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Sarah D. Bunting

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Everything posted by Sarah D. Bunting

  1. Because they knew Priestley's version of PTSD would be the same lofty-loathing puss he always fucking goes with.
  2. I *do* love that AE! I can't remember exactly why I found it so striking; I think it was the audio footage, which is horrifying. (In case anyone's interested: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/jonestown/ It's maybe available on the Apple TV app?) But if there's one that's better/more current, I'd love to hear about that, too.
  3. I looooooved City Confy! And have been meaning to look at Shadow Of Truth, too. ID's launching a Casey Anthony series 4/9, looks like. Any trainwrecky interest in that one? (I'll be watching regardless, because I'm a monster.)
  4. The S12 premiere, as it turns out! http://lawandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Who_Let_the_Dogs_Out%3F
  5. I think it was too. For some reason my brain kept coughing up Inside Edition, which I don't think is correct.
  6. I like the actor, surprisingly, as I didn't care for his performance on Revenge; I think the writing had a fun opportunity with Kevin's storyline at the beginning of the season and kind of wasted it with shticky, non-credible choices. I don't need Kevin to be killed off, and he's hardly the show's only problem (don't get me started on Jack The Perfect), but it's like the writing doesn't know what to do with him (this ex-wife storyline is...not it) and just lets him tread water with these unfunny B plots.
  7. Hey, folks. If you'd like to hear us talk about a particular true-crime property, whether it's new/current or old-school, here's the place to leave suggestions. You can also email me, sarah at previously dot tv, or ping me on twitter at blotterpresents, with your topic wishlists.
  8. @messy, then we probably saw each other at "the Nauseous"!
  9. I watched that show! Christopher Atkins was on it too and they were all trying to make comebacks in their various careers?
  10. Except when they're hurling him under the bus to fluff Amaro as the Best Partner Evarrrr, and yes, I am still annoyed by that.
  11. ICYMI, here's the Previously.TV post on the episode!
  12. The fact that my first response was "...Puck?" would tend to bear this out, heh.
  13. And being "into" Tracy is like being "into" institutional beige.
  14. That's what I was saying. Those you can laugh at; this was both annoying and boring. I feel like I would get along gangbusters with MarHar personally, if we were just splitting a bottle of Barolo and playing cards, and that she wants to do right by what this role means vis-a-vis her public persona, but that she truly doesn't get how this saintly Lt. Mary Sue portrayal is not working for her or the show, and may not see another way to do things. But I was watching S2 reruns over the weekend and it's like another character completely. She was allowed to get it wrong sometimes and not be perfect on all fronts 24/7. And other characters got to call her on her shit. (Related: I miss Munch.)
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