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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. I think that the women did not get the full lowdown on that sandbar thing. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't expect to have flashbacks to Vicki (RHOC) floating around in an inner tube on Lake Havasu. It just didn't seem like something the women from New York would enjoy - didn't seem upscale enough for them. I'm surprised that little Miss Know-it-All Bethenny didn't give them a heads-up as to what actually goes on there. It really is a good thing that Ramona didn't go. She would have done nothing but complain and bitch, ruining it for the other women, who seemed to realize this was not really their thing, but embraced it and appeared to be having a good time.
  2. I think that grand entrance/walk of shame was faked by Ramona. If I recall correctly, Sonja mentioned something to the other girls at breakfast that she had a get coffee and a pastry (?) for Ramona (weren't they sharing a room again?). Two minutes later, Ramona enters through the connecting door, with that phony smile on her face and her hair all mussed. First of all, regardless of what she may have done the night before, there is no way that Ramona would go anywhere in public (presumably not in their hotel) with her hair looking like that, doing a "walk of shame". Second, given Ramona's history and the way she speaks of her dating style compared to Luann and Sonja's more free and easy dating ways, that whole scene goes against everything that is Ramona, who is pretty straight-laced. I'm calling shenanigans on that one.
  3. I agree...I giggled when I saw that, and then, the fact that she was taking a selfie while wearing it. I like Jules, and I like tipsy Jules even more! :-)
  4. I think whomever talked Ramona into those implants needs to have their head examined. I don't have implants, but I do have several friends that do, and my one friend said her plastic surgeon spent a lot of time with her, making sure she had the right style and size implant for her body/frame. I think she said there are several different types - some being more round and full, others being "tear-drop" shaped. I think Ramona's height and frame are too small for the implants she has. She would have benefited from something different.
  5. I still don't get this whole ten year thing...Sonja and her ex separated in 2006 - did she hook up with Tom immediately after she was separated? I don't mind Sonja, but I cannot stand the way she plays fast and loose with the truth, and always to her advantage.
  6. I think that Carole used to be an out in the open junk food junkie, before Adam, but I think she is now a closet junkie.
  7. I was expecting that Sonja either wouldn't have her phone with her, or not have Tom's phone number in her phone....I was surprised that she did have it.
  8. I don't think that Bethenny is a monster with no feelings. I think she is bitch who thinks she is better than everyone else around her, and that she thinks that her opinion is the only one that matters, so I could see her having some regret over what she was doing to Luann. I also think, though, that she didn't get the reaction she expected from Luann, as Luann was visibly shaken and scared to her toes. And, with that, there was a realization from Bethenny that she was going down a road of no return. I think she realized then that she would come across as a cruel, evil woman looking to intentionally hurt someone, not just some truth cannon with a rapid fire mouth. It was more of a "not sorry for what I'm about to do, but sorry for myself, because of how this is going to make me look on-camera." kind of thing. I think that in that moment, Bethenny had a revelation about how horrible her actions toward the other women, Luann, in particular, has been.
  9. Does Bethenny travel everywhere with a trunk full of SkinnyGirl products to display? Every single time we see Bethenny, whether it be at home or in a hotel room, or a rented house (with the exception of the weekend at Dorinda's Berkshires home), there is a full display of her products. I'm surprised that she didn't yell at Sonja to turn the bottle that she was holding so that the camera could catch the logo. I'm still digesting the rest of the episode, so that's all I've got for now....
  10. I guess that was Carole's version of "cheating" on Adam....don't think he would have appreciated the fact that she was eating something as unhealthy as a hot dog! ;-)
  11. Me three. I wish there was a way for Donn to come back - any way except re-marrying Vicki.
  12. I wonder, if Kelly has seen the episode where Vicki was speaking to the Latino laborers in her house about not scratching the wood, or whatever she said to them in a horribly racist way, how would Kelly feel about Vicki then?
  13. Well, Ramona's daughter, Avery (RHONY) was asked to leave her private school in NY because of Ramona's behavior on the show. Ramona's behavior is nothing compared to Kelly's, imo. If Jolie's school is a traditional Catholic private school, they may just not have a space for her in September, that is, if any of the administration is watching the show. So, who's Jolie supposed to be upset with now - some strange woman making a nasty comment about her Mom (and, I'll give Nina credit - she simply alluded to Kelly, she didn't actually come out and say "Kelly Dodd sucks dick to pay her bills"), or her Mom, who uses foul, base language, drinks to excess, becomes volatile and erratic at the drop of a hat and consistently makes an ass out of herself, for all the world to see? I feel badly for Kelly's daughter. If I had a daughter that age that attended her school, I would have major concerns allowing my daughter to spend any time in that house.
