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This is just further proof to me that, but for the rare stand out, most finalists (and this year, TCC invites) are recruits or trusted recommendations. I find it hard to believe that anyone looked at hundreds of videos, rsndomly saw AnnaBelle's among the hundreds, and said, "We MUST get that cow girl out here. If Covid restrictions force us to rechoreograph everything to high-energy, creative Reebok Step Aerobics group routines, she'll be one of our top-tier talents." SOMEONE had to have known and seen her over a long time and sworn she had far more to offer than her video demonstrated for it to make any sense that they would have finished watching that insanity, let alone fly her out there. Same with the first two. It's always been clear that this was the case, given whom CMT knew to capture from the timely a=rived at the parking lot before prelims and the Terrible Trio had bookmarked to "make sure they didn't pass over" after they got rid of the fake judges (yes, they could refilm some of that after they knew who would be advancing, but I've analyzed the arrival footage more carefully than I care to admit, and a good amount is clearly predetermined and not re-enactec for filming the typical auditions). I just think it's odd that they wouldn't ask some of them to refilm a better presentation: it's not like they had the usual mix of songs to contend with or possibility of pom-poms jumping up at them and forcing them to fall out of their turns. But maybe it's like the [badly] skipping blocks of numbers to make it seem like they're drawing from a larger pool: if they're [rightfully, IMHO] worried about what this year could do to retention and recruitment for next year, creating the optics that there was this massive pool from which to choose the top dancers yet making it seem accessible enough that people will actually continue to apply. (Which also builds the audience for the show). Kinda like how Survivor/TAR have these huge casting calls every year but still end up recruiting most of their cast.
https://ew.com/tv/big-brother-all-stars-finale-julie-chen-cody-nicole-davonne-winner/ EW: Da’Vonne won $25,000 as America’s favorite houseguest. What do you think it was about her that fans responded to? Her honesty, humor, heart, quick wit, and love of God! Amen! Um, I'm glad Julie Chen has found god. (I lie. I wouldn't give shit if I didn't have to hear about it. But I do. And it freaks me out. So I'm not glad). Da'Vonne's "love of God" isn't my thing but certainly made me feel uncomfortable. Because it felt like it was HER love and true belief in god, and any reference to it was to her own, genuine belief applied to herself, and not some performative act or judgment of others. Ahem. But, does Julie REALLY think it was Day's love of God that made anyone more than a few people wake up every day of the voting period, say "WWJD? Oh, I think he'd make a ton of fake email accounts and vote for his most ardent followers many times as possible to help her win a monetary prize in a game show highly dependent on one's ability to abandon and actively work against my and other major religious principles"? Like, I get that Julie couldn't answer, "I think the viewers were sick of 22 seasons of blatant and unchecked racism on our show and wanted to do the little they could to send the message that they supported a player who was, too," but even if she couldn't give so much as a neutered nod to, "Openness to address topical social issues," "honesty" could have covered that. Did Mark Burnett replace her programming? Is the CBS reality machine rejecting Scientology in lieu of Evangelical Christianity? Is Jeff Probst going to be replacing torches with crosses if Survivor ever comes back? Am I just projecting my election results frustrations and talking out my ass? What is going on here?
I'm generally far more suspicious of the instinct to attribute the terrible behavior shown by a few or even many with a specific physical or outward presentation unrelated to the abhorrent acts--behavior tragically also displayed by many more people who don't fall under such categorization--onto entire groups of people who happen to share that specific trait. Being generally suspicious of, or not blindly trusting, anyone just because you don't know that they're not some creep is wise. Universalizing the known creepdom of an individual to all others who share an outward trait with them, particularly one that may not be displayed by the majority or seen as fitting current social norms but inherently unrelated to the aberrant behavior? There are a lot of words I'd ascribe to such an act or belief. "Wise" is far from any of them.
