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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. You've LITERALLY saved boxes full, Holy Princess Erin? Maybe someday in one of those boxes, you'll find a brain and an inkling that you're really not all that.
  2. I'm referring to the shapeless jean skirt/no makeup/drab hair look. The Maxwells avoid taking photos where people don't look miserable and depressed. Even their wedding photos look depressed.
  3. A few of them look almost Maxwellian. Let's hope their ideology is not quite as rigid.
  4. It probably doesn't make much difference. He'll refuse to work for an ungodly company or be supervised by a woman, then he'll end up defaulting on those loans, and he'll spend his adult life grifting like his loser parents. If he did want to be an aviation mechanic, missionary or otherwise, he'd be best off opting for the military. But he won't do that because it would expose him to heathens and gays and liberals! (OH MY)
  5. Random thought -- maybe Stormy J dyes her son's hair to "prove" that natural blond hair runs in the family, i.e., that she doesn't dye her own hair. As if anybody with eyes were that dumb.
  6. Excellent point, except I think John was always the role model for his younger siblings. Smuggar never seemed to give a damn about the other kids; he was always the prince who got what he wanted (for whatever reason).
  7. Isn't it ungodly to dye a BOY'S hair? I'd love to hear Stormy J's BS justification.
  8. He probably needs to start with the most basic math course and work his way up. Math is sequential, and he can't take basic and the next level and the next level at the same time. I wondered that too. It seems odd to have hair that shade when neither of his parents are natural blonds. Also, he reminds me of Kiefer Sutherland in Stand by Me and Lost Boys. I have always disliked Kiefer Sutherland because of those movies, so Timothy gives me an extra dose of the creeps.
  9. It's all about who the prize is right now. Nurie is first in line to be pimped out married off, so she gets more attention.
  10. I don't know about Oklahoma, but most of the LPN programs I've heard of require lots of prerequisites and have waiting lists. If it were just eleven months and out, more people would do it. I like Abbie's Marianne Dashwood hair.
  11. Living in South Carolina doesn't necessarily mean everyone has access to fresh seafood. I lived about an hour from Greenville. Our town, as far as seafood went, wasn't any different from the Midwest. Boring old Applebee's was the big place to eat there.
  12. This is what she said: Cindy has the shiny giant cheeked dermatology victim look, but Michelle looks natural. I went back three pages to be sure. The only photo of Mullet I saw had Christina Caldwell in it and was a few posts before the comment about dermatology victims.
  13. I very much doubt Christina Caldwell has had any of that. She looks to me like she has good genes and probably uses moisturizer. She's also a good two decades or more younger than Madonna.
  14. The shiny giant cheeked dermatology victim look? What the hell is that? (Her name is Christina.)
  15. Why was Derelict a groomsman? I don't get this fundie/adjacent tendency to have relatives or friends of your relatives or friends in your wedding party. Izzy is only three.
  16. They were probably only outside for a minute, and air-conditioning can be too cold. It depends on the clothing material, too.
  17. Whoever took that photo is also standing ten feet or so back. I bet if it were a closeup, Mullet wouldn't look so "good."
  18. Barack Obama was elected president in 2008. There are a LOT of people who reacted to that milestone by becoming more conservative, more rigid, more insulated, and became bullies* in the name of "religion." *Or increased their bullying
  19. OT: If any of you have photosensitive epilepsy, or close relatives who do, please reconsider seeing Incredibles 2. There have been a lot of reports of strobe light-type effects in the movie causing problems for photosensitive people (like me, so I won't be seeing it). Back on topic: Did the Dullards share a pop/soda/soft drink/beverage?
  20. The material looks thin. I'm wearing a shirt right now that hangs just the same way; I wear a jacket over it when I take the dog out because I'm not wearing a heathenish modesty undershirt.
  21. In her defense (ugh), that top shirt is pretty flimsy. I have shirts like that, and I wear a tank under them. Like critical thinking skills, for one, and the rest will follow.
  22. The last few years, every time I see a photo of Mullet, I feel the need to say, "and your little dog, too!"
  23. C. Or that Shar-pei she's got on her forehead.
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