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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. Did anyone else notice the Skinnygirl product placement in this episode? Everyone was drinking from Skinnygirl glasses on the bus to Mohegan Sun. It was subtle, but it was there (it looked like they were rimmed with brown sugar or something). I would love to see just one episode where there isn't a Skinnygirl product anywhere in sight. Also, I think that Bethenny got drunk on that bus ride, and that was why we had that sappy, "sincere" heart to heart between her and Sonja.
  2. I think when Bethenny was speaking with Adam, she said something about him making "cauliflower pizza crust"? Whatever those pizzas were, they didn't look like pizzas, they looked totally unappetizing, at least to me, and your description of the crust is kinder than mine - I was thinking it looked like wet dog food. I also think that Bethenny drops those little bombshells, as she did about Jules and Michael's marriage, so the other girls will goad her into spilling the secrets. Again, Bethenny has the upper hand in the situation. She also did that with Luann and her comments alluding to Luann sleeping her way through the Hamptons over the summer, and also with Sonja, about whatever the "terrible awful" (tm-The Help) was that Sonja did off camera.
  3. I think they will marry, and I'm betting that Luann is negotiating with Bravo to pay for film it.
  4. I agree with you, Scoobie - especially what I have bolded. Bethenny may think that her sense of humor revolves around laughter, but what she fails to recognize is that her her humor and laughter is almost always at someone else's expense. She is a very poor, very mean imitation of Joan Rivers (RIP). Joan was the Queen of biting, sarcastic humor at someone else's expense, especially during her tenure on Fashion Police, but I don't recall her ever going as low as Bethenny can go. I used to chuckle at Joan's comments- Bethenny's usually just make me cringe for the other person. Unlike Joan, Bethenny may start out with humorous comments, but then, when she doesn't get the response she is hoping for, she devolves into an insulting, loud shrew. I wonder if Bethenny's head exploded off her body when she read Jules' blog?
  5. She certainly didn't like being called out on her nastiness, did she? It seemed like Bethenny was close to tears during Jules' pushback, and I doubt it was due to memories from her oh-so-awful childhood. I think she was totally caught off guard and upset that someone actually had the nerve to call her out.
  6. Every time Luann said "BL", my mind immediately thought and "T" as in a BLT sandwich! ;-)
  7. Well, it certainly wasn't the "Thelma and Louise" road trip the producers may have been hoping for! T There are lots of people around here who have winter homes in Florida or the Carolinas, and many of them do ship their cars. They will fly to their destination, rent a car for a few days until their car is delivered. As you said, it isn't that expensive, but given that Vicki, most likely, would have to pay for four one way plane tickets, plus pay for the car shipping, it was definitely more expensive than them driving from Oklahoma to Orange County. I'm assuming that they must have spent at least ONE night in a hotel - there is no way that they could have done 19/20 hours straight through with two toddlers.
  8. I would assume this is similar to Kyle's (RHOBH) store, Kyle by Alene Too. Alene Too is a boutique in Boca Raton that Kyle visited (did a book signing - ?), and then, she partnered with that store to blend the names for the store in Beverly Hills. I think that the "partner" Melissa introduced on the show probably is the actual owner, and the one who is putting up most, if not all, of the money, and Melissa is just the name and face behind it. Melissa made a comment that Joe didn't want to invest, or get involved with retail, so she used her own money. Something tells me that, given their old-school relationship, she really doesn't have much of her own money - I mean, it's not like "On Display" was a gold or platinum hit or anything. What could she have possibly made from I-tunes - 67 cents???? I'm sure any other monies she has made from the show or public appearances has gone into their joint accounts.
  9. I noticed that too, and it's strange - she seems to be about as thin as Jules from RHNY is, and yet, none of her castmates are whispering about her having an eating disorder or anorexia, as the other RHNY women are about Jules. I guess that's the difference between Orange County, where, apparently, you can never be TOO thin and New York, where it's okay to have a little meat on your bones (but...only a little, LOL!) My thought, exactly...they could have flown back to California, and if they didn't want to leave the car for Ryan (remember - Vicki also bought that car for Brianna), they could have had it shipped. Nineteen or twenty hours in a car with two toddlers is no fun, and nineteen or twenty hours in a car with two toddlers AND Vicki must have been worse than a ride to hell and back.
  10. Isn't that the same outfit that Kenya Moore wore somewhere on RHOA, only Kenya's was more of a mint green color? I'm going to have to check with my friends from north Jersey (I have one friend who lives in Montclair, and several that live and shop in that area) and see if Melissa actually WORKS in this store - y'know, assisting customers, ringing up and bagging sales, cleaning up dressing rooms, steaming apparel for display - all the stuff that people who actually work in retail do. I wasn't overly impressed with too much of her inventory, and her website looks very cheaply done and amateurish.
  11. Milania usually amuses me, but there were several times last night where she was extremely rude and disrespectful to her father (granted - he wasn't much better), and there was one time when she actually whacked him (pretty hard it seemed, at least for her) on his butt. This is the behavior that worries me. They (Joe and Tre) seemed to have fostered that type of behavior by laughing it off when she was younger, and now that she is a "tween", it just isn't cute or funny anymore. I truly hope that she only behaves that way with her parents, and not outside her own ugly-ass front door. I get that they are all loud and boisterous (well, except for Gabriella), but to show blatant disrespect to a parent or anyone, for that matter, is only setting her up for trouble as she matures.
