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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. The pictures make me nauseous. The covid reference -- these people are self-centered, ignorant trash.
  2. Jill would miss the point if it were a wrecking ball. If Nathan had any potential to grow a set, the Rods wouldn't have made so many trips to Floriduh already (and vice versa). Jill has practically climbed into the marital bed with Nathan and Nurie. Super snark -- I hope for its sake that the baby looks like neither parent nor any grandparent. Let's hope there are some deeply recessed genes in the family tree.
  3. I did not say or mean that Ofsmuggar is overweight; l was referring to her shape after six kids. Mullet isn't obese, but she looked pregnant for years after her last.
  4. There's a special hell for people who monetize their own children AND do shit like that to them. Next stop, rhinoplasty to make them more telegenic?
  5. She's had six kids, and she likely lives on a heavily processed diet. She probably always looks pregnant. Until SHE announces it, it's just more rampant speculation.
  6. If Ofsmuggar (or anybody else) had been pregnant every time somebody here claimed she was because she's "full in the face" or whatever, she'd have 12 kids by now. That said, if she continues on her previous timeline, she'll be announcing sometime this summer or fall. Her kids, except Mackynzie and Michael, have all been two years or two years + a few months apart.
  7. I saw the "news" on Yahoo, and came here just to see what the snarkers were saying. I can't bring myself to give much of a damn anymore, thus I don't post much. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. I watched that show on occasion. The scary thing is that in some ways, the Camdens (the minister's family) were almost progressive for fundies. Their oldest son, for instance, married a Jewish girl who was the daughter of a rabbi*. They had an interfaith wedding. Can you imagine being allowed in Duggar World? *The wedding episode was especially laughable. The bride looked a fair bit like Carlin Bates and even did that stupid open-mouthed, poor acting thing all during her walk down the aisle.
  9. Even if they didn't want to spend it on infidel scum, think of how many fundie families are doing without (despite "gawd will provide") who could really, really use some of that grift money just to feed their kids and keep them warm. Something tells me that if Voddie Baucham survives his million-dollar heart treatment, he won't come out in favor of an exercise program and plant-based diet, nor will he acknowledge the education and training that allowed his medical team to care for him. He'll give all the credit to gawd and keep asking for donations.
  10. None of which Carter was interested in. He made it clear, over the course of nearly the entire series, that he didn't want the life of John Carter, Rich Man. He wanted to just be John Carter, MD. That was one of the big conflicts between him and Gamma. Speaking from personal experience (cat rescue), fundraising sucks. As far as the timeline goes, Uncle Jesse went from paramedic one week to intern the next to doing thoracotomies by himself a few months later, all the while looking like he just got off a three-day bender. Why would the Carter Center's timeline be any more realistic?
  11. Carter said to Lewis and Weaver in the finale that he'd be fundraising for the rest of his life. He did say at one point, seasons earlier, that his family foundation was covering all the construction costs.
  12. She didn't say she was using a cast iron skillet. She said her mother did.
  13. Absolutely not a coincidence. The Bateseseses are just copycats who've never had an original idea of their own. Everything about them is just a ripoff. Harry and Archie did it much, much better.
  14. You're giving Jill WAY too much credit for education and intelligence. She probably thinks Pilgrims landed in Florida.
  15. Yes, that's what they thought. My comment about "kids will be kids" meaning only the right kind of kids -- do you think the Rods would be all peachy keen with kids defiling a historic site if those kids were Black, Muslim, LGBTQ+, or otherwise unlike the Rods themselves?
  16. Garret Dillahunt was wicked, unintentionally funny in No County for Old Men. In ER, he was just creepy and gross-looking. He was on SVU as well, I think. In one of those six-degrees-of things, he's married to Michelle Hurd, who played Monique Jeffries on SVU and Kerry's last love interest, Courtney Brown, on ER. ETA: He's been on SVU and the original recipe L&O.
  17. Personally, I hope all Duggar and Bateseseses swimmers stop swimming. It would be ok with me if the constant reproducing of more little bigots stopped right now.
  18. The Duggar kids better get to procreating. The Bateseseses are catching up quickly. By my count, which admittedly might be off because I don't pay close attention: Six -- Smuggar One -- John Two -- Jill Three -- Jessa Two -- Jinger Three -- Joseph One -- Josiah Two -- Joy (three if counting Annabelle -- not discussing that inclusion or any miscarriages)
  19. I liked Adele, the old social worker, a lot better than Wendall. Wendall was deeply annoying.
  20. In all fairness, the Benton appendectomy storyline was pretty damn funny. "Maybe I'll staple my name into his belly." "Dr. Doyle, you want to suction out Dr. Benton?" The Kem storyline was absurd. They should have put Carter with Debbie, the ICRC worker with whom he had actual chemistry. That pairing made sense. Carter + Kem never, ever did. Remember when Weaver was injecting hormones or fertility drugs in the restroom and dropped the syringe?
  21. It looks like it's about to throttle Mullet. Too bad it didn't succeed. Cathy actually looked better then than she does now.
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