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Sarah 103

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Posts posted by Sarah 103

  1. I'm okay with Mae changing her mind, but I need a reason for it. I do not understand why she had the sudden charge of heart. It makes absolutely no sense to me. 

    I feel like a missed something huge. When did Osha and Jecki become close friends. When/what was the big bonding moment that I somehow missed? 

    I don't understand why the Sith killed the wookiee jedi. 

    I will continue watching to see if they explain some of this in a later episode.



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  2. On 6/15/2024 at 11:51 PM, Emily Thrace said:

    I wonder if there wasn't actually a third faction involved and that is who Mae is working for now. They may have been lead there by the Jedi and attacked the coven for their own reasons.

    I also think the Coven probably has a connection to the witches of Dathomir. There was an Asian member of the group who didn't speak but got a fair bit of camera focus. Parent or Grandparent of Morgan Elspeth perhaps?

    As an Idigenous person there was a very Residential school  feel to this episode. The idea that the coven was not allowed to raise their own children in thier beliefs is deeply disturbing to me. The Jedi came across very cop like in this episode.  It reminded me a lot of the image below. https://www.aci-iac.ca/art-books/kent-monkman/key-works/the-scream/

    That said I don't think the show is saying the Jedi are really in the right here. This show is still about what went wrong and Jedi hypocrisy bubling beneath the surface. Offering it as choice to the children does make a difference but what does a 4 year old know about making that kind of decision?

    I get the very Hogwartz idea of keeping all the super powered kids in one place so they grow up accepting of thier difference and are less likely to go rogue. However as Rowling pointed making that mandatory makes it less about education and more about controlling the power these kids have. Which is another interesting facet of the Jedi order. They are basically the ruling governments attempt to control the Force itself.

    Which is why casting Osha, Mae and thier Mother as black women is actually rather brilliant. We see them go up against this clearly powerful white lady it gives a bit of shorthand to the power dynamics in play. It also makes Sol the Asian man playing more of a middle ground rather appropriate as well. Whether that was intentional or just unconscious bias might show in how the rest of the season plays out.

    Your analysis is brilliant and I'm willing to go along with the metaphor/symbolism. I'm curious if the wookiee jedi represents anything in this scenario. 


  3. 6 hours ago, tkc said:

    Tune in to hear Mon Mothma saying, "I had woot canal!"

    Either you go serious drama route with this and Leia fills in when Mon Mothma is out of commission due to the "woot canal" and this becomes one of the first moments you begin to see her as a potential leader in her own right or like the West Wing, you go the comedy route and have the absolute/worst least qualified person in the organization fill in for her. 

  4. @Uncle JUICE I'm not absolutely loving the series, but I also feel like everything we've seen so far is set up. I am willing to give them a bit more time to see where it goes and what/how things develop. 

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  5. 19 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    Or how about "Coruscant: A Star Wars Soap Opera" delving into the private lives of all of the senators. Judging by Mon Mothma's messy marriage we had a glimpse into on Andor I'm sure there are many stories like that to be mined! 🤣 

    I would legitimately watch that show. I would also like to suggest a more serious drama in the style of The West Wing focusing on Senator Bail Organa and his family. 

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  6. On 6/12/2024 at 12:31 AM, Annber03 said:

    He was such a great supporting character. "Romping with my school chums..."

    That was the first Gil quote I thought of it. It's from one of my absolute favorite episodes of the series. I'm curious to see how they bring the characters back and what they are doing. 

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  7. 8 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    And I know it wasn't popular, but I loved seeing little Leia on Obi Wan.

    The biggest problem with little Leia wasn't her existence, it's that she should not have been part of Obi-Wan's story at that point. A series about Obi-Wan post sequel trilogy and pre original trilogy was a questionable idea at best. Making Leia part of his story doesn't quite fit and didn't work for me. 

    A series about little Leia and how she grows up to be the rebellion leader we know and love would be a fantastic series, just not part of Obi-Wan's pre A New Hope story. 

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  8. I rewatched this movie recently. It is problematic, and it has its flaws, but I will absolutely defend it.  It showcases/helps to explain what attitudes were at the time and therefore holds historical value. It is also an absolute cinematic masterpiece. 

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  9. On 6/7/2024 at 3:01 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    Does he have a book to sell? He was on Real Time the prior Friday. 

    I don't think so because Jon Stewart would have mentioned it and shown a copy of the book on screen at some point. 

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  10. I liked it when it was case of the week and you had a classic buddy dynamic between Tess and Sunny. In the last few episodes of the season they introduced this big bombshell conspiracy and are setting up something similar for season 2.

    I don't like the direction where the show is headed. I would have been okay with them solving the murder that triggered Sunny's agoraphobia, but the convoluted story they went with was almost too ridiculous even for TVLand, and someone has to go pretty far out there for me not to be able excuse it as TVLand logic. 

