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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I might dislike Kelly less if she didn't always have that stupid, fake shit-eating grin on her face. Wait, no -- I wouldn't. But at least if she didn't do that all the time, the sight of her face might not make me want to slap it off her. Carlin, since we know you read here -- have Josie give your mother a better color shade. Her hair looks fried and over processed, and it's too dark for her now. She also needs to brush it before a photo shoot. Signed, Catty Heathen
  2. Actually, she has two first names and one middle. Jordyn-Grace Makiya.
  3. I doubt it would matter if the Webster daughters' ages were spread out. Allie isn't getting any sinful ballet lessons, and neither is any other Webster daughter. 1. Occasions for sin; 2. Money must go to the Golden Penis's activities and the parents' fun stuff; 3. Alyssa is lazy.
  4. I had the impression that Eleanor and John II reunited. In the transplant episode, or maybe the series finale, doesn't Carter tell Benton that his folks are in the Bahamas or something? And then tells Benton that the private jet was gone because of the recession. Either way, neither was there when their son had a transplant. They suck. Maybe the "Carter's lonely life sucks" storyline was the writers demonstrating that money can't buy happiness. I wish the writers had kicked Kem to the curb and brought back Roxanne or Debbie, the Red Cross worker. Give Carter a freaking scrap of happiness, for crying out loud.
  5. Me: Katie's due AGAIN?! How can that be -- she just had a baby a few months ago! Also me: Oh, KatEY Duggar. Oh, that makes sense. Damn fundies need some name variety.
  6. Especially with that fake I'm-trying-so-hard shit-eating grin on Kelly.
  7. Hell, he probably didn't toil at all. How hard could Clown College possibly be? I see Isaiah inherited the Trace face. I also see from whom he inherited it.
  8. My guess is that he does it without permission, and the others, like Travis and Katie, just keep quiet to avoid causing any friction. I suspect that the Stewarts aren't nearly as popular in their circles as they would like to believe.
  9. Honestly, I think we did see Elizabeth with PPD. It just wasn't enunciated as PPD. It was written as "Elizabeth the stressed-out mean bitch who can't handle both a career and motherhood," which was really unfair to Elizabeth. You're right about season eight being the last strong season. I wished more than a few times that the helicopter had landed on Abby. I actually told my sister after the season 14 finale that I hoped she'd been in the ambulance.
  10. Carter certainly wasn't bragging about being the victim of child sexual abuse. If anything, he looked and sounded distinctly uncomfortable at having the subject brought up at all. I hate that episode. It's boring and inappropriate and the worship of St. Abby nonsense makes me want to puke. Zofran, stat! I think Elizabeth was pretty normal until the beginning of season 8. As I've said before, the writers really dropped the ball -- they could and should have had a great extended storyline about Elizabeth and postpartum depression. It would have been timely, too -- Andrea Yates drowned her children a few months before the beginning of that season. How the hell did the writers miss that storyline? And that mental-illness storyline would have been much better than what we got -- St. Abby overcoming mental illness suffered by her family who apparently did it all just to inconvenience her.
  11. How long until Giggle Boy and Carlin take off for Arkansas?
  12. Or research skills, for that matter, and internet access with which to Google and find out that Dalmatians might not be the best breed for someone who will have eight kids in ten years.
  13. Unlike the Rods, though, you're probably vaccinated AND not traveling the country to hang out with disease vectors sweet friends.
  14. What if one girl is a light sleeper and another is a snorer or wakes up frequently? Why not put two girls in each of two bedrooms? Isn't Alyssa the one Bates who ended up sharing a room with only one sister because, as she said herself, she couldn't handle the chaos? The other issue is that this is a continuance of the boys-are-better-girls-don't-count pattern that Alyssa and John started even before the Golden Penis was born. And that's not fair.
  15. If she's not already pregnant, I would bet she's currently putting on whatever passes for fundie lingerie while she prepares to put the moves on Nathan. Dawg help me, I want to barf. I need brain bleach, stat.
  16. Well, there's a grandkid who won't get any attention from Grandma. She's already got two grandsons, so in her mind, big deal. My two cents is that the fewer girls born into those cults, the better.
  17. I think it's the pasty-pale face and dork haircut that all fundie males have. Or want to have, if you're a balding Duggar boy.
  18. Carlin is probably packing her bags right now. You know the Stewarts won't pass up an opportunity to get away from home...again. Ten to one this kid has Austin's nostrils. Those snout genes are strong.
  19. I read that Reddit sub. I'm seriously pissed and upset for the Webster lost girls. Why don't they put a crown on the little Golden Penis and make the girls pay homage to him? Alyssa and John are trash.
  20. They'll end up with eight girls and one boy, or ten girls and two Golden Penii. I repeat my wish that the boys are bats out of hell, but their idiot parents will probably blame it on the (bored, undereducated, overworked, ignored) girls.
  21. Nope. The Golden Penis deserves a brother, don't you know?
  22. The thought comes to mind that her mother dumped each baby off on a sister-mom to start working on the next one, and she got lots of attention for each new kid. Maybe Carlin thought it would be like that for her, too. Life is disappointing when you actually have to take care of your kids instead of people praising you all the time.
  23. I'll join you when you're cast out. I thought The Letter was cringeworthy, and atypical of both Mark and Elizabeth, even in 2002.
  24. I think it can be interpreted one of two ways: 1. Josh sinned and must be punished, but it was the sisters' and Anna's faults in the first place. This is the "she was wearing a short skirt in public so it's her fault" concept. 2. It was Josh's fault all along, but it's easier to blame someone else than to admit that Josh is an immoral, selfish predator. Not exactly the same thing, but I had an aunt, now deceased, who was a drug addict and thief for decades, since she was a preteen in the 1960s. My grandmother, who was her mother, could never manage to cut the cord just like JB can't cut the cord to Josh. Very rarely, my grandmother would admit that L was a drug addict who would lie, cheat, steal, abuse, and manipulate anyone and everyone she could (including her children) to get what she wanted. Otherwise, it was always someone else's fault -- L's husband, L's married boyfriend, L's friends, etc. etc. etc. My grandmother, over decades, repeatedly bailed L out of jail, paid for her to go to rehab, gave her money, gave her a place to stay, even while L robbed her blind and put her literal physical safety at risk. Tl; dr -- it's damned hard, nearly impossible, for a parent to admit that their kid, whom they probably love but don't like, is beyond redemption.
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