My sister recently got a greyhound, and we jokingly discussed how easy and cute it would be to make him a mask. She also sent me side-by-sides, trying to decide if he looked more like a kangaroo, horse, or deer. Apparently, we were either wrong about his head's being better shaped for a mask than a person's or about his most resembling a horse. Because, otherwise, simple logic would suggest Victoria should have no problem having a mask made to fit her perfectly. Because none of this is about safety. No one is concerned about protecting the audience or the cheerleaders. The rules are solely to try to prevent an outbreak among the players and having to cancel games; if the Rose Bowl turns out more like a much larger Rose Garden, it won't affect the team's standings, just some cheerleaders, people partying on a lake, the hundreds or thousands of people knowingly choosing to take the risk to see men roll around together in a heterosexually acceptable way, and the many more thousands who may unknowingly and without a choice come into contact with them. But, the NFL only agreed to try to protect their players, brand, and broadcast rights, not society in general or the millions of people who form it. Regardless, if we have to see the same exact uniform fitting scene every season, they could at least make this year's having masks designed to fit each girl's face. They could talk about how amazing it is that, even though they aim for similar facial features no matter what the woman's background or color is, it's just amazing how, before they get their third-year plastic surgery, there's still such diversity in shapes of noses, lengths of chompers, widths of faces, distances to ears, and, for the only article of clothing requiring less fabric than their shorts, every one must be custom fit to allow for maximum comfort which leads to more consistent and appropriate use. They'd barely need to change the script, get the footage they desperately need, and actually provide some public education in the process. And, we'd avoid watching certain cheerleads constantly flinging their spittle-filled masks around and then touch everything, which seems more risky than not wearing a mask at all.
It seems like they almost always have a promo code* for a free month (esp as people who signed up for the Big Brother feeds are cancelling in droves). Unsure if it was a free month in addition to the original week or in lieu of it, I just went to cancel my subscription and it offered me an extra free month. So, that's 9 or ten free weeks (I put the cancellation date a few days early in my calendar so I'll get reminders not to give CBS a penny). *I think it was either INSIDER or PLAY when I did it (I could also be making that up), which should be expired by now, but it was also expired a month when I used it; a quick search shows NFLCBS and FALL as current codes. (I don't know if they actually work, but the former was in the Oct. Business Insider and the latter listed as autumn freebies on coupon sites. I apologize if they don't work... if you can't find one that does, I'll Oh, and--unbeknownst to me at the time--you can pick the premium option and it will be just as free as the ad-supported one. Le sigh).
I actually thought it was more twisted to have two young people singing about if the world was ending (check, quite possibly), would you come over to see me (sorry, kid, not an option, but you can say bye over Zoom). And sometimes we'd get to hear some actually good spoken word? My mom, who was a music teacher but knew nothing of spoken word, has been raving about him all season. I've been trying to convince her that, while I appreciate that he had as large, broad, and positive a platform for the actual message of a few of his earlier pieces to be heard, that I think the novelty and lack of comparison has given him a great advantage, as, anyone open to the format but unfamiliar with it would be relatively uncritical. Well, after last night's, she called me and apologized. When my sister and I were babies, she wrote us each a lovely if earnest song about her love, hopes, fears, blah blah blah for us, and, as she described it last night, "If I stood up there, recited your songs without the melody, guitar, and rhythm just placed dramatic pauses in counter to the natural rhythm or rhyme scheme and stared at the audience for three times what feels natural at the end, I think I could beat him." "Nah, you gotta rock an imaginary baby for so much of it that you start to wonder if it's about some creepy phantom pregnancy." Now, obviously, I don't actually agree that that's correct, either, but I thought last night especially highlighted his weaknesses and made even the less exposed begin to realize it wasn't anything all that special. I guess it's a fitting act for the year--what's with having everyone (mostly) adhere to proper safety guidelines all season and then throw massive dance troupes, together, up on stage, basically licking each other? I doubt V.Unbeatable has been in quarantine, but we KNOW Bad Salsa just flew across the world two days ago, and now they're leapfrogging with a hundred dancers they've never met? Seems beyond irresponsible, but I guess production's o ER, who cares if they fly back across the world now?--so, a lone poet can be as (more) successful on social media as a stage show? Greatest disappointment was not getting one "oopsie" wide angle shot at Hello Bello so we could have seen Baby Bello, allegedly tucked in for the night, sitting in the arm chair just out of frame.
