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  1. Turn that frown upside down. Alright, not the strongest episode and I don't disagree with the criticism, but still, I was very happy to be watching Call the Midwife. It's been a long time since Season 13, and I became so joyful hearing the introductory music, a little less so listening to Redgrave's frail and quivering voice, but glad again to revisit the characters I enjoy so much. I am looking forward to the upcoming season.
  2. Hair and makeup has been really bad this season. Cathy, like you said, and the otherwise lovely Miss Scott with a less flattering hair color; and they both have a pound-and-a-half of pasty white makeup on their faces. Even Alphy's hair, natural or not, is fussy and unattractive. Lastly, Mrs. C got a new wig; it's not really bad, but she doesn't strike me as someone that would change their look.
  3. Do you really have the entire season? On my Passport there are placeholders for all episodes but only content for the first.
  4. I finished series 2, and it remains underwhelming. Final episode has a decent part for Kelby, but Martha and Anne remain idiots, Humphrey is just along for the ride (hardly a lead role), and the foster child bit serves no purpose. I see the show has been renewed for a third series; I'll return as long as Kelby remains, but with indifference for the rest.
  5. Well Neville has been my least favorite DI, so not sorry to see him move on. Among the rumours for the next DI is Simon Bird, and that sounds good to me. And what about Naomi (DS Thomas)? I like her just fine, but has she every been given a backstory or anything to do beyond support?
  6. I'd hate to tell you how the British Prime Minister is selected.
  7. Really, how many cases have to be solved with the-murder-did-not-occur-at-the-time-we're-meant-to-think before they consider that possibility at the start?
  8. No one's enthralled with Beyond Paradise, and I agree. However, let's hear it for Dylan Llewellyn as Kelby. He's a breath of fresh air and I'm always happy when he appears in a scene.
  9. S13E03: I just finished it and it's amazing; the best episode in years. Also, I'm really glad they gave Fred a big role since he's been so tame since he married Violet, and Cliff Parisi did a fantastic acting job.
  10. There were two bits that I loved.
  11. In the US, S13.E1 is available on PBS Passport. No spoilers, but I thought it was a very good, standard, installment. Several new characters are introduced, which seems promising. I look forward to the post about what was cut from the full UK version; one big gap is apparent. Nevertheless, a good start for the season.
  12. I liked Season 1, but really just for Hardin and Aston. I don’t care about the storylines they've set up for the next season and would welcome a right turn with new side characters and situations. What else? I guess I'd like Lyle to return, and Todd's beard to depart.
  13. Bring back Sister Winifred. Bring back Chummy.
  14. They're doing to Daniel exactly what they did to Claire. Take a lively and engaging personality, throw a couple tough situations at them, and they become comatose bores.
  15. Good episode but can we talk about Gregory's casual outfit? What was with that gold chain? Do people still wear those things?
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