  11. On 6/4/2024 at 8:04 PM, DanaK said:

    I'm amazed how many people in the comments section agree with me that Young Reagans (working title) should be the spin-off. Henry's commissioner, Frank is a detective (I wanted to see him in the 1970s as a rookie, but that doesn't work) because you need the children old enough to have interesting subplots at home with glimpses of them at school. 

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  12. My problem with Peggy Sue Got Married is that she does nothing to change or improve her life. Instead, she improves the lives of men around her. That aspect of the movie really bothered me. 

    I love American Graffiti. It's a dream of mine to see Lucas's version of the script with the alternate song choices. He had three possible songs mapped out for every scene. I saw it in a theater last year and it helped me appreciate what they did with sound. The soundtrack, the way they manipulated the songs, it has a distinctive sound that is not like no other movie. 

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    14 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

    I know CBS caters to an older demographic but I’m 59 and Matlock premiered the same year I graduated from college. I didn’t watch it then…

    CBS, if this is your demographic,well, that’s not good.

    I am still upset that this popular show was canceled 

    Since the show has no real in-universe connection to the original Matlock (she isn't a relative and she isn't a younger person taking over the firm and keeping the name due to the prestige/name recognition), the only reason for the series to have the name Matlock is to appeal to the mostly older audience who remembers the original series and will watch it. The only thing I can think of is that CBS thinks a good chunk of their audience and the segment they most want to have as viewers are people over 70.

    After seeing how well So Help Me Todd was doing in @tv echo's post, it makes me wonder what was kept/what could have been cancelled to save So Help Me Todd. I also like @seacliffsal's idea of waiting. The odds are something new would be cancelled midseason, and the new Matlock could have replaced that. 

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  14. On 5/30/2024 at 12:17 AM, possibilities said:

    So do we think "Sunny" is innocent? I am guessing solvine the case is Tess's next project.

    That's what I think too. The next case is going to be clearing her name and finding the real killer. 

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  15. On 4/26/2024 at 1:07 AM, roamyn said:

    The orderly or nurse from Hawkins wasn't really a "bad guy", just stuck working for a bad organization.   How many of the other "bad guys" the crew killed weren't really bad?  But Kali didn't care abt motivations or reasons or stories of her victims. 

    My guess is that Kali and her crew are operating based on the idea that any adult involved in the experiment/lab is fair game. In their minds, anyone who directly knowingly contributed to the organization and allowed it to function is evil and deserves to be punished or die. 

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  16. On 5/29/2024 at 11:56 AM, possibilities said:

    When it was first released, there was no way to see any movie other than on the big screen, in a theater. We didn't have streaming and DVDs back then. I don't even think we had VCRs. 

    When it was first released that was true. My question was why you were asking who saw it in theaters specifically as opposed to just asking who has ever seen the movie. Why does it matter if someone saw it in theaters when it first came out in the 1970s as opposed to seeing decades later on TV, VHS, DVD, or streaming decades later? 

  17. On 5/16/2024 at 6:27 PM, Orbert said:

    Same here.  Previews are spoilers as far as I'm concerned.  I'd rather not see them or hear about them.  (Apparently commenting on them is fair game here, though.)

    My understanding, and someone can correct me on the policy if I'm wrong, is that anything that airs with the regular episode is fair game, which is why the previews are not considered spoilers. Hopefully a mod will read this can clarify the policy. 

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  18. On 5/23/2024 at 11:29 PM, possibilities said:

    The Oremwood story is Kramer vs Kramer (anybody besides me old enough to have seen that move in the theater when it was first released?)... though Oremwood was a more involved father than Dustin Hoffman's character, before mom left. 

    I was not born when Kramer vs. Kramer  first came out in theaters, but I did see it on DVD decades after it was released.

    Although it is a good movie, very much of its time, and Hoffman gives an outstanding performance, there's no reason I can see to prioritize theatrical release. Movies on TV/rental of various format exist, and It's not Lawerence of Arabia, the 1959 Ben-Hur or one of the old school biblical epics that is legitimately better/demands to be seen on a big screen to fully appreciate it.  Unless I'm missing something, in which case I'll add to my list of movies to see on a big screen.

    I can't picture a divorce plot line and custody battle being an enjoyable/interesting arc for season 3. 

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    13 hours ago, hypnotoad said:

    I remember that! I suppose the issue these days would be Disney wanting to keep all of its stuff under its umbrella and app.

    I think this would be the larger issue. If they wanted to show something Disney, they would have to pay to license it, and showing Snow White or something else instantly recognizable as classic Disney is probably more expensive than showing something TCM already has the rights to. By "already has the rights to" I am including all of the classic films in the Warner Discovery catalog. 

  20. 5 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Agree, but the 2 leads don't work for chump change.

    I think I agree with @seacliffsal. The lead actors are an expensive fixed cost, but you can save money elsewhere. As others have suggested, Margaret, Susan, and Francie start their own legal firm. They bring Lyle along for the investigative side, and Todd rents a space within the suite for his deceive agency (although he is still helping out the new firm on a regular basis). This would mean far fewer supporting cast or background characters. 