All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show
methadonna replied to Lola16's topic in Dr. Phil
(Oops, thought this first half posted earlier) I actually suspect this is it. For as gagworthy as their Stand by Your Man messaging has always been to explain why she has to be there every single show after her big strong man just happened to think to chivalrously take her hand and walk her off with him epi 1 because he just couldn't leave her out there among the peons, her mere existence has somehow been parlayed into a brand of its own. There's been a "Robin's Wardrobrobe provided by [Baby Gap, Limited Too, Mummies R Us, whatever works.]" line in the credits for years now (maybe always?) ... she may be contractually required to do a little runway for said wardrobe provision. But who could blame them for that brief moment of blatant product promotion, even if it belies the carefully constructed We Leave Together Because We Love Together narrative of the 15 or 20 or 100 seasons it's been since Oprah unleashed them on the universe, since I'm sure they're quite frugral in their daily spending and wouldn't waste money on unnecessary excesses like designer outfits for five shows a week when they could continue to live a very comfortable but not disgusting and irresponsible lifestyle and use their extreme wealth to singlehandedly fund No Kid Hungry or another cause about which they're vocally passionate and admittedly use their their platform well to support it, while kick-starting a campaign with a donation that seems embarrassingly small. (To be fair, they may donate to a large number of charities, and the total doesn't seem as disproportionately minute, but, between that "contest" to where some lucky people got to visit Robin's shoe closet, and my suspicion that, if there are any generous donations being made, and not given a biweekly mention on the show, it's to that "diverse" homophobic megachurch. ''Cause he's the most open-minded person he's ever met, you know.") :::Time lapse::: PTV don't care ... it just wanna make two too long posts even longer . . . Rage dissipates. Smartly deletes the five unwatched episodes on DVR. Unsmartly watches today's episode. Rage returns. Rage intensifies. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS MAN? Was this like some Beatles record satanic messaging thing, and I just watched it backward? I'm barely paying attention anymore but it's near the end (double checks: by end, I mean, sure 'nuff, minute 43, so there'll still be 15 minutes left to sell something unrelated), and he HAS vaguely mentioned depression, just now. I think it's the first time. He hit the "throw the parents under the bus" section of his dartboard of random response, so, when he got a story of a young man who had moved back home and didn't appear to be behaving like a demanding, bratty, and selfish mooch because he was an entitled brat but rather displayed pretty much every symptom and warning sign of a major depressive episode, his immediate response was to ask the parents what was wrong with them. There are plenty of questions for the parents to be asked. Predominantly, what have you done to help him seek treatment? What dxs has he received? What therapies has he tried? What have you done to help him and yourselves when these didn't work? If, after learning they had supported him through moving through the levels of care and tried a variety of psychological and/or psychiatric treatments and found no progress, or if he was unwilling to try any type of help, or if one parent was sabotaging what the other was doing, then maybe they deserved the bus treatment. But I don't care when that charlatan gave up his license or if he had it yanked for abuse or if he never took more than a HS elective in psych: how can he or any person with a TV or social media account* get up there and give treatment entertainment advice that is less responsible and less consistent than a goddamned meme? *Although, for all of his reading his own Twitter compliments on his TV show, his and hers podcasts, his and his Mysonjay's Doctor On Demand app, his Mysonjay's online publishing house to publish the books of the second generation of Oprah-spawn snake-oil celebs he's creating, and wherever else he and his family have shat on the Internet in which I've so far avoided stepping, I suspect his only direct engagement occurs when he gets a Google Alert with his or Robin's name. Is it just the dartboard of contradictory advice or which company is in need of free advertising / pimping that day that determines whether he's gonna pull out Dr. Phil's DSM of overly literal comparisons between physical and mental illness, Grouchy Grandpa Phil's Bus of parent (or victim) blaming, hair shirt of shame, and posters of ambiguous and inaccurate statistics, Good Ol' Country Boy Phil's Book of Folk Wisdom and alleged detailed plans that they'll discuss after the show, or Woke Phiiiil McG that will bring out Important Issues but never so much as defer to someone who has more experience, authority, and knowledge to lead the exchange (and the next day will be back to talking about how his blood runs blue and deifying police officers again, not by offering the context that the system and many individuals are jacked but certainly there are some good ones and they shouldn't all be judged for the actions of the many (because, that's the real danger of prejudice, natch. A cop might be unfairly judged for his/her/their removable uniform), but just 'cause he loves him some Jesus and cops and making sure he avoids open-minded people so he can claim he's the most openminded person he knows. WOULD YOU TELL THE PARENTS THEY WERE CODDLING THEIR SON IF HIS UN- or UNDERTREATED PHYSICAL ILLNESS MADE HIM UNABLE TO CARE FOR HIMSELF? OR, WOULD YOU QUESTION WHY THEY HADN'T HELPED HIM SEE A DOCTOR IF HE WERE TOO SICK TO TAKE THE FIRST STEPS HIMSELF? And, once you'd gotten out your projection and need to shame parents into helping, even though you modestly "joke" about "Why doesn't anyone come to me first?," usually the day after you've introduced a guest who, you proudly note, has been writing you in desperation, weekly for six years, if you thought their kid had cancer or, your favorite, diabetes, would you send them to do, like, a scientology cleanse or a Coach Mike workbook, or might you suggest seeing a medical doctor who specializes in oncology/endocrinology? Then why the fuck you sending this severely depressed young man to a grownass professional who calls himself Coach outside an athletic arena or a bar named Cheers? I don't think he needs the full plastic brain workup and have everything checked, neurologically, hormonally, biochemically, podiatrically, gynocologically, everything. Nor does he need his Own Doctor On Demand. He needs a psychologist and, at least, given his heavy pot smoking, a consult with a psychiatrist, to determine whether he's self-educating because he needs anti-depressants or he just needs help and can regulate his use if his depression (and, he himself stated anxiety) are treated without meds. Mom and Dad can have Doctors on Demand to support them with when and how to heathily and appropriately pull back as their son improves with legitimate treatment. Coach Mike can go back to being a failed 24/7 sober buddy for musicians on tour. :::Oh, yeah, rage reignited. Grateful I deleted the Teacher and "Karen" episodes unseen:: -
