Mallorca is really beautiful but Palma is right by the major airport. Not sure it would be great places to anchor but the northern coast, especially the NE corner, have these dramatic cliffs rising from the ocean.
  14. That's the pretty major thing to drop. They did all the setup with both of them making claims about the pregnancy and they didn't follow it through?
  15. I guess it's kind of a reboot, since two key actors left the show. Well one was fired. The tough thing is, Brandon and Jerrika were featured in a lot of scenes. So are they going to make the other characters, including the kids, carry more of the show? Or are they going to introduce new characters with big story lines? I see that Lena Waithe is credited in two episodes for this season. There are also 4 or 5 actors who are credited in at least 5 or more episodes as well, so new characters, not sure if they will be central ones yet.
  16. The reality is, Issa is at an age where it wouldn't be uncommon to find a large percentage of men she might date already being fathers, already being divorced. So it shouldn't have to be a dealbreaker but with their past, she has expectations of doing many things together for the first time. Or is it that for people around their mid 30s, divorcees much less parents carry a stigma as potential mates?
  17. I have to say I sleepwalked through the first 4 episodes. Dominick was an unappealing character and his struggle to help Thomas, while touching, was hard to watch at times. But with episode 5 the story of his grandfather, you started to see why he had a massive chip on his shoulder. It wasn't anger but despair, this belief that the family was cursed, this lashing out at all the tragedy in his life. Does he completely turn it around? Not clear he would sustain his relationships, including with Roger, even if he rebuilt it. Sure he learned a lot from his grandfather's tales and learning the identity of his father. But will the loss of Thomas and learning his father's identity make him a kindler, gentler Dominick? May he find some peace and calm instead of being on a hair trigger all the time but can a lifetime of being of a certain temperament be erased?
  18. Arabella doesn’t seem like someone who’d be in denial. She described the guy locking the door and bumping against it, making a sound. Obvious what’s going on but it didn’t hit her until he police lady made it clear what her suspicions were. T also had his quizzical look from Arabella’s description. OK she declined at the audition to show her earl hair but then added that she had a threesome? Whatever this ad campaign was, her biography figures a lot into their casting decision? She told them her IG and her follower count? Or is it only a thing in the UK ad industry?
  19. I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt but it does seem like a cliched soap opera move. But maybe they don't want Issa to be in romantic bliss for most of the show, which is very much about her character finding her way through life and that journey isn't easy for her, though not in a serious way but she stumbles around like everyone does. So for the time being she's not meant to be happily married or in some solid relationship? In the Wine Down they made a deal out of wanting to depict postpartum depression, with more subtlety and specifically for a black woman. But Tiffany have a small appearance in this episode, as most of it was the gang doing detective work to track her down. I vaguely recall that they laid down some bread crumbs for this plot, since a few episodes ago, she seemed not too particularly preoccupied with her newborn child. Then in season 3, she expressed feeling left out because she was pregnant and her single friends were doing things she couldn't be a part of. But most of the lines for supporting characters are meant to deliver laughs, not really a part of their character development. I think while they're entertaining to watch, most of the supporting characters are little more than delivery vehicles for jokes or to interact with the two main characters. Lawrence really surprised Molly, dropped a lot of stuff on her. He's dropped one or two things at a time but he let it all out. The with Issa's situation with Lawrence, it makes sense that they'd reach out to each other to talk about life shit, again. Issa Rae the creator of the show noted that at the end of season 2, Issa the character imagined being with Lawrence and them having a baby together. So the fact that Lawrence was going to be parenting his first child with another woman meant she and Lawrence couldn't share this special thing. A small moment in the show, of course this was before the current unrest about racial relations, particularly the mistreatment of black men especially by police across the country. But they had a little confrontation which could have become a big thing, at least IRL. It pitted 4 black adults vs. 2 white witnesses and 2 white cops. Obviously they weren't trying to make a big statement out of the scene but it took Molly asking the policemen why they are only listening to the white people, not listening to their side of the story. If only interactions between black people and police were always resolved without incident.
