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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Giovanny Urshela is a great guy and I'm happy he is finally getting his chance. He wasn't going to get it here in Cleveland, with Frankie Lindor and Jose Ramirez in front of him. That said, he and Frankie are still the best of friends. According to our Indians announcers, Frankie and Gio still talk several times a day - every day.
  2. I happened to be watching that game on FS1 and totally flinched. I really liked Edwin when he was on the Indians, so I feel bad for him. Sale must have been cutting up throwback jerseys again. (I'm only kidding - but he will never, ever live that incident down!)
  3. The Season 10 opener - which would be September 9, if I'm not mistaken.
  4. I second that. David Groh did evil characters so well, I could never really see him as Rhoda's nice husband. 😳
  5. I got hit in the face with a basketball once, also in P.E. (I was in 6th grade then.) The ball bounced off the rim of the hoop and landed squarely in my face, breaking my glasses. To this day, I'm not big on basketball (though I was absolutely thrilled when my hometown Cavs won it all in 2016!).
  6. Well, today's show was pretaped (with Brigitte guest-hosting). Maybe they did it that way so Sara's exit could be live. I think they did it that way for Aisha's last show.
  7. Well, it probably won't come down during the current series. MLB still has to figure out all the people who were involved, and that could take a little while.
  8. Puig will be suspended for sure, so I wonder how long after he gets here that it will go into effect. That cracked me up, too. 😂
  9. For those of you who missed it, here is the Reds/Pirates brawl from last night:
  10. There is a PSA that runs on the radio between innings of the Indians games. The gist of it is to clean up after your dog(s). But this is all told by this annoying little girl who reminds us that "dogs POOP!!!" Thank you so much for your scintillating analysis, kid. 😠 I guess there's one thing to be grateful for. It's not a TV ad (at least, as far as I know)!!
  11. Did you just come out of Johnny Dangerously? 😉
  12. That is so me. I'm the one who ducks when a foul ball comes my way at Indians games. 😳😂
  13. I love that song!!!! No, but it would have been hilarious if they had used "Hotel California". 😉😂
  14. I'm not looking forward to Friday's show. Sara was the glue. She really came into her own this past year. It won't be the same without her. 😢 Monday's show is the first I recall since I've been watching (which is over three years now) that there wasn't a guest. I guess maybe someone bailed at the last minute and they couldn't get anyone else in time? Their collective diss of the woman ranting on Twitter about how people without children should be banned from Disneyland was priceless. Sara's joke about the "slutty" shorts and Sheryl rubbing it in about the pretzel had me in hysterics. 😂
  15. Yup, looks like the Tribe traded one head case for another. Puig is a free agent at the end of the season, though, so he may only be a "rental". We'll just have to wait and see what happens - Tito doesn't put up with a lot of nonsense.
  16. This isn't a pop song, but in one of the liturgies we sang in church, there was a line that went "cast me not away from Thine presence". I thought it was PRESENTS, as in gifts. There's a little kid's mindset right there!! 😂
  17. So do I!! His enthusiasm and excitement is very fun to watch!!
  18. Wendi has several great videos on her YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpI-DgP4_Vos3ZL9Ww7OeAw?app=desktop
  19. In happier news regarding Cleveland pitchers, did any of you see rookie starter Zach Plesac's amazing catch???
  20. As far as notorious Indians go, he's not quite in the league of Albert Belle or Milton Bradley in the temper department, but he definitely has issues. When he threw that ball, Mike Freeman (filling in at 2B for Jason Kipnis, who got the afternoon off) visibly flinched, and Frankie Lindor just looked at Bauer as if he had just lost his marbles.
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