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Everything posted by Grommet

  1. I'm sure the people at my local warehouse/club store think I'm a cat hoarder. I get food for my feral colony there. I bought 4 cases of canned food and 3 big bags of dry food yesterday, and some chocolate for me. I'm middle-aged and overweight, so I fit the stereotype!
  2. Thanks for the link! It looks like a great idea (and the kitten was quite cute as well). I've got a little feral/stray cat rescue thing going on so I might try putting these in the shelters I've built.
  3. I agree that sometimes you have to throw things away and NOT LOOK BACK. I struggle with disposing of things that still have usefulness but, fortunately, I live in an urban area and most everything I put on the sidewalk gets snatched up before the sanitation crew comes through. And the fleece cover to the cat bed that got destroyed? In the big garbage bag because, NO, I am not going to make another bed to cover it with. irritable, I second the motion that you get a house cleaner while you recuperate - and perhaps beyond that. If I weren't so worried about people letting my cats out, I'd do that myself.
  4. It will not soak into skin fast?? So just dunk the baby quickly and everything will be fine. What the fuck is wrong with these people? From the shallow end of the pool, Rachel's mascara or fake eyelashes were way over the top tonight. Distractingly so.
  5. On the Hoarders FB page, Matt Paxton said he talks to Mary every week and that the house hasn't been re-hoarded. I'm pleasantly surprised to hear that, but I still hate her.
  6. Did he use the term "alluvial?" He seemed like a very thoughtful guy when he posted on TWOP.
  7. irritable, it sounds like you have some nasty first-hand experience with hoarding. My sympathies.
  8. I hated Mary. Those kids seem fantastic and they deserve a livable home. Ruby seemed to get a clue at the end. I hope she benefits from the aftercare.
  9. Jackie's story was full of weird. Her son and the explosives, her million dollar severance, WTF?? I thought her paranoia might just be a way to divert attention from the hoard but when she started talking at the reveal so matter of factly about people hiding in her house, she seemed legitimately nuts. I felt sorry for all the people who loaded up those trucks for the auction. What a waste of time!
  10. The bit with Rupert was just awful. Rupert seemed uncertain if Stephen were joking or not, especially about the sandwich renamed for him. I'm not sure why anyone thought it was funny.
  11. Here's an interesting article about how the bloom is coming off the rose for many tiny house people: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/home-and-garden/architecture/teeny-house-big-lie-why-so-many-proponents-of-the-tiny-house-movement-have-decided-to-upsize/article28035056/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link
  12. I very much liked the something/nothing segment. I prefer his smart stuff to his silly stuff.
  13. I agree that the coverage of the Flint story has been outstanding. But that makes a story like tonight's first segment about Trump in Vermont even more annoying. It was just pointless. She could have told us about people not being allowed in without pledging fealty and then moved on to real news. And I hate "watch this space." She's been saying it too often lately. But I still love her!
  14. JudyObscure, I had the same thought when Barbara said she lost everything - she didn't lose her kids! I know it must be overwhelming to lose all your possessions suddenly, but I think she was probably a hoarder already so her stuff was disproportionately valuable to her. (I did my usual exercise of "what would I take in a fire?" - the cats, my wallet, and my MST3K episode guide.) The young nephew of a friend burned down my friend's parents' house playing with matches. My friends' parents did not become hoarders, but the nephew has gone on to destroying cars and flunking out of college.
  15. I think you're spot on here. Hoarders definitely need control (thus having to look at every.single.thing leaving their house) and Judy's hoarding has a frosting of germaphobia, so I can see why she'd conflate "under her control" with "sanitized." As for assisted living, I've had personal experience with the care system (in NYS, anyway), and it's beyond depressing. There's barely enough room or resources for people who cannot physically take care of themselves so the mentally ill are surely not a priority.
  16. Wasn't Dr Tolin on some early episodes? Was he on with the woman who had 5 year old yogurt? (Non puffy, of course.) I thought he was great on this episode, trying various methods to get through to Judy.
  17. An iPad would work only if the hoarder actually wanted to read the paper. Most hoarders just want the possibility of doing that, and they need the physical paper itself to see and touch and churn through. There's no reasoning with hoarders who are mentally ill. I watched an earlier episode, with a former model whose daughter kept hoping she'd have a breakthrough of some kind, but it just didn't happen and it never will. Pointing out disordered thinking isn't enough to stop it. I have compulsions of my own and rationality is of very little use against them. I liked Dr. Tolin urging Judy to be courageous but I think she just doesn't have the emotional reserves to do it.
  18. Quite a contrast with these two. Barbara was clearly mentally unstable, with the usual hoarder's inability to gauge the value of things. Roxann seemed like someone whose life got away from her (new baby, dying mom) and just needed help getting organized. (I agreed with her that she didn't have too much fabric.) I'm not surprised she and her boyfriend split up, though - she's clearly a slob and he might be just a wee bit obsessive the other way. I think her house will be a mess again soon, but not a hoarded mess. But maybe that's how it starts! "Twenty years ago, Roxann's mother died of cancer and she never got over it." Cut to Joaquin talking about how he had to move to Aunt Monique's house so he could have some space.
  19. Judy was deeply unlikable but clearly mentally ill, a victim of her various OCD behaviors. I'm glad her daughter saved herself and got out of there.
  20. I caught a couple of episodes of Tiny Luxury on HGTV over the weekend. A good drinking game would be to drink every time the builders said something was "luxurious," as in - this 2 foot long shelf is made out of luxurious oak! The finishes were indeed quite lovely and the workmanship seemed good, so I enjoyed watching, even as I was wondering where people could even hang a coat in either of the homes.
  21. The winner gets a plate. Maybe it's the lack of a cash prize that makes the contest more amiable, less back-stabby.
  22. I wish I liked Lauren more since she was clearly the best baker. Tim improved the most and Nicole stepped up as well, so well done by them too. Because it can't be said too often: Mary is a delight.
  23. I ended up really enjoying this show, even with the forced inspirations and the dramatic personal stories. I liked Maeve more and more as the show progressed, with her sharp edges and crazy intensity. I think the 3 finalist s were pretty evenly matched and she made the best showing in the finale. I think I would have enjoyed eating many of the offerings.
  24. I just watched this today (I record the show) and it was a really well done piece of journalism. I liked that she got right to the point, rather than taking the long way around as she often does. I loved the interview with the doctor, who is indeed a hero. As for the governor and his shills, fuck those guys.
  25. I adore Mary. I'm going to check out her books. I just upgraded to the middle grade Kitchenaid (with the splash guard and the huge bowl!) and I need to test it out. I'm rooting for Tim, as he seems nice and his bakes have improved.
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