  20. So the whole episode, Axe and his minions are hopped up on some glorified Adderall and come up with some scheme to mine asteroids out of Chile. They spend the whole day working up plans to execute this idea only for Taylor to talk sense into Axe in the space of like 30 seconds. Then Axe becomes pissed when he finds out Taylor and Wendy are joining Mike Prince on some solar investment but they will take a loss for about a year to avoid Congolese tin. How is that guy video chatting from some room next to a mine in the Congo as warlords are bearing down on him? Doesn't matter that Taylor saved him a $3 billion loss, Axe must destroy Prince! Chuck tries to get Yale Law brains to try to destroy Krakow but then he and Sacker just gaslights Krakow, who loses his cabinet post as Treasury Secretary, which torpedos Axe's bank dreams. Well Axe has got another mission, to really go after Prince. Do hedge fund billionaires really do that, try to carry out vendettas against other hedge fund billionaires? Or is this the writers recycling a bad old Dallas plot? Chuck still working on saving Sr., doesn't buy a kidney on the black market, just decides to pay the donor anyways. But if anyone in his office was a match -- he set up a blood drive to secretly test everyone in the office -- what was he going to do, strong-arm them into giving up a kidney to his father? Chuck forces a viewing party and hooks up fake Jackson Pollock, who actually discussed Pollock's works this episode, with a rich MILF, to lure Tanner away from Wendy. Yeah that's his other mission these days.
  21. Free or cheap Axe Capital T-shirts with your name on it. https://viewfromthewing.com/free-personalized-axe-capital-t-shirts-billions/
  22. Mike actually teared up as Angellina walked down the aisle. They made it look like Vinny has regrets about chasing Angelina. Yeah right. The guys were all gorging on the food. MTV must have paid to have every food option possible, just to film the segment on all the food spreads. Seemed like Angelina was into it after the first couple of comments. I'd forgotten about Vinny's standup comic act at Mike's wedding so this was suppose to be a little competition between hm and the girls? That makes it seem more like it's fake. Guess they wanted a cliffhanger going into next season, to see if the girls will reconcile with Angelina next season. Or maybe they will feud for awhile Too many of the cast members depend on this show since they're buying big homes, cars, etc. So they will do what the producers want them to do, which kind of makes it lame.
  23. New HHI has dried up. They must have emptied the can. I'm getting a bunch of HH episodes on Tivo but they also seem to be repacked reruns, like comics giving commentary on older episodes but they're release like first airings. Well CA is allowing TV and film production staring 6/12. But countries are still closed to nonessential travel. So for instance, no sign of when New Zealand and Australia will open up to outside visitors. Same for Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore. These countries have all but eliminated the virus among the population. Europe is signaling that they will open up to tourists from other continents some time this summer. Some Caribbean islands are planning to open up in the summer too, because they can't miss that tourist money. South and Central America though, the virus is raging through them right now. But even if they're able to film in some countries, I would imagine they'd have to line up people who want to be on the show, set up the logistics for filming. Then post production. So the earliest maybe for new episodes might be early next year? Or they may not do real work until there's a vaccine or effective drug treatments. I wouldn't think HGTV would abandon any of their shows unless they weren't making money before the pandemic. But maybe they have lost revenues so maybe they can't front money for production right away.
  24. In one of the deleted scenes, Bayleigh and Dee are fighting for the flags. Bayleigh tells Dee she has her red skull so don't take her flags. In her TH, she talks about how this Challenge is important for her because the money would be for a new life. So they're arguing afterwards and Bayleigh is about a head taller than Dee. She should have been able to grab more flags with her length, longer arms. But obviously they have beef before Dee made the dumb post about BLM.
  25. So her first book that people know her from on the street, that was entirely written in tweets? She's just relating the experiences she goes through? But apparently her life includes partying and blacking out? Or she remembers parts of what happened now and then.
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