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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I didn't realize the Wallers had had another child. I checked out their blog -- private jet to Florida. Rebekah's husband must be quite wealthy. (Good for her.) I have to say one thing. I have always thought the Waller children are truly loved, fundie though their parents are. They're more than just a damn number and they're well-cared for. Take that, Duggars 1.0.
  2. I keep thinking the Kellers are younger than I thought they were. Forty years doesn't seem like as long as I expected them to have been married. Who is their eldest child?
  3. It was the same when 19K showed Smuggar and Ofsmuggar at the business before Mackynzie was born. There was hardly any traffic, and there was Ofsmuggar, making notes on a steno pad like a real professional dealership. *eye roll* I bought a new (used) car this week, and there was no steno pad or the owner's wife or a repurposed kitchen table involved.
  4. I'm familiar with Pervis Payne's case, in general terms. My comment about Jill's motivation was cynical. It's wildly off topic so I will keep my points to myself about the arbitrary benchmark IQ of 70 designating intellectual disability.
  5. The cynic in me says Pervis Payne must be born again or some other near-fundie. Born-agains on death row tend to prompt a lot of evangelical support (see: Karla Faye Tucker). But maybe Jill has a heartfelt conviction (ha) against the death penalty. I hope that's the case.
  6. Sarah Mally got married? How old/creepy is her husband, and how many kids does he have?
  7. Anybody else notice that David Rodrigues didn't even bother to button his damn suit jacket to walk his firstborn down the aisle? Jill and David weren't behind the door when class was handed out, they were ten miles away and walking in the opposite direction. I know somebody will say he COULDN'T button his suit jacket over his enormous gut. I thought the same. But the jacket appears to be big enough to cover his belly. Other thoughts: Nathan and Nurie are both so homely, any children they produce will either be butt-ugly or absolutely stunning, in the weird way of human genetics. And they're both so skinny, I can see them producing kids who are as rotund as the grandfathers.
  8. Her dress is pretty, what we can see of it. There is probably some fundie monstrosity lurking just out of sight. It makes me cringe to see people not wearing masks or social distancing.
  9. The Maxwells are superior to a lot of fundies in that they don't obviously dick around when family members need medical care. See: Melanie and her high-risk pregnancies.
  10. I wonder if they chose laser surgery to preserve her breastfeeding capability. I have a bad feeling that having cancer will not end well for Anna Marie or her children.
  11. There are idiots with medical training everywhere. I know a PA who thinks the flu vaccine is designed to make money for Big Pharma.
  12. She's wearing more makeup than I ever have for Halloween, let alone normal life. I guess the Rodriguii are lucky they don't have the Duggar acne problem (it doesn't look like they do, anyway).
  13. I forgot about her. She was nuts, too. Re: Carlin the moron. I was reading earlier about the death from influenza of a four-year-old from an antivax family, complete with dumbass mother. I really think that something like that, except probably an infant, will happen to a Bates or Duggar or their offshoots. I'm surprised it hasn't already, except for the slim chance that they're not really as stupid as they appear on social media.
  14. Thanks, all who beat me to it. Lydia of Purple and the homely-ass daughters, and Emily and Dna, were my first nutcase fundies. "Sixth daughter is 19 and always ready." FOR WHAT, pray tell?!
  15. Most of the Bates sons-in-law remind me of Randy Travis, but particularly the one who is married to Tori (or whoever the daughter is who looks most like Kelly in face and frame). The Bates sons-in-law are as homogenous and boring as the Bates daughters.
  16. 1. No way Carlin actually said any of the quotes attributed to her. She's like the rest of the Bates (and Duggar) offspring and can barely string two words together. 2. Her insistence on smiling with her mouth open makes her look like an idiot. 3. The Bateses are just Duggars in more aesthetic packaging, which is probably why they annoy me even more than the Duggars do.
  17. Maybe Jilly Rod and Ears figure a freezing cold bathroom will take the boys' minds off masturbating. Also, Jilly and her "leading" someone to the lord over the phone? BSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBSBS.
  18. I thought Phillip was the dark-skinned boy. Who is that super-skinny blond boy?
  19. I dunno about his hair, but I swear he has two beards. Back on topic: I'm pretty sure the Duggars think their magic name and Jed!'s Y chromosomes will guarantee him victory, thus no point in posting about MLK Day or even mounting a real campaign.
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