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Waterston Fan

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Everything posted by Waterston Fan

  1. I didn't like what Foster was doing but she's lucky she happens to have been right. I kinda think Megan's mom knew what was going on but is just in denial. I hope Foster isn't the next Gabby... Nooooooooo.... Tyler did have that stalkish vibe to him especially when he acted like Kelly had something to do with Stella not coming to visit the party. Who does that? Maybe Barnes is a slacker but I admit, I think Herrman was an ass at times and I thought he let the job get to his head. Not sure I'd want the guy who froze in the last big fire but I think Goursh's brother in law should have been given a chance instead of Herrman being the Lieutenant. I bet they have dropped Cruz's female friend again but I wonder if Otis still has a girlfriend. They sure drop likes flies.
  2. I liked some parts of the episode but I admit, there are times where I want to hear some background on other characters. I thought it was crazy that the three victims were so close together and how silly it was that some were just jogging away when the shooting happened. I do think the show can be better but just can't point to where it can be.
  3. Only time we'd know if there was a time jump is if they mentioned when the incident happened. It did seem like maybe a week?
  4. Who is worse though, Haas or Eid?
  5. I'm not sure that Ritter would be allowed back to a firehouse though. He seemed like he liked what he was doing and he didn't show up at that picnic either. I think he might just be too embarrassed.
  6. NOOOOOOOOOOO. Doesn't sound good for this show for sure.
  7. That would make sense as I totally forgot, Casey isn't Lt. anymore...
  8. I liked this episode and I admit, I liked Trey Jennings but I did feel bad he was put in the middle and I wonder if he found out how his name was put in the list. I'm happy for Hermann. I think Ritter might be done with the fire department but I bet we will have a storyline with him cause Mouch seems to want to help but then, not sure you'd want someone freezing like that. I thought the Cruz thing was funny and does anyone think she was just being nice or did she want him to visit her?
  9. I liked the episode and thought Jubal undercover was kinda funny. How did Bell dress in this episode? For some reason, since a few people have mentioned it, I have been watching out for it. I thought it was fine.
  10. Come to think of it, I admit, with a dad like Tara has, I don't blame her for what she was doing. I bet her dad was a bully to her as well.
  11. I hope someone can answer, when you are low on air, isn't there a beeping noise?
  12. What did Jay's dad die of? I don't watch Med and I admit, I fast forwarded through parts that didn't interest me. I think Otis will have issues with what he had to deal with.
  13. I liked this episode. Stella was stupid in not making sure Herrmann heard her but I would think the oxygen tank would have made a noise. I did think the lady with the dog would see Otis again. The lady and the baby, I wonder if she died when she went up and couldn't get out but they should have been kept an eye on her the way she was acting. I feel bad for Otis and I think this will affect him. Why does it seem like a shortage of firefighters when something is going on? I bet Ritter won't last after this episode but I liked what Mouch said. I bet Grogan or what's his face will write up Boden for leaving him and for what Kelly did. Taking out Stella's lung? Really? I bet she will be back to the house next week and I didn't see the previews for it so anyone know?
  14. I liked the episode and I still cannot remember the agent's name who is partnered with Bell. I think Sela kinda does have that faint smile, she did that on CSI: NY. It is nice to see JS though but he does need to quit his yelling a bit.
  15. I'm sure this will come back and bite them. The guy had an ankle bracelet, couldn't the officer go with him to the hospital?
  16. Pretty sad that Derek had to beg Monica to come back and film the scenes. He should be lucky she said okay and I hope we never see her again. I didn't realize they asked her family for approval for how to write her out. That's pretty cool.
  17. I wonder what that doctor meant when he said that and I thought she would get in trouble too. I don't think Severide had time to tell the others to be careful what they say to Gorsch. I think Gorsch is a jerk. Connie deserved better send off or maybe they should have had Connie die too. I wonder if Sylvie is feeling bad for yelling at Dawson? Yes, another wonderful storyline of the Chief in trouble this year for the 7th year in a row.. Oh goodie!! Next week does not look interesting.
  18. Even though that was my first time seeing Connie Nielsen, I thought she was okay. I do like Sela Ward and hope she will make things better.
  19. I was waiting for her. I remember her on CSI: NY in the last three years of the show. Connie Nielsen is who? The blonde haired lady? I think I like this show but will give it more time. It was nice seeing Jeremy Sisto though.
  20. Some of the episodes where Mike wasn't there, sometimes I wonder if Robert was glad not to be in those episodes. Like the one where the kids were jerks to Alice, I bet Robert hated that episode and was glad not to be in it. Sometimes I think Sherwood was a creepy guy with Cindy and her curls.
  21. I know it doesn't happen often but I bet Susan get migraines because of wearing her hair like that so much.
  22. I wonder if Jesse is going to see how things go and if he feels like Haas won't change, he might leave too. I seem to remember him saying in an interview he would like to have Matt single and see how that goes.
  23. I totally agree with you and it made me think. What if she didn't like the storylines anymore or she noticed some resentment in some of the cast because they were in the back seat while she was always font and center for the last few years? What if she didn't like being in the limelight like that and would rather be in the shadows? I do wish her the best.
  24. I liked Hermann until Otis got shot but after that he was annoying. I admit, if he chills out next season, I will like him again.
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