  12. Unfortunately, this type of thing happens much more often than people may realize. I know of at least four couples in this area who have done essentially the same thing. They were living high and spending lavishly on big McMansions, expensive (I mean EXPENSIVE) cars, travel, designer clothes, shoes, handbags - their kids always had the BEST of everything. Then, the bottom dropped out. Instead of pulling up those expensive Louboutin bootstraps and making good on their debts, they have let their homes fall into disrepair, foreclosure (and essentially stripped the places clean), they hid what assets they could from their failed business, and are now living in expensive rental properties, with seemingly no worries, and have new jobs with more legitimate firms or businesses. I'm not saying it's right, not at all - but, I'm saying that it happens frequently - we just don't hear about it because at least these people were smart enough not to parade themselves on a reality TV show.
  13. So, is Ashlee doing makeup at Lauren's makeup studio/store? (Is Cafface even still open?) ;-)
  14. Chris is not aging well. Plus, weren't they in all kinds of trouble business-wise? Not as bad as Teresa and Joe, but weren't there some tax liens against his apparel business and didn't they almost lose their home to foreclosure or something? Plus, wouldn't you look beaten down if you had to deal with Jacqueline every single day?
  15. Nope - schools in New Jersey usually are in session until 12/22 or 12/23, depending on the day of the week Christmas Eve falls on, and then, they are back in session on January 2nd.
  16. I don't really know what to think - I'm torn, because I loved this show in the first few seasons (at the time, it was probably my favorite). I watched because I was curious, but I'm conflicted. The reunion scene with Teresa and her daughters was emotional, and I agree - it probably should not have been filmed. Gia is so mature - she gives me the impression that she has grown up and she was the "mom" to those girls while Teresa wasn't there. Milania is no longer cute, imo. They need to get her in hand quickly, before she is completely out of control. It's not funny anymore - it's disturbing. Joe Gorga is, if this is possible, even more annoying. Does he really think that anyone wants to see his naked body? He's a 40-something, sort-of in shape (but not really) guy - no one wants to see that, except for Melissa. He continues to embarrass himself. No opinion on the new girls yet - seems like they'll be more screechy than Nicole and Teresa were. Just so glad that asshat, Jim Marchese, isn't on, but I do miss Rino - I loved that guy! :-) Jacqueline decided to come back for no other reason other than they need the money.
  17. I noticed last night, at the dinner get together, when Ramona came in - they were all talking so fast and furious - the only person who's voice you could really hear above all others was Bethenny's. I also noticed that Ramona, one of her new bff's (due to the visits to Bethenny's sick bed), was also not immune from a nasty comment. Bethenny said something like "Take off your Chanel coat from 1937 and sit down" in the middle of the sex conversations. Now, to me, that was very passive-aggressive. Bethenny is noting that Ramona is wearing a Chanel coat, but also giving a dig that it wasn't that great, because it was vintage. As usual, her tone was condescending and insulting. I don't know if Ramona's coat was truly a vintage Chanel, but I thought it was gorgeous.
  18. I've seen Skinny Girl products (not the wine and alcoholic drek drinks) at Target stores here....breakfast bars, etc. I actually bought the Skinny Girl Stevia (it was on clearance at Target last summer), and it left a terrible after taste in my mouth, unlike any other stevia products I have used. Maybe that is why Bethenny is so nasty this season - she's overdosing on Skinny Girl crap and it's leaving her with an awful taste in her mouth and a sour stomach??
  19. Ha-ha-ha.....thanks, Ryebread, for making me clean my screen from spewed tea!!! Best laugh of the day! :-)
  20. I have felt that way several times while watching this season....her voice drives me crazy!
  21. I thought the same thing, and I also thought that, apparently, given Dorinda's comment, Luann is not the only one who had an issue with Carole dating Adam.
  22. I don't think any of these women will be cooking and bringing casseroles (TM-Vicki of RHOC) to Bethenny. If anything, they will be ordering food from an upscale restaurant to be delivered to her. Well, except maybe Dorinda - she could make a lasagna. And, I don't think after the last episode, that Bethenny will ever eat anything that may have been prepared by Jules. ;-)
  23. I thought the same exact thing when we saw her at the skating rink. There was a shot of her from the rear, and her legs looked like they shouldn't be able to hold her up. I'm not one for body shaming, and I kind of envy anyone who is naturally thin, but Carole should never be filmed from behind, especially in skin tight jeans. Very, very thin legs and no butt are not attractive in skinny jeans, imo. Oh, and speaking of the ice skating scene, did anyone else have a scary thought that JZ was going to come skating out from the side in her sequinned outfit with Johnny Weir coaching her? ;-)
  24. I couldn't figure out if the pained expression was because Jules just didn't want to eat anything, or because Carole's pizza was made with all veggies and vegan cheese. I am not a vegan or vegetarian, but I would assume that unless you are, vegan cheese may be less than tasty, especially to someone who doesn't eat much of anything to begin with.
  25. I wonder if this comment will be addressed at the Reunion. I would imagine that, if it were made by any other housewife, from any franchise, Andy would be jumping all over this, but given that Bethenny made the comment, it won't be mentioned at all. I continue to lose respect for Bethenny. I loved her in Season 1 and 2, loved her on her own shows, but since her return to RHofNY, her likability factor just keeps going down, week after week after week.
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