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Waterston Fan

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Everything posted by Waterston Fan

  1. 3 Dawg Night was a good episode and Prejudiced was good as well. Which DA was the best? Schiff, Lewin, Branch or McCoy?
  2. The mirror does make sense and I did think there was two kids as well. I know it was just a plot but how can a kid get in the compartment as I would think there might be someone near the Engine. I liked the chat with Stella and Foster but they seem to be having miscommunications lately. I did think Otis thought the guy was a bit strange coming in like he did. EDIT: Carmen Sandiego it? Does Brett know that she's a thief? 😂
  3. So, WE goes from season 12 episode 16 then jumps back to season 1, according to the descriptions of the episodes I'm recording. Checked Sundance and they keep going up to season 15 and maybe will keep going to 20.
  4. Been kinda binge watching a bit and some episodes I thought were interesting and some I hated. I hated the 'House Calls' with the Russian teenager who lied to the doctor and her sister didn't even know what she told her about demorol. Sundance appears to have finished season 13 and is on season 14 and We is now on season 12. I didn't like Hands Free as I thought Jack was an asshole to go after the guy again.
  5. I didn't care for Genuis and I thought the idea of a guy asking for the death penalty would not really happen in real life. But I would think that the courts would not allow him to be put to death if he asked for it even if it was a felony. Maritime with the football player who went missing with two others was interesting and sad at the same time. I would have thought the police would have been watching the bank accounts once they found out they were missing. Didn't care for Seer as I thought it was strange that they didn't try to find out about the glove more and I would have though the defense should have picked up on it. Lennie is so loveable and such a wise ass, I loved him. I do wonder how he would have been with Lupo or Bernard towards the end if the cancer didn't kill him. 😞
  6. Just watched the episode with Lucille Arnaz and the other called Suicide Box. I thought it was a good episode even though I wondered if she would have gotten a not guilty verdict if Arthur hadn't threatened to charge her daughter. Suicide Box was sad and reminded me of a case in San Diego where a woman was tied up and the ME said it was a suicide. The woman was Asian, I think but it was strange how they came up with suicide. I think the ME in the show just messed up but that doesn't give Stevie the right to shoot at a cop who had nothing to do with it. There was a point when I started recording and watching this show but can't remember what year I started but I loved Jerry Orbach and Sam Waterston.
  7. Marathon time on Sundance and I see there is one on WE as well... Absentia, was okay, I saw towards the ending and I thought Jack was lucky that March plead guilty but I think he could have gotten away with it. Why would he tell his wife that he had committed murder, so stupid. EDIT: What channel do you guys watch this show on? WE or Sundance?
  8. Regarding West, do you think he needs a new training officer? Or do you think it was more about his dad and he wanted to make him proud then got disappointed in his dad?
  9. Didn't care much about this episode but I guess its a double edge sword with Jessica killing the terrorist. If the actor who played Bradford isn't coming back, they could just have him retire.
  10. I would have thought OA would have at least checked it out about Juan's mom or as Preeya said, gone to the pharmacy with him. I thought Jubal should have been removed from the case but I did like the bantering between him and OA.
  11. I guess I got the two situations mixed up, Thanks for the clarification.
  12. That was West, not Bradford. I admit, I do feel bad for that guy and I think the issue with his dad got to him. I thought it was an okay episode but hopefully West settles down. I still cannot remember the name of West's TO. I thought the funeral thing was strange, how did they know he would come back? Maybe not so funny but it would have been funny if he didn't come and they did bury him.
  13. This was an okay episode but not sure why West thought it would be a good idea to be in the same department with his son. He did sound guilty though, especially when he seemed annoyed off the bat. I bet nothing will happen to Talia, that new lawyer will probably come up with something. I do like her though and for some reason I kept thinking that Nolan would show up and shoot the guy. lol Nolan needed to shut up for sure but I would think he would be in civilian clothes but then, he can't leave to run after his TO at the end of the episode. EDIT: Shouldn't have West figured that someone would get under Jackson's skin and warn him before hand? I saw the promo for next week, and there is two more episodes left, when is the season finale? I hope they know for sure and don't do a stupid cliffhanger that won't get tied up.
  14. Didn't care for this episode for sure. I need to stop waiting for Matt to find out that Brett broke up the night her then bf went to visit him. lol
  15. I'm not sure I will be watching this show and I do like Alana De LaGarza but this just isn't for me.
  16. I know this was a spin off but I didn't care for it really. I should give it a chance like I did for FBI.
  17. I was wondering if Casey would find out that Brett had broken up but maybe in this episode its good he didn't because he would have yelled at her and told her it was her fault or something like that with the way Casey was acting. I think the only reason Ritter told him was because he wanted to make sure Casey knew the reason why the hose was across the street since Casey was being a butt about it. If Casey did read the report, I would think he would have seen that mentioned. Herrmann is an idiot and really does not listen but we all knew that. Why did Herrman apologize about not using the blocked hydrant? I don't understand that part at all. I liked Boden in this episode though.
  18. Didn't care for this episode but how often does the person who is being protected becomes the person who ends up almost getting killed and arrested. I kinda wondered if maybe the guy was the bad guy somehow when he hit Nolan. I thought it was cute that Grey had a purple band aid. I wonder if they will get to the part about West's mom but I bet they have forgotten that one. Would have been funnier if the guy's mom did rose from the grave.
  19. I thought maybe the guy had called the suspect or gone to the sex club to let him know and then he came a few days later and that is when the suspect ran off. Mayor's office is so dumb.
  20. I did think Beav was a jerk towards the end of the series but he didn't think to use his head.
  21. I confess, I was wondering if it was some setup as to the burglary and the son stabbed his dad in the back. I would think they would have called for back up as they saw the door open or noticed how long it was taking Nolan and Andersen to come back? I would be surprised if they recast the Capt. and I did like her though. For a guy who fired that man shots, I wonder how far the other two were from Nolan's truck cause it seemed like it took forever. I don't think it was a good idea to tell the cops that there are fakes out there pretending to be IA but I would not be happy if I was the cops pulling over Mario and finding out that it was faked.
  22. Didn't care for this episode and I did think it was funny when Dana said the judge John Hanckocked' the warrant. I thought the reason to kidnap Elizabeth and commit murder was stupid but then, people do stupid things for stupid reasons. Does this mean Kristen is leaving? I thought OA should have just shot him as well and kudos to the security guard for slowing the gunman down. EDIT: New episode Tuesday?
  23. A few questions... What did Eddie mean when he would tell Beaver to, 'dry up?' Why did Eddie call Wally, 'Sam'?
  24. Didn't care for this episode and thought it was stupid that Nolan goes by himself. The story about Beth, what if it was that Graham really liked her but just didn't want to be in a relationship with her at the time? I like to think the convict was just getting under West's skin but you never know. My mom accidentally deleted the episode so I had to watch it on the computer, Is there a new episode next week? (Maybe I should start watching shows online from now on).
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