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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. The silhouette of Lauren's dress is actually pretty modern and forward by fundie standards. The bodice fits well and the skirt shows her curves. It's about a thousand times better than the shapeless sacks Jill and Joy wore. I think Lauren has a good sense of style -- remember that flowered dress she wore?
  2. Jill in bare feet in a hospital, tripping over that stupid skirt while holding a newborn baby and after an emergency caesarean section. Idiot!!!
  3. It kind of depends on the shades. I'm reserving judgment until I see them. I don't have a problem with the desserts. It sounds pretty good, actually, especially by Duggar standards. Just think, it could have been Mullet and Jilly with their knives and unboxed cartons of cheap ice cream!
  4. Same church where Jinger married Jeremy? I wonder if they hoped some vestige of class lingered there from the Vuolo wedding.
  5. No wedding ring, or did they take their pictures before the ceremony? Lauren is a pretty girl, but she'd have looked better without the sloppy hair. Her dress is nice enough, from what I can see. Better than Joy's.
  6. I think the Duggars are outliers even for GotHardites. We've discussed before the difference between "leaving it up to god" and "trying everything to have as many as kids as possible." The Caldwells are the former, the Duggars are the latter. I'm not surprised that the Caldwells seem able to use critical thinking skills as far as childbirth goes, while the Duggars tend to get dumber with each successive birth. The Caldwells' belief system is abhorrent, but at least they're not risking the lives of their women and children because they don't want a male doctor seeing their genitalia.
  7. I wouldn't say Jazz (or any other late teenager) is a child. Derelict has been a dick since long before he started the Cross program, though.
  8. I bet the Caldwells' home is clean and neat, too. We really do learn from our parents (and some of us unlearn, but it's hard to buck that example).
  9. Ironically, Jinger herself was born at home. I loled at the Kendra voodoo doll. A Duggar girl delivering a normal-sized baby might be able to birth at home. Certainly not the Duggar girls delivering giant babies after 89 hours of labor with a quack "midwife" assisting.
  10. Can't wait to see Jilly Dully's sour puss* at the Abbie-John wedding. *puss as in face. Not that other part, although that would explain something about Derelict.
  11. Jordyn and Josie (Jim Bob and Mullet) Mackynzie, Michael, Marcus, Meredith, Mason (Smuggar and Ofsmuggar) Israel and Samuel (Derelict and Jilly) Spurgeon and Henry (Ben and Jessa) Gideon (Nostrils and Joy) Garrett (Joe and Kendra) ? (Jeremy and Jinger) That's 13 born and one due shortly. I'd have a hard time summoning up any enthusiasm, too. I had to test my memory skills. Don't ask me their middle names, though.
  12. Both: Serious lack of give-a-shit (after all, that family has had how many babies born in the last ten years alone? 13, I think). Jessa: Maybe some jealousy (attention or because she wants more children).
  13. And look -- clean, neat house with clean, neat people. Joe and Kendra are like the anti-Duggar Arkansas Duggars (Jinger and Jeremy, of course, are the out-of-state anti-Duggar Duggars).
  14. Derelict reminds me of the people like Ted Haggard and Larry Craig who condemn gay people and then get caught in flagrante delicto with someone of the same sex.
  15. She's probably stirred up desires in Derelict that he can't righteously fulfill. Isn't that how fundies characterize thinking someone is hot? So Derelict thinks Jazz is hot and he can't do anything about it.
  16. Apparently so, not that it matters because both weddings and receptions were lame.
  17. Wasn't it Jessa who had the melty root beer floats?
  18. Derelict's hair looks like a truly lousy toupee.
  19. That can't be their reception. That man has way too much hair for any born-Duggar male over the age of sixteen not named Jim Bob. If those sleeves were plastic, they could double as water wings for pool safety.
  20. I forgot about that visit to the fertility specialist. She made a mistake and visited one with ethics.
  21. Brigitte Nielsen just had one at 54 (I know, fertility treatments). I think if Mullet thought she could get away with it, she'd certainly pursue fertility treatments in a quest for number 20 (Caleb and Jubilee who?).
  22. Not to mention her comment about anyone else knowing about Aldi is pretty condescending.
  23. That pregnancy photo in the skintight, ugly outfit actually makes me feel sorry for Jessa. What's wrong with putting their photos online? They have a large following who'd likely want to see the photos, plus there really isn't much difference between the Vuolos posting photos and "normal" people posting photos on Facebook. Now, if Jinger posts nude childbirth photos of herself like Bode Miller's wife did with their poor daughter, I'll agree it's narcissism.
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