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Everything posted by njbchlover

  1. Bethenny wouldn't have been able to have that donated. Something tells me that either all that jewelry was donated by the various jewelry stores, or Bethenny, herself, re-gifted the stuff to the pinata. She said it was $10,000.00 worth of jewelry with mostly "high-end" costume jewelry and a few really, really good pieces. Could these items have been gifts that Bethenny received, or things she purchased for herself over the years and now didn't want anymore? Maybe she just raided that safe in her closet that Dorinda was drooling over!
  2. I wish we knew what that fight between Luann and Tom was about. Also, first, Luann said that she and Tom were at the Regency, then I think she kind of backtracked. I wonder if maybe they were at the Regency and that woman from Tom's past was there, as well, trying to get her "clutches" into Tom while he was there with Luann? Could they have possibly had a fight over that? Tom was only a few days/week into his engagement - not so easy to change his flirtatious ways in that short amount of time. If the woman is from Tom's past, chances are maybe she didn't know he was engaged, and maybe Tom didn't jump up and down, squealing like a tweenager, and shove Luann's ringed finger in the woman's face. I'm just speculating here, but perhaps that is what caused the whole thing. Luann may have gotten jealous, they had a fight - she goes home, he stays (or goes to the Regency, depending on the version of the story) - he has a few more drinks (or a lot of drinks) with that woman, and they have a few flirty smooches at the bar. He regrets his behavior and hightails it out of there, leaving the bunny with the check. So now, Luann is feeling as if she is the one who drove him into this situation because she was jealous and fought with him. I know that's the wrong way to feel, but Luann does seem to forgive a man's bad behavior in a relationship much more than a woman's. Not excusing him in any way, but just wondering if this is how it could have possibly gone down. ETA: From the photo we saw, it didn't appear like they were liplocked for over an hour or however long Bethenny said it was. I'm sorry, I don't think anyone of a certain age, drunk or not, would be making out non-stop for over an hour while sitting directly at a bar. Maybe in a booth or table at the bar, but not right at the bar.
  3. I guess that would happen once they start working on their pre-nups.
  4. I saw the tears, as well. I'm not so hardened about Bethenny that I think she is completely without feelings or sympathy for someone else, but I do think that in most instances, she thinks about her and HER feelings first, and the person whom she is hurting second. We saw that with Jules - it wasn't about Jules and her eating disorders, it was about how Bethenny FELT about it, because of her own feelings. I'm thinking the latter, as well. As I've said, Bethenny knew, as soon as she saw Luann's reaction, that there was no going back from this, and that she would come out looking worse for it all. If Luann had shrugged her shoulders and said "So what?", Luann would have looked like the idiot, and Bethenny would have been the "caring" friend trying to protect Luann. If Luann had started yelling at Bethenny, not willing to believe it, or making up excuses, Bethenny again, would have looked like the better person. None of those scenarios played out, though. I think Bethenny was completely shocked and scared shitless about how Luann took the news.
  5. That's an excellent point!! Why would the bartenders/managers have to remind Bethenny (aka - the makeout bunny) what SHE did while she was there. I just posted it before, but I am more than convinced now that Bethenny has a connnection with one of the bartenders at The Regency and he feeds her information.
  6. Did you notice that Bethenny called Luann a whore again, when having her sushi lunch with Carole. She said at first, she didn't feel bad for Luann because she's a whore and you reap what you sow. Bethenny was totally stunned at Luann's reaction, and knew she was in deep shit at that point, but there was no going back. I am so glad that Luann reacted the way she did (although I was sad for Luann), if for no other reason that it made Bethenny squirm and knocked her off her self-appointed high horse (although I do think all that hand shaking was a bit of acting on Bethenny's part). Is it possible that Bethenny could have been a little bit afraid of the backlash that she is currently getting?
  7. You know though, it was pretty low of Bethenny to call the bartenders and the manager of The Regency, pretending to be the other woman. I didn't understand her explanations - first, she said she called the bartenders {she knows the bartenders}, then she changed her story and said she called the manager. Now, I'm thinking that one of the bartenders is who sent the pictures to Bethenny, and he wouldn't sign the Bravo release for fear of losing his job, and any other subsequent bartending jobs in NY.
  8. Didn't Luann defend Tom to Ramona when Ramona said that Luann took him away from another woman that he was on a date with? I don't think that Luann ever blames a guy for anything. I was also disappointed with her reasoning and explanations, but she's trying to save face and save her relationship on national television, and I think that is the best she could come up with.
  9. I'd love to be homeless at the Marmara hotel - it's gorgeous!
  10. Oh, and Bethenny should never, ever, ever wear plunging necklines like that - she is usually en pointe with her clothes but that jumpsuit looks horrible on her, and her breasts look terrible.
  11. $10,000.00 worth of jewelry......how many fucking times is Bethenny going to say it?? Jesus, woman - we all know the jewelry was probably donated, not purchased by you. Hearing her say "$10,000.00 worth of jewelry" over and over again reminded me of what's her name from RHOBH with her $25,000.00 sunglasses.
