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4Sibes Redux

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Everything posted by 4Sibes Redux

  1. I decided that what the TH family reminds me of is a colony of ants that excrete a scent when they perceive a threat that draws the other colonists to brainlessly ATTACK! ATTACK! ATTACK!
  2. This makes my eyes water every single time I have seen it
  3. Regarding the brawling TH family... My fiancé called me towards the end of the segment. I’m not sure what he said at the beginning of the call because I was mesmerized by the TH show. I interrupted fiancé by saying, “I’m watching the most amazing thing right now.” And then tried to explain it. I don’t think anyone has specifically mentioned that the entire family appeared to be much larger than the officer(s). I’m a big chick myself, and I was impressed at how agile mama was. Did anyone take note of the fact that at one point someone was trying to hold mama back & and her shirts seemed to be stretching or ripping off of her?
  4. I’ve been watching all the Beavis and Butthead episodes. If you stick a “Kong’s of Pain” episode in the middle of your marathon, it fits.
  5. I wish that they’d tell us how much time had elapsed between each species. The Australian guy, Adam Thorn, always has more welts than the American guy.
  6. It’s like “Jackass,” but without the attempt at humor.
  7. Someone ^ is as cynical about the world as I am. I am actually glad Amber didn’t get gel time because that would have been a lot easier for her to do than her probation and conditions.
  8. I rewatched this show and found it funnier second time around. I get a big kick out of the second tier characters like Shelby’s mom & Debra, the liquor store clerk. I hadn’t realized until second viewing that Shelby’s boss starts the call center ended up teaching her GED class. I absolutely love the character Kaitlin. There’s something about the actor (Melanie Field) that steals my attention each time she’s in a scene. I’m going to have to watch other stuff she’s been in.
  9. I very briefly was a member of the “Save Amber” group on FB because I was curious about the opinions. I jumped off after two visits because I was frustrated by their logic. On a discussion about Rhonda paying the bond, someone wrote something like this: ”It couldn’t be Rhonda because I think it was Cait who did it anonymously.”
  10. I actually had a conversation with my fiancé about the fact I want to get a machete. We live in a rural area and I saw a poisonous snake when I opened my car door. One of our dogs has been bitten by a copperhead twice in three years. I suggested that a machete could come in handy. My fiancé knows I watch teen mom, but doesn’t know the particulars. I tried to fill him in on the Amber details, but I doubt it made much sense to him.
  11. I was rooting for them, too. They have a solid bot and they are a great team. I just enjoy having someone to yell “boo” at with good cheer.
  12. How suspicious! Someone should alert the authorities? We can’t let one of the TM offspring escape to normality!
  13. I always enjoy cheering against Witch Doctor just because of the costumes, but I often root for them in matches. But I love the Minotaur with those intense, emotional Brazilians.
  14. Regarding Farrah’s “domestic goddess” videos... She thinks she’s funny for the wrong reasons. She’s funny when she’s not trying to be and we can laugh AT her. Why is she doing this? Does she think she’s going to get lead in a sitcom out of it?
  15. Anyone here ever watch the old movie 1976 “Network”? It’s about a tv network who decided to build its programming around a mentally unstable news anchor who threatened to commit suicide live on the air. It was a satire 43 years ago, but very close to reality today. The network in the movie realized that they would get excellent viewer numbers from people tuning in to see what the crazy guy would say & do. Here’s one quote from a network boss in the movie: “We’re not a respectable network. We’re a whorehouse network, and we have to take whatever we can get.”
  16. The standard perceptions of our society are changing. For example, Bill Cosby got away with his abuses for decades and ~2015 his victims started getting judicial help. This caused a shift in many people’s views on what sex abuse was and who the offender can be. Our societal brain isn’t used to having a “dainty” woman be the domestic abuser against a large man. But we are changing our perceptions here (which is a good thing). I doubt Andrew wanted to become a “poster child” for domestic violence reality. But that’s what’s happening. Amber, additionally, will go down in history for her own part in this.
  17. It’s not just you. I was too dainty to mention it. Lol.
  18. I was hoping for a Huge vs Duck match. Chances are it would be boring. But if it wasn’t, it could be fascinating.
  19. “Plaintiff Motormouth” (love that moniker) is just the sort of annoying villain I enjoy seeing on TV. As long as she gets her comeuppance.
  20. A few years ago when I was looking for a new place to live, I called a number on a craigslist ad and sent emails with someone who it turned out was running this type of scam. I caught on pretty quickly, Once I realized that this type of scam was prevalent on craigslist, I enjoyed searching for them. One of them showed a nice apartment in Central Missouri that was beachfront property with palm trees.
  21. It has become a modern day sideshow freak show. Actually, the argument could be made about many reality tv shows exploiting people like in the “good old days” of traveling shows with bearded ladies, extremely fat people, and “midgets.”
  22. Oh yeah, definitely. It made me remember a handful of weird days in my life in the late 90s when a “friend” tried to recruit me for Amway. I have a better understanding of why he may have suddenly ghosted me when I failed to join.
  23. When the gang was listing those who may hold vendettas, IZ mentioned “that prop guy” from seasons 1 & 2.” I wondered if this was a shout-out to Michael Cudlitz who was construction for the art department in the beginning of the series. He became the character Tony Miller a couple seasons in. I love the show because I feel it’s been made for “us” personally. But that’s not going to sustain it. It would be cool to have a 2-hour TV movie every year or 5. Like a class reunion.
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