I'm not sure if I'm reading the sideline rules correctly (ie, if each broadcast network can have up to 46 "essential workers" on the sidelines, would CMT via CBS filming count as "essential" television production, or is the filming for major network broadcast of the games the only frontsideline "essential" work? *competing eye rolls*) but, as they obviously needed to get a lot of CMT filming in post-shutdown, I am wondering if they determined that having the women face the field on game day gave them the best or only perspective for shooting. Whether it's just from this game or spliced from the next few and some hopefully better practices, I would imagine that The Triumphant Return of Football, Audiences, and AMERICA'S SWEETHEARTS, despite all odds and sense, will make for a Very Special Final Episode. No matter how many drives into the stadium bowels they have to make until they all remember to keep their masks on. It seems like a poor choice, IMHO, but, perhaps, along with the need to have the "mirror" of the other deck at this point, they went with it for this game? Maybe they'll figure out how to film them the other way or will do more in rehearsals and switch them around? (If they could get the shots they needed from the stands, though, it seems like the reverse would make more sense: aesthetically, it would be far more impactful to have the players behind them, and then, if they wanted images that also showed the triumphant return of the petri dish of fans, that would be a lot easier to film in an empty stadium and then digitally place as many fans as they're responsibly allowed to have, who are actually following protocol). But maybe Kelli was counting on the magic of a first performance to override the hot mess of the show. But, we've seen her *clarity* on assessing actual performance level versus what she wants to see.
I just read this really literally, thinking about how people bring those folding cushions to make bleachers more bearable*, and it took me several seconds and even more really bizarre mental images trying to figure out the logistics of this! Like, damn, my face is really small and my butt's pretty big, but I can't think of anyone for whom this would work 😉 *Yes, I also realized after that they don't have bleachers. The only football games I've ever been to were in high school/first year of college before I blissfully transferred to a school with no football, and only 'cause I'd sing the national anthem, and I'd cut outta there the minute I was done. (Quotes got conjoined, but I guess they're related). While I think the entire training camp process was an unnecessary safety hazard, and I don't think there's a reason to have cheerleaders (or fans) at games right now, the primary reason to me (well, acceptable reason; pretend it wasn't to make a tv show) was to create continuity among seasons (and to finally make the squad somewhat more diverse). There's no way to know whether the experience this year will affect retirement decisions, and, if so, in which direction: more women could decide to stick around an extra year to end with a [hopefully] more normal experience, or it may lead to more vets retiring than usual, and they're left with fewer upper vets and, with no rookies, have no rising second years. I hate to even say it, but there's no guarantee life will be much closer to normal next year. While I think the org could benefit from a complete overhaul of its culture, it's much harder to see that when you're inside it, and I'm sure they want a typically sized group of returnees for all of those reasons. I do hope that continue to do an initial open call online or differently targeted first round again, as I think it opened it up to those who weren't specifically invited or couldn't afford to take the chance that they'd be the rare non-recruited talent to get noticed. As for the practice time, I think the bigger challenge is that, to an extent, they're all point. How many times have we heard about how the point has the hardest job because she has no one to watch (in the most practiced and consistent dance they do)? Now, they're (if I understand correctly) playing follow the leader, as the did in groups, but they're all, essentially, in the front. Sure, they had less time--the vets less than the rookies, really-- to adjust to a total format change, but, the typical training camp length was absurd. Entire Broadway shows go from table reads to previews, with full sets, sound, lighting, and costumes, in far less time. Any of the more complicated dances we've seen taught on the show by noteworthy choreographers may be incorporated by a small group in Show Group (I don't know; I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt), but they don't seem to perform anything nearly so complex or impressive as part of their game repertoire. I will gladly be corrected by someone more in the know (or has...been to a game), but they seem to have a few core dances for different rhythms and then a variety of eight counts that get rearranged into various permutations to make up their "fifty" dances. I think a first game will always have kinks, and this was, in many ways, new for everyone and probably had a lot of unknowns until the last minute, but I think it's more likely the vets' experience with OFTEN having to improvise around those unknowns (per "special performances"/last minute music or location changes shown on CMT unless those are created for drama, which is hella dumb because they always make the Cowboys organization look like a surprising clusterfuck of a company) that made most of them look more polished than many rookies. I don't think vets, particularly the ones who had proven themselves over the years, should have been cut to make way for rookies, mind you, but I'm glad the process change (and/or their finally grasping the shitass optics) opened the door for a bit more diversity on the squad, and loath as I am to say anything positive about TPTB, I think bringing in new women was the right choice, lest we be left with only Barbiezon and Lisa (and probably Maddie) as senior vets in a year or two, with 30+ rookies.
