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Everything posted by readheaded

  1. No, not at all, thanks! I thought maybe I was unclear. I’m kinda nosy, so I like seeing people’s stuff, even if in this case, Suzanne won’t easily sell her house with all of it in there!
  2. My comment is relative to her home being for sale. Usually when people are selling their homes, they’re advised to remove most personal items that make it hard for prospective buyers to see themselves in the home. They’re also usually advised to clear clutter so the home looks more spacious.
  3. I was surprised at how much clutter and how many personal items were in Suzanne Somers’ house.
  4. Dr. Mercy seems a little stilted on camera. Was she on YouTube before the show like Dr. Lee? If not, it might just be that she needs more camera practice and will grow into the role.
  5. Agreed. Olivia doesn't want to be in charge of her toxic inlaws, she just doesn't want to be abused, steamrolled, or gaslit by them (just like her husband doesn't).
  6. Whitney also wears hair extensions because PCOS can cause head hair thinning.
  7. There is not one person on the second season that I care to watch.
  8. The only thing I find remotely interesting about this show is Pedro's backstory and him finding his father. And don't even try to make me care about River and whatever unfortunate person who would consider dating him.
  9. Kim will only make things right with Moriah to try to absolve herself of the mess she made with Ethan and Olivia. She’ll use the fact that Moriah “came back” as “proof” that she and Barry aren’t that bad or to blame in whole or part for the estrangement with Ethan.
  10. She's got awful taste for someone who could afford to dress very nicely.
  11. Yes, I got the sense that Olivia wants to do what is necessary to build a solid foundation for their relationship instead of doing what's fast and easy. If they stay together, that will give them the best chance for the long-run and if they don't stay together, at least they'll know they really did the work to figure out that they shouldn't. Ms Gay seemed so nice! Kim, OTOH, was her usual petty, judgmental bitchy self-centered self.
  12. Someone please correct me if I’m wrong, but I think Kenny had a property management firm.
  13. They could add her if her father has bought insurance for his medical practice employees, but not if he's got insurance through an employer, which would end when she was 26. She may have also bought a Marketplace policy for her and Avi. I'm not sure that she'd be able to get Medicaid coverage. Even if she met the means test, she'd have to be a CT resident and I'm not sure she meets that standard.
  14. I feel like I need general anesthesia just to watch some of those foot surgeries!
  15. The doctors on “My Feet Are Killing Me” regularly operate on patients under general anesthesia on camera.
  16. I think Ari’s full of crap in general, but she and Avi could be covered by health insurance in the US. If her father’s medical practice has a group policy, she could be under it or they may be covered under an ACA policy.
  17. I’ve heard him say that the guests enjoy meeting Amy and having her be dressed up.
  18. Those dresses look like nightgowns.
  19. She doesn't seem to understand her privilege as she stands there with the option to leave the ruins at any moment.
  20. If it’s the first few days of school, they probably have all their supplies to take in. And even if it isn’t, kids have a lot of stuff to carry back and forth.
  21. In their case, being away from their kids is probably better.
  22. Agreed. I do think she takes therapy seriously and is introspective enough to try to figure herself out. When have we ever heard Kim or Barry say they ever might have done something wrong in their relationships?
  23. They must not have wanted to wear the requisite sponsored clothing.
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