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Waterston Fan

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Everything posted by Waterston Fan

  1. I bought the DVD of this movie and saw it twice and I admit, I wish they had some behind the scenes stuff in the DVD but glad it is out on DVD.
  2. This episode is meh and Talia was stupid for telling Bradford about his wife. She shouldn't become detective. I think Taser would be more dangerous as sometimes the tasing doesn't work but you'd think the bodycam would show. What is up with West and his dad? That seems more interesting than the storyline.
  3. Didn't really care for this one and thought it was very slow. I agree with all of you.
  4. I confess, the Nolan/Talia part, I fast forward through it even the end part. I hope the thing with Bradford's wife is over but I admit, I can see her lawyer suggesting the evidence was planted by her husband. I liked the ending part though with Bradford and the two women. I think West will still get scared of gunshots cause they haven't had a shooting with him in it since he was with Bradford. EDIT: I did not like Grey's office. Its right next to a garage? Really?
  5. I don't understand the Severide story. I seem to remember Tyler had threatened Severide and yet, he tells Stella that Kelly threatened him. I think Tyler seems a bit more controlling and a jerk than Severide. I wonder if Severide just has lost interest in Stella already. It does appear that it was Chole's fault in the accident but things sure seem to happen too quickly. The kid who got hurt, they sure like to make us think police, fire and paramedics can do things when they really can't. I fast forwarded through the Naomi and Matt parts. But really? Get out of the building and start kissing when they can possibly see you. I have no idea how the fire happened so fast when Matt didn't smell it at least first.
  6. This was a good episode but I have trouble with the shooting. No way you don't run outside when you first hear shots. Or at least call 911. The part where they got the bad guy, didn't quite make sense as to how they knew where he'd be other than Maggie texted where she was told to be. I don't get the part about Sisto yelling, he isn't yelling to me but I do like him.
  7. I like the story about Hawke but didn't like the one about the hospital part. I do feel bad for the mom though, she will be blamed for everything. I liked the ending though as to when they got Hawke at the end. Wish they had said how Chen messed up the car like that. Chen was funny when she got Bradford's money.
  8. I liked this episode but I do have an issue with Chen/Bradford doing the armored car since I would think the supervisors would have asked questions about how they knew when dispatch hadn't called it in. I liked the dispatcher telling Bradford she doesn't do complicated then walked away but I bet she won't help him anymore.
  9. I liked this episode and it was nice to see Jubal in the field. Who is it that told about the raid? Did they find out who it was? I thought it was interesting that Dana got a visit by the Russian but I bet nothing will happen unless Jubal gets the job. I think there are somethings that the military has done that OA doesn't like and maybe has regrets but I like that Maggie got on him about somethings. Ending was a bit funny though with Maggie and OA.
  10. I forgot about this show. lol This episode was okay but I admit, I think OA should not have lied to Maggie about Iraq. I didn't think it was right with what Sela's character told Maggie either. I thought the part about the werehouse was lame. The ending with OA sitting and walking to Maggie's apartment, I don't understand it.
  11. Meh episode. I guess the only people who survive and walk out after getting crushed is Severide. I would have expected him to be in the hospital a few days at least. I like what Matt said to Kidd but this is one reason why bf/gf or husband/wife should never work the same fire house. Regarding the bolded text, I had wondered if maybe Monica didn't like how people acted towards her and Jesse but its nice to see that she was looking out for Jesse.
  12. I agree with most of you and this show just doesn't catch me. I wonder if West is doing the police stuff so he doesn't upset or disappoint his dad. Maybe West just isn't right for being a cop. I just wonder how long until Bradford's set ups come back to bite him. I would think the commanding officer would know about the drug dealers in the house ahead of time. But then I really don't know.
  13. For the first part, I think that is the issue, some just combine the two things and depending on what the personal issues are, that's really not fair. But it does sound like Benny was a jerk while being a firefighter and off duty.
  14. This was kind of a boring episode. The police would have more likely have gotten a hold of the phone anyways so they would see if she was calling or texting. That girl looked older than 4, looked more like 6 or 7. Funny that Otis was freaking out about Katie coming back but it worked out in the end as he was worried over nothing. April is..... Katie's mom or Kelly's mom? It would have been too easy to call the ex's and ask them for the medal but I would have thought Benny would have had the medal himself and not with his daughter Katie. Regarding the parade and procession, thank you for the explanation. That's interesting. I would assume the medal would have been put in the casket later cause I would think the flag would not be buried with the casket. I think maybe Kelly didn't expect many people there but you had to have realized how much of a jerk Benny was to where not many of the command showed up.
  15. I have to admit, this show is okay but will still give it a few more chances. I'm sure Bradley will call his partner 'Boot' for sure and I don't get that either. I am amazed that Bradford hasn't had any therapy or anything from his injuries but I liked that Chen found her spine a bit. I bet West will freeze when there is a shoot out. I thought it was hard to buy narcan and only doctors can prescribe them?
  16. Ah, that's right.. I did vote but I forgot it was coming up soon. lol
  17. It was funny how Goursh was really out of his league and that the firefighters knew what to do. I do wonder if Grissom got Gorsch and the firefighter's reports as well then realized Gorsch really didn't know what he was doing even if Benny had talked to him. I don't think Goursh had anything to do with Benny as he had a stroke but I wonder if he had the stroke while Kelly was eating breakfast and I thought the waitress was a bit annoying. I did expect Herrmann to yell at the lady that she should know English and I admit, I wouldn't like to be watching a foreign channel that I don't speak the language of. Didn't care for the rest of the stuff other than I think Naomi will somehow be a stalker and I really expected Kidd's friend to come back and cause trouble and I still do.
  18. I thought this was an okay episode but it seemed like more than 2 people were in involved and I think the manager had something to do with it as well. Of course, they don't even take Gracie to the hospital, they take her right to the parents and she as usual looked clean. Is there a new episode next week?
  19. This episode was okay but I know its a show but I think they need to make it just a tad more realistic. I don't believe that cops mess up cars so much as Nolan has. I'm still trying to figure out the characters though other than Nolan. I think Lucy just got bored with that guy even though her TO just seemed to be a jerk. West pretty much got his ass saved and I am not sure a Captain would have let that go like that.
  20. I checked out this show and its okay. i do have a few questions. I did notice the call 7-Mary-15.... reminded me of the call for one of the officers on CHIPS. Nolan and.... I forgot her last name? Boots and crazy guy? West and... I forgot his name. Too many things do seem a bit ridiculous though and I would think that they would be told in the academy, to never leave an officer behind. Nolan is dating the woman who has the office we saw? She's a rookie?
  21. Okay, thank you. Herrman could have told him, after you put the bunker pants back in the truck, you can get the air bottle I asked you for.
  22. I thought this was an okay episode. I don't understand the write up about Ritter's bunker pants, he was getting the air thing before he forgot. Or was Gourch just an asshole? I did think in real life Casey would not be doing this investigation but I would think CFD would have made sure the trailer was not removed while they investigated. I did not want to watch the lady at O'Hare as I breezed through that. The yelp reviewer was so dumb. I think Ritter dies next week.
  23. I thought this episode was okay and I do agree with those who thought Miller confessed too easily and it would never happen in real life the way they did that. Who did Haddi play? Miller or Fletcher? I wish Sisto and Ward's characters were in a bit more though.
  24. I did see the Ritter story line from a mile away.
  25. Didn't know she had plastic surgery.
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