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  21. On 5/18/2024 at 2:38 PM, Magnumfangirl said:

    And why was Jamie sharing a room with a woman?

    I didn't think Jamie was sharing a room with River. I thought she was just there to talk to him, get drugs, and sleep with him or whatever other sexual act he wanted her to do in exchange for the drugs.

    On 5/18/2024 at 9:54 PM, Snazzy Daisy said:

    Do Sid and Danny really believe that cops should receive special treatment when they break the law? Frank doesn’t.

    I think this episode did a great job of demonstrating that Danny is Henry's mini-me, and other episodes have shown that Jamie is Frank's mini-me. Danny and Henry are willing to look the other way, bend the rules, and what not in order to accomplish what they want. 

    Frank and Jamie would find a way to work within the rules and figure out some way to work the system so that everything is all above board to accomplish what they want. 

    I loved that the women at the halfway house referred to the drinkers as "juicers." I don't think I've heard that term used that way since Platoon (made in the 1980s, set in the 1960s). It always amuses me way too much when they have younger characters (not counting the grandkids) using old outdated slang for no real reason. 

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  22. On 5/17/2024 at 8:28 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    What a take down on the high school renaming.

    "If you're coming back to rename your old high school, you don't have much." "They're not going to have the energy to go to Charlottesville again." 

    Great job Josh Johnson.

    This was the first time I have liked one of the new younger correspondents. It seems like the writers are starting to figure out how to write for them, or at least write for him. 

    On 5/17/2024 at 8:45 PM, possibilities said:

    Desi's been great this week. I like her a lot now that she's abandoned the "crazy Desi" schtick.

    Until she started hosting, I didn't think I liked Desi Lydic, but it turns out I just didn't like the schtick/character they were having her do. When she gets to be herself, I actually like her. I feel the same way about Michael Costas. 

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  23. @EtheltoTillieIn my opinion, the only good reason to show the 1970s Mame with Lucille Ball is if it's part of a double feature that includes the 1950s version of the story based on original stage play Auntie Mame

    One summer (I can't remember what order I did them in, but I know it was not chronological order), I watched both movie versions, read the libretto of the stage musical, as well as reading one of the books the other works were based on. 

    "The Man in the Moon Is a Lady" is the only big improvement from the first movie/play. Having a big musical number go horribly wrong is funnier than having one cast member's bracelet get stuck to another cast member's costume/dress. 

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  24. On 5/17/2024 at 12:37 PM, Silver-hyren said:

    I am sooo salty this show was cancelled.  It got screwed over by the shortened season and long gap for March Madness, then ended just as the storylines they had going started coming together.  That ending was so abrupt I felt like I got whiplash.  Would have been rough enough if that was just a season cliffhanger, but to know we don't get a resolution or more time with these wacky characters in their nonsensical storylines (and Margaret's fabulous wardrobe) just makes me angrier.

    Agreed. I am going to go on a mini-rant and post an incredibly unpopular opinion (and yes I know how many people love sports and how well it does in the ratings and all about the Super Bowl as the modern gold standard for TV ratings). I have hated and loathed March Madness with a passion for years. I despite that sportsball ruins my regularly scheduled TV series (this has been the case since I was a little kid and whatever show I had wanted to watch on TBS wasn't on because an Atlanta Braves game was happening). ESPN is a thing that exists. If you want to watch sports, go to cable.  

    On 5/17/2024 at 8:20 PM, Night Cheese said:

    It took me a while to warm up to this show because a lot of the law/lawyer/legal stuff was very poorly written and it was difficult to mentally get beyond that. But MGH and Skylar Austin kept me in it and it really paid off. I don't know if the legal stuff got better or I just started enjoying it enough that I mentally handwaved the dumb writing.

    I don't think that aspect was poorly written. It's just that it's beyond TVLand law. The cases exist to have something for Todd to investigate and clash with Margaret over. This show is not a super-serious procedural that is barely attempting to be realistic/accurate. It's a throwback to Moonlighting which was a throwback to the old 1930s/1940s screwball comedies, only instead of a romance at the center, it's a mother/son parent/child relationship. 

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  25. On 5/17/2024 at 3:03 PM, iMonrey said:

    I'm still bitter about this. I know it isn't rational, but I hope whatever show they dumped Todd for tanks in the ratings this fall.

    I am going to irrationally hate whatever show they put in its place. Almost 20 years later, I am still mad NBC canceled American Dreams for the Martha Stewart version of The Apprentice.

    On 5/17/2024 at 4:55 PM, chitowngirl said:

    Matlock with Kathy Bates.

    My reaction is simultaneously, "Of course it is" and "You've got be kidding." She isn't even a relative of the original character. She just has the same last name, and it's trading on the recognition of the (mostly older viewers) of CBS who remember and loved the original. 

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