Perhaps she lives somewhere where they've started to let the womenfolk earn money outside the home? Also, if moving to Alaska, in a disturbing dictatorship communal living setting, has been a dream of theirs for awhile, this has to be a pretty optimal arrangement, financially. I don't know what the specifics are for this show re: participant pay vs cost, but, at the least, the pay from the show will mitigate what I assume would be pretty hefty initial investments wrt equipment, gear, and travel, and, if the community is successful, they've made inroads into making a more permanent move, and, if it's not, he's taken much less of a risk if he doesn't want to return and potentially gained valuable knowledge, resources, and, allies, if he wants to try it differently. And, potentially out of anyone, I could see Adam getting a spin off if he wanted, especially if it involved bringing his family and his new skills to create their own homestead or whatever the right term for it is*. *I still don't get how this works: do Jen and Andrew own that land? Are there areas of Alaska I could just move to and live off-grid, or would I have to buy it from the government so they could make sure there was no oil or magic wood or anything they could destroy first? (When people live off the grid in the continental US, is it just 'cause they don't have the infrastructure but they own the property, or are they living on unused federal or state land? If the latter, how does this differ from squatting except in a rural area? Yes, I'll show myself over to Google now).
It did. But Hannah got it. Last year, it was Kelli's diamond in the rough, and she pushed it through even though it couldn't defy basic laws of physics. This year, despite its incredible glow up in partnering, she tired of her shiny new thing and the person who fell out her turn and slipped on it held it, so she immediately reversed course and cut it and the cheerleader its toxicity had touched.
Steve has kind of blown my mind. I have never posted this because, in considering if the situations were reversed, I know this wouldn't have crossed my mind, so it didn't really seem fair, but, at this point, meh: Throughout the season, I had frequently wondered if he had a medical history that contributed to either a lack of libido or inability/difficulty to perform and didn't want to say as much on TV. At first I couldn't figure out why he couldn't find a way to communicate this Mishel off-camera. Then I saw Michael and Stacey Go to a Dinner Party, Parts I-XXIII, and, fuck no, I wouldn't be sharing nothing I didn't want making it on air with any of the trashbuckets on this show. Relatedly. I also thought he was significntly older than MisheI and was floored to learn that he's 53(?), only 4-5 years older than she. I had assumed he was at least 65. (I'm admittedly pretty terrible at guessing others' ages, but I'm just a few years younger than Mishel, so it's not like I'm some teenager who thinks everyone over 25 is An Old. I also sing in a choir that is otherwise all members of a retirement community and a frequently shocked to learn that someone I thought was in their early 60s is in their 80s; most of them look and seem younger, more active, and less set in their ways than he does. Although, I also thought Stacey was around my age, so maybe my agedar is just askew). So, when he comes in requesting someone in her 30s (and I learn he's 10-15 years younger than I'd thought), out go any stories I've created in my head about this poor man who's had cancer or is on some libido-eradicating antidepressant or has some more extreme version of ED (sorry, I don't really know how this shit works; I do girls 😉 ) and now I just think he's an asshole. However, I thought everyone else was the asshole when they kept pressing him about the attraction thing. Maybe he brought it on himself for saying what he did, fairly indelicately, while continuing to dangle the glimmer of potential in front of her, but he never said he didn't find her attractive; he said he wasn't attracted to her. To me, those can be quite discrete opinions. If he were an even bigger shit who'd flat out said he thought she was unattractive, eh, hammer away. I'm still not sure there's an inherently concrete answer there (think of all the studies they've done where's they've combined "the best eyes" and "the perfect nose" etc.. and that resulting image is rated among the least attractive; the whole is more than just the sum of the parts). But, when it comes to one person's attraction to another? That's so much more complicated. I could look at a picture of someone I agree is one of the most attractive people on the planet, but they might not be someone to whom I'd BE attracted (but I'm obviously a far greater slut than Steve, because, attraction or not, yeah, if the opportunity presented itself, much less threw itself at me, I likely wouldn't say not to a shag...) Whatever it is, no one came out looking good here. We may joke about how the American version seems to cast people just to ensure they fail, but, while the experts may be incompetent, at least they allege to give them support throughout "the experiment." Did the "experts" here ever do anything to support the couples or individuals? As far as I can recall, all they did was sit behind their police interrogation room window, making snide comments, and occasionally popping face to face at a dinner to stir the pot more than Michael.