  14. That was one of the most ostentatious things I have ever seen. Looked like she stole it from a gaudy Las Vegas high roller suite. What was worse was that she didn't even have it attached to the bar/countertop, so there was no leverage, which was why Vicki was having trouble with it. Tacky, tacky, tacky!!!
  15. Oh, and watching again - Kelly, who blasted Shannon for the "Indian" comment during their lunch is making fun of the Japanese with several of her comments tonight, especially about adding an "O" to the end of every word. And, Ms. Kelly College Graduate Millionaire, "Arigato" is not a toast. It is Japanese for "Thank you very much" or "Thanks a lot".
  16. Of course, I remember that part, LOL!! But, I also think that the c-word was thrown around, too, during her meltdown when Joe pulled Teresa away from the table.
  17. I have two questions: 1. Why did Kelly even call Shannon a C-U-Next Tuesday (I have a hard time even typing that word.)? As far as I could see, Shannon basically sat quietly throughout the whole of Kelly's meltdown, and only calmly replied - never once raised her voice, never once sounded confrontational. Granted, Shannon did throw a little jab with the college comment, but it did not deserve the nasty that spewed from Kelly's mouth. I actually expected to see foam coming out of Kelly's mouth, like some kind of rabid animal. Anyway, shouldn't that anger be directed at that Nina woman? 2. And speaking of that word, I don't think this is the first time we heard it on a RH franchise. Didn't Teresa Guidice call Danielle Staub that during the table flip in the first season of RHNJ?
  18. Yes, because, as Kelly informed all of us tonight, she's been a millionaire for a few years now, don'tcha know? As Countess Luann sang - "Money Can't Buy You Class". (I'm sorry for putting that song in everyone's brain now!) ;-)
  19. He looks a lot like his father, I think - I also think his conversations are pretty funny. Yup - today, in fact. Which is why I used to like these shows, just for a little mental and emotional vacation. Tonight did nothing except to exacerbate my already stressed out feelings.
  20. I liked seeing Siggy with her kids, if, for no other reason that she reminded me of myself with my kids, so it was a good insight into my interactions, and what I can do to change it (listen more, talk less......). She is a totally hands-on Mom, but kind of marshmallow when when it comes to sticking to her guns about consequences - I think that's why her daughter was more concerned about her DD stop than losing her phone. Nice to see Siggy stuck it out with that too. My kids used to be shocked when I stuck hard on consequences, but they have grown into respectful young adults, so I guess I did something right. Siggy's daughter - I would worry about her and the black hole of "reality TV kids"...she seems a little too impressed with herself for a 13 yr. old girl. Hope it's just normal teenager annoyances and she doesn't go the route of Ashlee or some others we've seen. I, too, like Dolores' family.
  21. I can't help myself, but everytime I see Joe Guidice, I just giggle (well, except for the vineyard phone call). I thought it was funny seeing him chasing Milania around the house, and the scenes with him and Chris were nice to see. Jacqueline is a bitch, and I feel sorry for Chris having to deal with her. Teresa is no angel, but I think that when a friend says "I don't want to talk about it", you repsect that, and just let them know you are there for them when they are ready to talk about whatever it is - you don't keep hounding them (well, maybe that is the Laurita way - Caroline does that, as well...so maybe Jacqueline learned from a master). I thought that Jacqueline's comments were sort of below the belt, and hitting a sore spot with Teresa - I mean, we all know she isn't ever going to admit to any willful wrongdoing, and we, as viewers, know what are Teresa's "hot buttons", so why would Jacqueline, a supposed friend, try to set Teresa off? I have to say I give Teresa a lot of credit for just walking out, dinner or no dinner, with Joe and his wine cooler bag in hand, and not entertaining that argument with Jacqueline. Maybe the yoga is really working for her!
  22. The classic movie "How to Marry a Millionaire" (with Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe and Betty Grable)....trying to figure out what she did wrong.
  23. I just wish I could like this post more than once, so I'm replying again, because you mentioned something from one of my all time favorite books and movies!! Bethenny is reminiscent of "Two Slice Hilly" (the mean girl part of Hilly - not the racist part)..... ;-)
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