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Everything posted by Froippi

  1. The Fitz and Enoch hanging out together was refreshing need to see more of that this season
  2. Really hoping for Fitz as a villain this season he be pretty badass as the villain
  3. totally agree its like Deja Vu all over again except this time its Simmons
  4. This episode was so boring I did sorta of like Cisco sub plot a bit but overall this was a bad episode next week looks promising though the conversation with thawne and that clock was interesting to also Sherloque finding out Nora deleted entries from Gideon
  5. Synopsis Friday maybe maybe that might help but I would not count on it
  6. Well one reason is if she uses her speed Eobard Thawne could sense her presence but that would be up for debate
  7. Iris really looked Heartbroken this episode I mean I get it the Green Arrow lets the darkness in and channels it The way she was acting it’s almost as if she had lost Barry
  8. Heck by time both Season 6 and Season 7 are both done filming we might not have seen one episode of Season 6 yet which is odd to think about lol
  9. Declan seems to be very fishy and up to something but not sure what yet
  10. As messed up as what Eliijah did was Hope was pretty guilty to since she put her mother in that situation to their both to blame plus I still believe his girlfriend mother manipulated him since she knew his memories had been wiped
  11. I believe Both Fitz and Coulson should not be brought back for season 6 it takes away from the Season 5 Finale but this is my opinion
  12. Interesting that Deke pushed himself away from Daisy this episode although I was glad those two our just odd for each other
  13. That’s not even the point if they understood the whole time travel point they would know in Season 6 he be brought back no way I can see them leaving Iain and Clark off of season 6
  14. I’m actually surprise how many people our upset with what happen to Fitz specially on social media Figure after what he did 5x14 more people would have been fine with this
  15. They surely are not considering recast for Eve and Mandy that be awful
  16. See this is how I felt either YoYo or Simmons needed to go they were the ones talking Invincible and Simmons automatically assuming she was going to have a daughter to thought Fitz got screw a bit I know he done some screwed up things but at least he was not talking Invincible and a daughter
  17. Glad they did not go well i’m Pregnant at least so far
  18. idk I always thought Fitz going was to obvious it won’t stick either Coulson is a bit more complicated but it it seems the reason the original timeline happen was cause Daisy couldn’t make the hard choice when it came to coulson
  19. hard to really care about what happen with Fitz when it can be changed so easily with Frozen Fitz
  20. Well no one is forcing anyone to watch this show if you don’t like how story telling is playing out you don’t have to watch it it’s your choice though
  21. This is how I felt the episode felt to slow for my liking the action scenes were good but overall the episode felt to slow for me
  22. Saving Billions always the bigger picture sorry have to let Coulson go as much as the Agents don’t want to
  23. Honestly idc either way was just saying I never saw if I got my way their would be no ships at all
  24. I have watch season 1 quite a bit and I have never got that feeling Fitz had this thing for Daisy as many people claim not sure where you all our getting this from
  25. Just to clear this up I never blame YoYo or gave her hate for it I actually believe what YoYo did was the right decision not sure trying to save Coulson should be the top priority right now either though starting to look like Daisy going to the alien ship might have consequences since House of Kasius has her now
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