  12. I've never been able to write David off because he has been shown to be very involved in his daughters lives...school trips, coaches, etc...., but I was still so happy to see him make his wife feel special & that he was so excited to make her feel special. I'm rooting for those two. I agree that if the production company and Andy see the huge backlash from the audience about Kelly that she will be a one and done (much like Carlton Gebbia). I also agree with you about Vicki, as we have seen she is really a fair-weather friend, at best. But, I think that Vicki would have been smarter if she were to be shown being outraged or upset with Kelly and her behavior, rather than laughing with her or agreeing with Kelly about it. It's very obvious that the other women do not want to film with Vicki except when absolutely necessary and Kelly is the only one willing to film with her, but I think that if Vicki could have had a couple of heart to heart talks with Kelly similar to Meghan's conversation with Kelly, it would have gone a long way with the other women. Right now, Kelly is on pretty much everyone's shit list because of her anger issues and nasty mouth. Vicki could have spoken to her and told her, in a nice way, that kind of behavior is not acceptable in any social situation. She could have become the mentor that Kelly wants. Vicki is the "OG of the OC" - she knows the ropes and knows what is acceptable and what is not. She didn't have to sit at that dinner with Kelly smirking over jalepeno martinis and toasting to "They hate us because they want to be us". I think when the other women see that, it's going to deepen the line already drawn in the sand between Kelly and Vicki and the other women. But, on the other hand, when has Vicki ever done anything smart for her own benefit? ;-)
  13. I would much rather see any of these women from any franchise try to knock down a wall than see their pets pooping all over the place, which seemed to be a recurring scene either last season or the season prior with all of the franchises. We either saw the pets squatting or there was close ups of the poop piles all over the place. Also, as far as Dolores' renovation - I'm guessing that her ex-husband is paying for it? Do we know if he owns the house she is living in? It appeared as though he was just having the kitchen cabinets refaced rather than replaced. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but didn't he think to consult Dolores about color choices, etc. - she seemed surprised when she walked in and saw plastic taped all over her open cabinets and the doors missing.
  14. Regarding all the Tom theories - my theory is that he was "roofied" - not enough to make him pass out, but just enough to make him behave irresponsibly and not remember it. Just kidding here - I really think he was drunk and stupid, and someone just happened to catch a few photos. Do I think there may have been some canoodling going on - yes. Do I think he was having a full-on, high-school makeout session for two hours in the corner of the Regency bar - NO!! I mean, come on - the guy may have been a hound, and he may have slept his way through every available female on the UES, but I don't think he's altogether stupid - plus, he presumably has an apartment (isn't it a penthouse?), or he has enough money to rent a room at the Regency - Why have a two hour makeout session in the bar when he could take a quick cab (or elevator) to somewhere more private, without prying eyes and cell phone cameras.
  15. Well, Dorinda was in Florida, so we know it wasn't her... ;-)
  16. Maybe Carole was still mad at Bethenny for ripping into her the night before about being late. I think it was reasonable to be pissed off because the rest of the girls were 1-1/2 hours late, but seriously - they all have cell phones glued to their hands - couldn't Carole have sent Bethenny a text or called her, saying she was running late and the rest of the girls were waiting for her, so start without them? (Again, I think there was production manipulation there, so to give Bethenny, Ramona and Sonja more camera time to discuss the Tom situation.) One thing I can say about Bethenny is that at least she is fair and equal with her nastiness - she doesn't only save it for non-close friends. As I've said before, being friends with Bethenny must be completely exhausting.
  17. I think that the women did not get the full lowdown on that sandbar thing. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I didn't expect to have flashbacks to Vicki (RHOC) floating around in an inner tube on Lake Havasu. It just didn't seem like something the women from New York would enjoy - didn't seem upscale enough for them. I'm surprised that little Miss Know-it-All Bethenny didn't give them a heads-up as to what actually goes on there. It really is a good thing that Ramona didn't go. She would have done nothing but complain and bitch, ruining it for the other women, who seemed to realize this was not really their thing, but embraced it and appeared to be having a good time.
  18. I think that grand entrance/walk of shame was faked by Ramona. If I recall correctly, Sonja mentioned something to the other girls at breakfast that she had a get coffee and a pastry (?) for Ramona (weren't they sharing a room again?). Two minutes later, Ramona enters through the connecting door, with that phony smile on her face and her hair all mussed. First of all, regardless of what she may have done the night before, there is no way that Ramona would go anywhere in public (presumably not in their hotel) with her hair looking like that, doing a "walk of shame". Second, given Ramona's history and the way she speaks of her dating style compared to Luann and Sonja's more free and easy dating ways, that whole scene goes against everything that is Ramona, who is pretty straight-laced. I'm calling shenanigans on that one.
  19. I agree...I giggled when I saw that, and then, the fact that she was taking a selfie while wearing it. I like Jules, and I like tipsy Jules even more! :-)
  20. I think whomever talked Ramona into those implants needs to have their head examined. I don't have implants, but I do have several friends that do, and my one friend said her plastic surgeon spent a lot of time with her, making sure she had the right style and size implant for her body/frame. I think she said there are several different types - some being more round and full, others being "tear-drop" shaped. I think Ramona's height and frame are too small for the implants she has. She would have benefited from something different.
  21. I still don't get this whole ten year thing...Sonja and her ex separated in 2006 - did she hook up with Tom immediately after she was separated? I don't mind Sonja, but I cannot stand the way she plays fast and loose with the truth, and always to her advantage.
  22. I think that Carole used to be an out in the open junk food junkie, before Adam, but I think she is now a closet junkie.
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