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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Genetics play a big, big role in wrinkles. Some people are wrinkly at 17, some people are not wrinkly when they're old enough for AARP. I don't think Nathan went to real college. I'm guessing his "degree" is from some online diploma mill that fundies use. ETA: I was right. It looks like something called Independent Baptist Bible College, which is not accredited.
  2. South Dakota also has a moron for a governor. Topic: I hope Jinger has an easy delivery and nobody gets covid.
  3. Well, Jill acts like she's about twelve, so that explains the idiotic mugging for any and all cameras.
  4. Psssh. People are always saying Anna's or Jessa's or whoever's face looks pregnant, and they're usually not.
  5. It always was to some extent, but it got really really bad. I'm so sorry, FJers, if some of us don't have time to follow the Duggars and other fundies as closely as you do. FFS. I wonder if Jill ever gets her eye makeup completely off.
  6. I gave up on FJ years ago because it descended into cliquishness, bullying, and virtue signaling like so many other forums. Not only did it cease being fun, it became an ordeal. I went back a year or two ago out of curiosity, and I didn't even recognize the site. Topic: it's interesting that Amy and Angie both got married "late" by some fundie standards. Maybe they weren't pressured by their parents into marrying young. Ahem.
  7. I thought Jinger was supposed to be Josie's mother, not Joy.
  8. In Chandler Bing's voice: Could that picture BE any more filtered??
  9. There is nothing wrong with living in a trailer/mobile home/modular housing.
  10. It's genetics, not raising his eyebrows too much. Some people are wrinkly at 17, some people aren't wrinkly at 47.
  11. Did I miss an announcement that a Duggar child had been kidnapped? Point: it's disingenuous to say that child abductions happen because someone didn't watch their children on their gated property. Topic: I think Henry is the cutest of the Seewald children so far.
  12. Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped from her bedroom, Jaycee Dugard while walking to the school bus stop in a semi-rural area. I can go on and on. Suffocating one's children won't necessarily keep them from harm. Topic: Ivy looks a lot like Jinger, to me.
  13. I hereby nickname Titus the Buttless Wonder.
  14. My sister calls her kids by various combinations of their names. I don't find it odd.
  15. I'd call it incredibly boring, and no wonder Nathan looks either bored or irritated in all the photos. Maybe Nathan's acne will improve during his pregnancy.
  16. I think he's just given up. Nurie looks like she bought her top in the Granny Wear section.
  17. I wonder if any Rods can pronounce "quiche." It reminds me of an old cartoon of George W. Bush in which he's at a restaurant and orders a "quickie."
  18. That bar is so low, earthworms have trouble with it!
  19. She's either pregnant or trying to wish it into reality by shoving her nonexistent belly out. Nathan looks like a total doofus with his tie hanging four inches above his belt. Somewhere, Clinton Kelly cringes.
  20. That's an interesting concept, and I don't disagree with you. What makes you think Smuggar would have made a successful pastor?
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