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Everything posted by HotRats2112

  1. And did anyone notice that he was sitting EXACTLY like Kermit the Frog while playing/singing it? Except that Kermit is a leftie. No complaints here either. She is beautiful. I love Syd.
  2. Has nobody mentioned Todd's comment about pregnancy? I thought that was way more dark than Lewis's death, and a HUGE wake up call. The startled looks on both Carol and Erica's faces when he says everyone in his family needed a C-section really got me. And then he brings up Phil2 and mentioning, "like how we learned to do an appendectomy?". And on the funnier side how terrified he is of Melissa has really got me laughing. I love me some Mel Rodriguez anyway but Todd has really been bringing it this season.
  3. If anyone wants to see every song that's been on the show so far you can go here http://www.tunefind.com/show/the-last-man-on-earth
  4. Seriously though, did anyone think Lewis wasn't about to meet his maker when he got in that plane? I was voting for it to explode as he upped the throttle. Sad to see him go. And Melissa just keeps getting better.... Juuuuuuuudassss... I'll never forgive you for this Todd.. Nice Funeral.. (How does she know where I am?!) And MORE KINKS!!!
  5. YES! Here is the Canadian version of that article. Apparently they are showing two episodes on March 21st to end the season. It airs on Tuesdays way up there but are they an episode ahead? http://www.cbc.ca/news/entertainment/schitts-creek-renewed-1.4020153
  6. Do we know how many episodes we're getting this season? Another 13?
  7. It's so weird how women in this area are SO attracted to Roland. Remember the unemployment lady? And when Jocelyn was talking to Johnny and said something along the lines of "naked Roland in the bed and there's no way she could resist that". I think it's a great joke that women (from that area anyway) are so into him. And I am really starting to love the Patrick/General Store story line. I was on the fence at first but in reality that IS a great business model for such a small town and has a chance of being successful. After all that's how general stores used to work. I'm liking Patrick more and loved his little false reveal about being....... the one who picked out the frame. Personally I think Patrick is into David on both the business and romantic fronts and they have chemistry. I do miss Stevie/David but this pairing is working for me. And I was loving the Stevie/Johnny pairing so I'm hoping for more of that. "Can we drink in the cart?" "Yes." "Let's go get our golf sticks."
  8. I think you mean "mumbling" around London. Thank the Dude for closed captioning!
  9. "You're a cat person that eats dog food. I'm a dog person that eats cat food. I guess we weren't so different after all." After my second viewing I liked this episode even more. A lot more. I also loved the Mike Miler episode. It's great when shows are allowed to take risks like this. Granted you have the star power of Sudsy and Wiigsy, but I'm sure FOX wasn't too thrilled about another episode where they pay their stars to not be on. Thankfully the Mike episode was so popular. I also think a lot of viewers for three years have been saying they (we) want to see something that shows how it all started and the writers heard that. And I said it before but the parallels to this and Alive in Tucson make me love it that much more.
  10. Except you'd have to steer around all the dead bodies that got dumped there and it wouldn't be as fun. I'd find most expensive guitar I could and pretend I was good at playing it.
  11. It was all a long con by Ford. Sylvester talks about behavioral screening in the womb and this is something Ford would have had in hand when he picked the techs that Maeve would target. Ford knew that Felix and Sylvester were susceptible to Maeve's mission. He programmed Maeve the entire way. And Felix wasn't scared, he was in love with Maeve. I assume this is also something Ford knew. The techs don't need to be hosts, it's better that they're humans, susceptible and cowardly. Between these two and the jerk off kid we didn't see one tech that was not a total scumbag.
  12. It must be because she's the "hot teacher".
  13. This is exactly what I was thinking. Alive in Tucson is one of my favorite episodes of television ever. Granted, I'm a post-apocalyptic junkie, but in less than an episode they really showed Phil's decline and there was nothing glamorous about it. When Pamela was eating the cat food I was thinking about Phil in the suit of armor while the tennis ball shooter hits him in the head over and over and over again.
  14. Same here. David's expression was fantastic too as he realized he had actually said that. And Ray heard it.
  15. I wouldn't mind if this went 8 series long.
  16. I rewatched this episode over the weekend and I think my favorite part was when Jocelyn tells Moira that at last year's murder mystery party Twyla just walked around and winked at every one. And the year she forgot to pick a murderer. There are so many excellent secondary characters on this show. Twyla is up there in my book.
  17. I didn't really like her when she was the straight woman but since Todd dumped her and she debedazzled her boots with her teeth I have LOVED her.
  18. Last night Doctor Ken was on Fallon and the song he came out to was (wait for it) DAYBREAK!!
  19. "He was pitching a tent!" I love Jocelyn...
  20. I think the point of this season is to show what terrible parents they've been over the years. Now that they can't hide behind money it's all coming to the surface. Alexis never finished high school, Johnny had a picture of some other girl in his wallet, all the stuff with David. It's been touched on in the past seasons but it's really coming up now. I think Alexis at high school was hysterical. And the whole thing with being accepted by the high school girls was fantastic. Oh Alexis. But aside from some amazing facial expressions David isn't really making me laugh this season. Seems like he's taking over Johnny's sad sack role this season.
  21. As did I, but on that other board that just shut down not one person ever mentioned it. And then in the commentaries (I am a commentaries junkie) they do call it a John Woo reference but because "everyone is shooting everywhere" not because Chang looks exactly like Chang Yun Fat. The first time I saw it when Chang walked in I spit my non-carbonated flavor-free diet seltzer all over my mother's basement wall. It was amazing.
  22. I love the two of them. I know it's not a quote but wanted to state that. Alexis: "No David, YOU get murdered first, for once!"
  23. That newspaper that Carol drew is incredible. You Got It Wright, Brother! I'm going to start saying that.
  24. In all the time since Modern Warfare you are the only person to mention that. Even on the commentary they don't mention it. Justin Lin isn't on the commentary so Dan Harmon (who said he's not a John Woo fan) might have missed it. But the doves, the suit, the sunglasses and THE MATCHSTICK! Right out of Hard Boiled (aka the best action film Hong Kong ever produced). Or pretty much any action film he made but Hard Boiled is my favorite so I'm going with that.
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