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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. So Bates grandchild XX will be born in nine months and one day? How many kids have the Bates breeding pairs produced by now? Nine that I know of (I don't follow them closely) with more on the way. They better kick it up a notch if they hope to catch the Duggar breeders.
  2. I was just about to ask if that was Kelly. Hopefully for her sake, it's just the photo, or something, making her look so big.
  3. Facial lines have a lot to do with genetics. Of all the things we can blame on Jim Bob and Mullet or Jill herself, this isn't one.
  4. Smuggar was smug years before he got married. I don't see fake in either Jinger or Joy; maybe Jessa.
  5. Every time I read this site and see this photo, I automatically think, "Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening!"
  6. If that's a modified Pnina Tornai stripper fairy dress, I'll die.
  7. Southern thing, I'm guessing mother's or grandmother's or whoever's maiden name. That dress shows a lot of cleavage for any church wedding, let alone a semi-fundie wedding. Guinn looked very nice. Fundie beliefs aside, I think she really does care about her children as individuals.
  8. I think she's just not as svelte as some of her sisters. Look at her upper arms and face -- she's not fat at all, she's just solid, like her fool mother.
  9. He took time out from doing his hair and showing off his badge? Shocked, I tell you.
  10. I don't know about pregnant, but Erin is doing a spiffy Miranda Lambert impression. Isn't Tori the one who supposedly didn't want kids right away but was pregnant fifteen minutes after her wedding? Or am I thinking of another Bates? Chad might be the headship, but Erin is running the family.
  11. I know it's a lot. I surfed their page until the photo of cats outside pissed me off. Also, the Maxwells write like they have large sticks up their asses. Glad I could be of service!
  12. Ha, I came here just to share a realtor.com link to this monstrosity. My first thought was, maybe Jim Bob and Mullet bought it to move into so they wouldn't have to (ask TLC to) clean the TTH, then decided it was too much work to move.
  13. Derelict's lower jaw and teeth are so off center now, I want to tell his photo ^ to stop making faces. His skin looks bad, he's too thin, his haircut looks like it was done by a homeschooled dingbat with no sense (oh wait!), plus the jaw and teeth issue. He's barely recognizable as the man who courted Jill five years ago.
  14. Jim Bob and Mullet both had insurance licenses in their early adulthood. I wonder why they didn't stick with it -- some people in insurance make a bundle. One doesn't need a law license to sell insurance or even own an agency. Or do you mean insurance will be Derelict's next venture, once he realizes that his scintillating personality and innate specialness won't automatically get him a Supreme Court nomination once he earns his JD?
  15. That's why many, if not most buffet-style restaurants already forbid people to share a plate.
  16. He looks like a hipster dude who actually cares about his kids. He also looks like his glasses pinch his nose (I sympathize).
  17. People blame autocorrect for their own mistakes. I've been using smart phones for years, and I have yet to have one autocorrect to any of the ridiculous things people blame on autocorrect. Topic: Pretty flowers. They make me sneeze just looking at them.
  18. Or maybe because Jill the Snitch was never popular with her siblings, and they only dealt with her because they had to. Now they don't. Maybe Derelict's face creeps the Duggarlings out.
  19. If they got different furniture, people would just gripe about where they got the money for it! Honestly, I heartily dislike the Duggars in general and the Dullards in particular, but they just can't win.
  20. Truvy wouldn't let her clients out with those ratty split ends, fried hair, and sloppy styling. "It takes some effort to look like this," but not to look like the R'girls.
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