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Waterston Fan

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Everything posted by Waterston Fan

  1. I'm on Punk right now and I think the DVR didn't record those episodes.
  2. Abbie Carmicheal is getting on my nerves.
  3. Yeah, I did fast forward through the part where they were acting like jerks to the poor guy and sometimes I have been noticing somethings and Jack's reaction I noticed this time around.
  4. I watched Monster and I get a kick out of the look on Jack's face when he sees and watches Jamie walk out of the hearing room and she never looks back.
  5. Slowly catching up on episodes I have recorded and watching Double Down. The cops break in to a guy's apartment who was sleeping in his underwear. Is society getting so sensitive that the network has to blur the guy's genitals with his underwear on? Really? I don't know if Sundance would do that but the network I am watching is WE. So, I bet they won't blur a woman's chest while she has her bra on, I bet.
  6. Yeah.... I went from Jamie's last episode to Claire being Jack's assistant. I wanted to see Angie's first episode but I'm going to be in the middle of season 9.
  7. Watched Bad Girl. I think the killer just wanted to die. I still wished the writers had given Cathy a better storyline or made it to where she finally got help and did good. Frustrating thing about We and Sundance is they don't seem to do seasons 17 and up. I want to see Burn Card in season 18. I've already seen some that are coming up.
  8. Anyone seen Exiled: L&O movie? I didn't like that they made Profaci a dirty cop but have they mentioned what happened to him in the show for those who haven't seen the movie?
  9. I saw Open Season that I recorded. The name of the person Pruess told Danielle, I would have thought she'd be smart enough to wonder about the person in another state. I liked that Jack had her back though and that's a good friend for sure.
  10. I don't like Herrman anymore as he seems like an ass. I wonder if Boden knows that Hermman is teaching Ritter to be a jerk to others. I thought that was an awkward proposal but I wonder if that will happen when Sylvia survives. I thought and still think it was Doug who was carrying out the arsons. I bet Stella will be pregnant next season. I hope Herrman is better next season if he survives. Maybe its older boilers but I would think there will be a safety thing on newer boilers.
  11. At my sister's aunt's house as I have moved close to Wilmington NC. Just watched Damaged where a mentally challenged girl was raped and Lennie's daughter was killed. I hated the judge in the rape case and I wonder if what he did could have been overturned as I think the lawyer just didn't realize or care what the judge was doing. Wish they didn't kill Cathy though.
  12. Its Ritter they are talking about, the guy who talked about his uncle who committed suicide. Tuesday is the fire house dog. I admit, only on TV will a person who needs help will go get help when they see someone cares.
  13. Just saw Season 18 episode and seems like the camera was bouncing around a bit much in some scenes especially at the DA's office. What is up with Rodgers' hair?
  14. Season 17 episode Fame, I really didn't like Cassidy as the detective. I think VB and her got off to the wrong foot from the start and could never fix it.
  15. Started on the fourth season of L&O where Cragen is gone as well as Robinette. Noticed also Lennie's hair has changed. Did they color it during his time during and after the fourth season?
  16. I wonder if the guy from Station 27 had planted the nozzle thing. But I think the way it was handled was not very well from the start. Who would be okay with someone going to your place and accuse you of something loudly like that even if you ended up having it? They are trying to get Matt and Sylvia together and I think that's a bad idea. Didn't really care about the fire investigation thing.
  17. I admit, I thought it was the wife and I kept thinking a lawyer is going to have everything thrown out because the wife was too close. Does Maggie really need to know about the woman who Jason may have had an affair with? Was there a previews for next week's episode? Recording got cut off.
  18. I notice Fontana and Green are wearing clear gloves and I thought they had worn white gloves in the past.
  19. Just finished watching COD, Jerry's last episode. If Trial By Jury wasn't being done and if Jerry didn't have cancer, do you think he would have stayed on the show until maybe the end of the series?
  20. I saw Vendetta and I chuckled at a scene in Jack's office when he, Serena and the lawyer were there. Jack took a pot and looked like he was going to drink it then he realized what it was then put it down and poured a cup. 😂 I don't know if that was meant to happen or if Sam just accidentally took the wrong item.
  21. I thought this episode was really slow and I admit, I did fast forwarded some scenes. I did think that was West and I liked him as her partner. So after all that the patient dies because the heart wasn't compatible.
  22. On season 14 right now and I admit, Serena in the latest few episodes has been annoying me. I can see why Branch fired her the following season.
  23. I forgot to ask, I just saw The Collar where a priest was killed but it was not the one who should have been killed. Freddie Ortega who didn't do the actual stabbing was sent to prison. Shouldn't he have still stayed there as he was there when the murder actually happened?
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