I was. But I obviously should have edited the shit out that and saved my other rants for fifty other posts. So, short and sweet. Guy who Sydney allegedy followed to Texas allegedly got someone else pregnant. There was no allusion made to his being gay. The end.
Deleted an overly lengthy text with small bits worth posting and plenty of others that would have benefitted from a re-read. Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for your concern.
All Episodes Talk: Let’s Talk About Dr Phil the Show
methadonna replied to Lola16's topic in Dr. Phil
(Hope this isn't a dupe; I thought I posted last night, but it was chilling in the editor this morning, so I assume I fell asleep despite the sleep-paralysis-demon that is Robin). Now, please do not mistake this as defending Robin so much as my thinking it actually is kind of grosser: If I understood correctly, she and Wabisabi became BFFs when Wabisabi came to whore Her Brand on Robin's I've Got a Secret That My Husband Bought Me a Podcast and they Immediately Connected because black holes and physics and stuff. I don't think they actually knew each other before the vacuous kismet of I've Got a Secret Which Means I Don't Have a Secret crashed into Wabi Sabi Because Beauty is the Unbeauty, and OMG Is That Really U I Mean Plastic Surgery Skin Care spontaneously combusted or was the Big Bang or it was on the day god was resting after doing whatever the creationism thing they believe in or they're the crocoducks or it was 2020, why wouldn't they become besties, I don't know. But, I just learned the most interesting fact yet. Disclaimer, I never thought her whole story was made up from whole cloth, mainly because I think too many women have been raped for it be likely that she'd claim she was when she wasn't, but I did suspect that it wasn't in its original frame (sorry, use the term "self-help," and you've lost me). Well. I just looked her up, mainly because I wanted to see her if her TED talks were really TEDx talks, and it's WAY sketchier than that. This was after I'd already mocked her and Robin's friendship, mind you. Well, that friendship was no accident. That whole life coach business bullshit? Yeah, it's a little more nefarious than that. Her whole business model is "I've whored myself out on a million media platforms, perfected the formula for getting attention, and for the low low cost of [give me your information so I can harass you forever for pricing information], you, too, no longer shall wither away in the oblivion of a tree falling in a forest with no one to hear it to know if it makes a sound: I can teach you how to Tell Your Story and Get Attention. Lots of Attention. And the Attention Will Be Televised (and Podcasted! and Instagrammed and TikToked <--- that can't be the past tense! and TEDed! And Trending on Twitter. And whatever social media giant we haven't heard of this week but will have great cache next month! Did you SEE my resume? Because, like my BFF Robin, I have a secret. And, like my BFF Robin, with enough money, you can get whatever you want. Except consonants). btdubs, if anyone wants to take one for the team and report back, apparently you can "Watch [Their] Masterclass" to Learn the Secret Code to Grab the Media's Attention; I've already sacrificed too many brain cells having her heart-embossed logo indelibly imprinted in my mind, nevermind skimming the text; I'm out. (it just clicked, no pun intended, that it does NOT say watching it is FREE, so it's probably not. So, nevermind). I never like to make claims that I'm not sure about, but I really am not certain that the background image was the Dr. Schill promo shot when I first got to site. So, congratulations, everyone. From her own words, I don't think there is any reason not to be skeptical of her story, or at least her framing of it--she seems to all but brag that it was how she told her story that turned her into a media whore darling (yay cultural appropriation) nor of her BFFship with Madame Tusssaud. They were all part of the code, and she just needed to