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Everything posted by alegria

  1. HeeHee! They showed his blindside twice tonight! Austin should love Liz's Caleb-ogling...LOL
  2. Meg has some damn nerve, insinuating that it was James' fault she was voted out...Bitch.
  3. I think Brittany picked up the ball because she had injured her foot. She knew she was being evicted and still completed that challenge!
  4. "Wed 10:45 AM BBT On the BY couch, Becky tells Shelli that at "the meeting" BB said that Audrey "opted out". Becky says Audrey is not ill. NT" Can't she leave?
  5. Wow. The comments over there are BRUTAL. My favorite:
  6. Excellent article in The Daily Beast: "The Big Brother Masturbation Controversy: How The CBS Reality Series Brings Out The Worst In Men" http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/07/10/the-big-brother-masturbation-controversy-how-the-cbs-reality-series-brings-out-the-worst-in-men.html
  7. It just dawned on me who Shelli reminds me of -- Leanne, the blond meth head/shunned Amish inmate on Orange Is The New Black, but with makeup.
  8. I read somewhere else that the twins just switched and are wearing different colored nail polish. The current twin is Julia.
  9. RogerFromOhio, I tend to agree with most of what you've written. I think this may shed some light on her behavior: Rachel Dolezal Was Raised by Christian Fundamentalists. No Wonder She Wanted a New Identity. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2015/06/17/rachel_dolezal_was_raised_by_strict_fundamentalists_the_revelation_sheds.html
  10. Not sure if this is the correct forum, but the Duggars were mentioned... Well worth reading! Rachel Dolezal Was Raised by Christian Fundamentalists. No Wonder She Wanted a New Identity. http://www.slate.com/blogs/xx_factor/2015/06/17/rachel_dolezal_was_raised_by_strict_fundamentalists_the_revelation_sheds.html
  11. @himela -- There are quite a few videos on YouTube chronicling Caleb's obsession with Amber.
  12. "It’s moving day for Josh Duggar and family" -- Washington Post -- http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/reliable-source/wp/2015/06/09/its-moving-day-for-josh-duggar-and-family/
  13. Fascinating article regarding the highly-organized public-relations campaign to introduce Caitlyn: The Story Behind Caitlyn Jenner’s Masterful Press Strategy
  14. Pam Ferris (Sister Evangelina) played a madam on several episodes of "Luther"!
  15. Why hasn't Josh's wife "volunteered" to be interviewed? I'd be scared for my children.
  16. I wonder if My Weekly Reader has an online version for Raven?
  17. Marcellas is on Meredith Viera's show once or twice a week as a fashion stylist. She seems to adore him. I'm in, too. I wonder what the twist will be this season?
  18. she definitely is in need of employment now.
  19. Regis is on right now, hosting "The Late Late Show" from the "CBS This Morning" studio this week, so maybe he'll venture out in the elements. He looks so happy (Sorry to go off topic). He has never been one of my favorites, but you can tell that he respects the guests, as well as the viewers. Whoopi could take a few lessons from him.
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